History of FREE
by Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez, Co-Founder
The following is a brief history on the
formation of Foundation
for Research into Extraterrestrial
Encounters (FREE). Let me first
introduce myself. My name is Reinerio Hernandez but everyone calls me
Rey. I am currently employed as an Estate Tax Attorney with the IRS in
Miami, FL for almost 15 years. Previous to this, I was the Director of
the Center for a Sustainable Urban Environment at the City University of New York
and the Director of the Office of Community Environmental Planning for the City
of New York. I have attended Rutgers College, Cornell University and UC.
Berkeley for a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning. I was also the
recipient of the National Science Foundation Ph.D., Fellowship.
FREE began over a 3
day period. On day one, I was taken Out
of Body into a Matrix Reality and was “Downloaded” with very specific
information about the Contact Modalities and its relationship to Advanced
Physics/Consciousness. I was also given
instructions of a mission to “Inform humanity of the relationship between these
ETs, the Spirit World, and Consciousness/Advanced Physics”. Later that first day, Mary Rodwell received
for the first time a message I had sent her more than 6 months earlier. On day two, Dr. Rudy Schild called me at 9:30
in the morning. I had no idea who Rudy
was when he called. On the second day, I
had received an invitation by the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell who invited me to his
house the very next day. It was Edgar
and Rudy who encouraged me to initiate an organization that eventually was
named FREE.
My first contact
experience occurred in March of 2012 when my wife and I saw a floating energy
being, 2 ft wide by 3 ft in height, who changed appearances, who performed a
miraculous healing and controlled my mind during this process. My wife and my paralyzed dog (who we were
going to euthanize that same day) disappeared right in front of my eyes and I
was then put to sleep for 45 minutes. I
was not in bed but was in the middle of my living room with my wife. 45 minutes later, I woke up and my wife and
dog reappeared right in front of me but our dog was completely cured of her
total paralysis and returned with the energy of a teenager. My wife then began to see huge football
stadium size UFO crafts, less than 200 meters away, for the next 3 months. Later, my daughter and I, as well as 3 other
adults, saw a huge football stadium size UFO craft, less than 10 meters away
from us, floating only 3-5 meters on top of my neighbor’s house for 45 minutes
performing different light shows for us.
Since my first event
in March of 2012, I have also had numerous paranormal and PSI
experiences. One event occurred on May
16, 2013, the same week after I returned from my first UFO conference at
Sebring Florida. While driving in the
middle of a traffic jam heading to downtown Miami at 8:30 AM, I had what can be
described as an Out of Body Experience where I was placed in the middle of a
huge spinning wheel and I was given “instructions” by
some unknown “ET” (Non-Human Intelligent Being) that I “must complete” a
specific project. I
want to provide a very brief detail of the “downloaded” message that I
received. I had never experienced
anything like this and it freaked me out.
First of all, it was not a voice
telling me what to do. It was like a direct message was planted in my
brain. It was not a thought but more
like a telegram was being read in my brain.
Very difficult to describe but I will try. All of this occurred after I was “taken” Out
of Body and placed in some type of “matrix reality” where I was placed inside a
very large spinning wheel. Let me
I was driving into downtown Miami in
the morning rush hour. The time was
about 8:30 in the morning. I was listening to a public radio station interview
but towards the end of the interview, I was no longer driving my car in the
middle of a traffic jam. Instead I found
myself inside a large spinning wheel the size of a huge Ferris Wheel. I was in the center of this spinning
wheel. I felt that I must have gone Out
of Body into a “Matrix” reality. I saw myself
inside a spinning wheel with many spokes (imagine Huge Ferris Wheel) and I was
inside the fulcrum, (in the center of the spinning wheel) looking outward as it
was spinning around me. It had spokes which
contained inside each spoke the following topic areas: ET Contact, Near Death Experiences, Out of
Body Experiences, Contact via Meditation, Channeling, Contact via Remote
Viewing, Contact via Shamanic Journeys, Spirit World/Ghost Contact, etc. I then realized that these were various “Modalities”
of having contact with Non Human Intelligent Beings.
I was in the middle of this wheel
looking out at these spokes spinning around me.
Information then came into my head instructing me that it was
“Consciousness”, some type of advanced physics we do not yet know about, that
was holding the Contact Modalities together--
I felt that this vision was a very important “Key” to understanding the
true nature of our reality.
A detailed
message then popped into my mind. It was
not a voice but just instant information.
I call it my “ET Telegram” that had the following message:
"You need to inform
humanity the relationship between us (the ETs), the Spirit World (the reality
we transition to after our Death) & Consciousness/Quantum Physics”.
