"I thought I was watching a science fiction movie to be honest," said Michael who at first thought he was losing his mind. He has no explanation for what he saw, only that it was not a plane or like anything he has ever seen before. The unidentified flying object (UFO) hovered in the sky in front of Michael for approximately two minutes. There was an "illuminous mist" below the object that Michael said he could only compare to glitter.
Michael had been watching a poker tournament on television which finished at 1.30am. He then turned off the TV after a few minutes of channel surfing. "That's when I saw it," he said.
Michael was held captive by the visual experience until the object disappeared behind the tree line. He then tried to wake his partner Marianne but she was too sleepy. "If I had my time again I would have dragged her out of bed," said Michael who then jumped in his Ute at his Mondrook home and drove to nearby Brushy Cutting Lookout. He didn't see the object again and so drove home and rang 000. Taree Police rang him back within a few minutes and Michael gave his statement to the Police. "I was buzzing," said Michael who also confirmed he had not been drinking and wasn't taking any drugs.
The conversation with police in the middle of the night roused Marianne and this time Michael was able to get her to put on her dressing gown and go with him, again driving to the lookout. They arrived to discover other people there. Four local men with two four-wheel-drives were looking into the sky and when questioned by Michael why they were there, they said they had "seen something." They described to Michael a massive orange light, seen from Purfleet which had gone down behind the trees.
"See I'm not crazy," Michael told Marianne who until this point had been sceptical of his story. "There's nothing wrong with my eyesight at 61 and nothing wrong with those young guy's eyes either," he said.
Michael feels blessed by the experience and doesn't believe it will ever happen to him again. "I'm a normal guy with sound mind," he said, aware that many will not believe his story. "Give me a lie detector test, " he said, "bring it on."
Michael has since written a four page report for a UFO investigator and said that someone is coming from Melbourne to interview him about his experience.
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