Sync Edu: False Flag U.F.O. Warning & New Dis-Info Development. (Video)
Sync Edu: False Flag U.F.O. Warning & New
Dis-Info Development. (Video)
Syncrenicity has warned many times this event will happen eventually as have many others. There is more going on behind the scenes than most can fathom and we have been trying to alert others to just what that is as well as the reasons behind such an event.
All of the Governments are working together and we have not been told the truth about any of it but the dis-information is coming out to distract us from the true goings on, on every level.
True goings on (as far as we are really aware of) is that we, the (Human Race) have a very real breakaway civilization keeping control of the masses as slaves (Birth Certificate Bondage) for “their agenda” and this is not “Dis-Information” but very real and provable fact (as those who study our posts know very well indeed.) The event “is” going to happen at some point (unless enough people know about it) and only those who are aware enough are not going to get caught off guard. If others have not educated themselves (to a point) where they are “ready” to handle the information they will be (pretty much) herded like sheep in the “wrong direction” so, it is of paramount importance in these times to get up to speed with reality and fast. It’s all our duty to let as many people know the truth as possible.
The Video above pertains to show a battleship being hit by a UFO very clearly but this is not actually what is going on. What is going on as you will see but the footage is that the video shows the explosion at the rear of the vessel and that there is no damage to the ship. This footage is an attempt to make people think about the possibility of the event occurring or otherwise known as conditioning.
The military industrial complex is preparing the people on mass to the forthcoming “Alien Invasion” they have had planned all along. They are hiding this technology from us in order to use it as a platform for further false wars and regulatory conditions to be placed upon the people all over the world with the global microchip population who are kept like slaves for good.
If anyone has any doubts on this and deeper issues then we have to say they have not yet looked hard enough into this whole issue. Like free energy, they have hidden it from all of us, all along. If we were “informed” we had access to “free energy systems” (in the past) we would not have power stations (nuclear or other,) smart meters, fracking etc, today. There are in fact, “other” reasons why these things are there. The whole point is we are being mislead under the (lack of energy) guise. Smart meters irradiate us, fracking poisons our water tables and nuclear should be self evident by now. If anyone is not up to speed with this we would suggest they see the first two books HERE for free. Putting it off will not help either. We have to deal with the problem.
The people are constantly being “programmed and prepared” to expect this and for very good reason as pointed out, the name of the game with any Govern-Ment (world over) is to keep it’s citizens “in the dark” till the final moments (when the Event will take place.) Under the “guise” of Earth being (supposedly) attacked (with a false flag alien invasion scenario) the people of the world will look to (and believe) the Government’s “Official Story” so to fall for it like most have in the past and continue to do today. The main stream media is a “tool of mass mind control” and also in the hands of the “same people” who wish the “real agenda” to be completed.
Either people will fall for the same old trick (as they have been conditioned to do) or won’t but at the end of the day it’s up to all of us Not to keep on believing their lies but to find out the truth for ourselves.
In the previous post we pointed out the following:-
We have a situation going on here and advise people to dig deeper into this whole subject so you are not one of those who will be “Fooled!” This WHOLE SYSTEM is underpinned on natural law (Ie, universal laws) and Nature uses “Trickery” all day every day. Those in control of the Governments are also “allowed” to use it on us and escape “Karmic Repercussions.” This works the same way the cat (Karmic-ly) get’s away with killing the mouse or the leopard uses camouflage to hide in the bush till it pounces to kills for its food. We are also being “Tricked” in a very similar way all of the time. If people just had the “Eyes to See and Ears to Hear” they will see and hear all the information they need to know. Peace…
“Were Being Fooled and It’s Way Past Waking Up Time!”
Morgan Kochel says:
Conversation with
A Man Who Went to Mars
by Morgan Kochel
…And there you have it! This was the end of our discussion about the Mars mission, but I have remained in touch with Chad. At this point, I hope to be able to convince him to do a video or TV interview, but of course, there will be more than a few obstacles to overcome, the main one being that he may currently be in some danger if he goes public.
Furthermore, there is always the barrier of peoples' understandable skepticism.
As I said in the beginning, I cannot verify this story for anyone, nor is my intent to convince anyone of its veracity. My goal is only to help him get his story heard, because if this story IS true, the people of this planet are being lied to on a grand scale, and perhaps this will eventually help the UFO Disclosure Movement. It's time for the lies to be uncovered, and time for the truth -- whatever that may be -- to be known once and for all.
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Sharing and distribution is appreciated.
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Deixem a desinformação começar
Rainbow of Love and Gratitude
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