You will need
help. There are 2 criteria. This is not about making money and there has
to be minimal Ego.
This entire message was transmitted instantly
in its entirety. It was not some
information now and then more info later.
It was all one stream of information.
I call it an “ET Telegram”. It
was really weird and uncharacteristic of my thought pattern which usually comes
in bits of information spread out over time.
It did not come out like a “Voice” inside my head. It did not have an actual voice, it was like
a powerful THOUGHT information that was placed inside my head. It is very difficult to describe.
May 16, 17, and 18, 2013:
The same night after I got
this “ET Telegram” on May 16th, I got an email response from Mary Rodwell. Mary is one of the most
experienced researchers on the UFO related ET Contact phenomena and Experiencers
of this contact. She has interviewed and
investigated over 3,000 Experiencers of ET Contact over a 25 year period and
has written several books and numerous articles on this topic area.
In early December of
2012, I had sent about 10 well known researchers in the UFO/ET field an email
explaining my experiences of seeing the “Energy Being” inside my house, the
crafts and beings seen by my wife and the huge craft my daughter, myself and my
3 friends had seen in late August of 2012.
If I recall correctly, I only received 3 responses-- Mr. Whitley Strieber, Grant Cameron and Joe
Montaldo through one of his volunteers.
More than 6 months
later, Mary responded to this email I had initially sent in December of 2012
but she waited 6months to respond to this email. In this email she informed me that she was
sorry for responding 6 months late but that she had just received my
email-- the email had just popped unto her screen today even though it was 6
months late.
That same day that I
got Mary’s response to my 6 month old email, I then sent her an email and informed
her about the “ET Telegram” I received at 8:30 AM that same morning and the instructions
I received during my ET “Download” that
I need to undertake a project regarding the relationship between ETs, the
Spiritual World, and Consciousness/Quantum Physics. Mary responded to this second email almost
immediately and she showed me for the first time how to use Skype. We then had a Skype conversation and we got
to know each other. I asked her if she
has a custom of going back 6 months to search for emails. She started to laugh and stated to me “Rey, I
can barely keep up with one day’s worth of emails let along going back 6 months
to search for lost emails, LOL.” She
told me that she never does this and that my email just popped in front of her
computer a few hours ago-- the same
exact day as my ET Telegram. She then
told me: “Rey, you know for a fact that your email was deliberately placed in front
of me by these entities”. I told her that I agreed with her and we both
I also sent Mary an
email containing my diary containing my family’s “UFO Contact Experiences” and
told her that after my initial ET contact inside my living room I began to read
many UFO books up until late August of 2012 when my daughter and 3 friends had
the very close encounter with that football stadium sized UFO. I then told her that I instantaneously
stopped reading UFO books. Instead I
began to read like a crazy person books on only two subjects: Near Death Experiences and “Consciousness
Studies” which discussed the physics behind what is “Consciousness” and the NDE
Experience. I told her that I began
reading these books 12 hours per day, 7 days per week until I had my 3 NDE
related experiences, 3 days in a row on December 21, 22, 23 of 2012. I told her that the first 3 individuals I
ever mentioned NDEs to, 3 days in a row, December 21, 22, 23, all had NDEs and
that this was NOT a coincidence.
Mary then informed
me that a very good friend of hers, Dr. Rudy Schild, was an Emeritus Professor
of Astro-Physics at Harvard University and that he is interested in ETs,
Consciousness Studies, and Quantum Physics.
I totally forgot about this individual until he called me the next day
at 9:30 in the morning. He called me up
and I had no idea who he was.
I had never heard of
his name before. In fact, I later found
out that Dr.
Schild is an Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and that
he was a retired tenured professor in the Physics Department
at Harvard University, and the Editor-in-Chief of the “Journal
of Cosmology”. He is also an expert
on Black Holes and also served on the Board of Directors of the John Mack
Institute and was a dear friend of Dr. Mack.
I was awestruck. I informed
him of all of my ET “adventures”. He was
fascinated. He informed me that in fact,
the information I received in my “ET Telegram”, that all of the so called
“Contact Modalities” can all be explained through the Quantum Physics of
Consciouness was indeed correct. He told
me that all of the Contact Modalities I saw in the spinning wheel are all
interrelated and that Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s Quantum Hologram Theory of
Consciousness and Physics explains how these so-called paranormal phenomena are
For the next 90
minutes Rudy began to spoon feed me like a baby the quantum physics of Dr.
Mitchell’s Quantum Hologram Theory-- a
theory of Consciousnesses and our multi-dimensional reality. This theory explains all of the paranormal
phenomena including how ETs interact with us--
how they go through physical objects, telepathic communication, movement
of craft, etc. He then explained to me
that “Quantum Physics” can explain a lot of this phenomenon. He spoon fed me basic quantum physics and
spoke about the physics of “cosmic consciousness” and how this phenomenon can
explain ETs and their appearances.
Rudy even informed
me that he had been working with an Experiencers Group of the John Mack
Institute and worked with Dr. Mack for many years before his untimely
death. I told Rudy that maybe my download information
might have been about developing a weekly TV show based similar to “UFO
Hunters”. The show would have focused
each week on a specific contactee’s experience to be followed by himself as the
Quantum Physicist explaining the quantum physics of the contactee’s
experience. He had also told me that he
had been working with group associated with the John Mack Institute on a
similar documentary project.
He told me that if I
can pull this project off that he will assist me in any way possible including
serving as the “Science Advisor” for any future documentary, TV series, or
“Organization”. Rudy then encouraged me to
establish an “Organization” to implement my vision. Thus,
it was Dr. Schild who first suggested about forming an “Organization”.
Rudy then told me to
write down a telephone number he was going to give me. I wrote down the number. He then told me that this was the telephone
of his mentor. I then asked Rudy, “Rudy,
who is your mentor”. He then stated Dr.
Edgar Mitchell-- the person that had
taught him about the importance of the Quantum Hologram Theory of
Consciousness. Rudy told me that he was
a very good friend of Dr. Mitchell, that Edgar was his mentor and that he lived
only 90 minutes away from me in Palm Beach County. Rudy then informed me that he was going to
email and call Edgar regarding the nature of our discussions and that I needed
to be taken seriously. He then
encouraged me to call Edgar.
Dr. Schild informed
me that Dr. Edgar Mitchell is a dear friend and was his mentor on the topic of advanced
physics and consciousness studies. Before
I had my “awakening”, I knew very little of Dr. Mitchell except that he was
mentioned in almost all of the books I read on the Physics and Science of what
is Consciousness. Now I know that Dr.
Mitchell was a member of the Apollo 14 mission which was NASA's third manned
lunar landing, that he was the 6th man to walk on the moon, that he has a Ph.D.
in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT, was the founder of the Institute of
Noetic Science, the Father of UFO Disclosure Movement, and the Father of the
Physics of Consciousness Studies and PSI.
Outside of his NASA work, Edgar is probably best known as one of the
early pioneers of the UFO Disclosure Movement.
He was the key individual that brought the various military and ex NASA
employees to testify in the various UFO Disclosure symposiums. Without Edgar, the Disclosure Movement would
not be where it is today.
IMO, Edgar should be best known for his
work on “Consciousness Studies” and the Physics of Consciousness. In fact, very few individuals know this side
of Edgar’s life. After retiring from the
Navy in 1972, he brought together many of the researchers working
on the PSI phenomena under one umbrella, first with the Stanford Research
Institute and later with the Institute for Noetic Sciences. Edgar later developed a not for profit
physics organization called “Quantrek” that researched the physics of zero
point energy and the physics of the Quantum Hologram. Edgar was also key to incorporating Quantum
Physics, particularly the Quantum Hologram Theory of physics, into the phenomenon
of what is “Consciousness”. He is now
known as the Father of Modern Scientific
Consciousness Studies and has devoted his life to studying human
consciousness, together with psychic and paranormal phenomena in the search for
a common ground between advanced physics and consciousness studies. Over the last 40 years, Dr. Mitchell has also
devoted most of his free time to investigating Zero Point energy, the physics
of energy healing, and research on the physics of the Quantum Hologram. Rudy has always told me that “Edgar deserves
the Nobel Prize”.
I have been to Dr. Mitchell’s house a total of 15 times and it has
been an honor and privilege to have known him and to have received his blessing
and guidance.
After speaking with Dr. Schild, on May
17th, the next day after I received my “ET Telegram”, I worked up
the nerve to call Dr. Mitchell later that afternoon. Dr. Mitchell picked up the call and mentioned
that Rudy had sent him an email earlier in the morning and that he had just
spoken with him. He mentioned that Rudy spoke
very highly of me and that he was expecting my phone call. WOW!
We then had a short conversation which just like Rudy’s call literally
blew my mind. Edgar then invited me to
his house for the very next day which is in Lake Worth, just 90 minutes from my
house. I accepted his offer and we
agreed that I will visit him the following day at 10 AM.
When I arrived at Dr. Mitchell’s house,
we exchanged stories. He told me about
his “awakening” in space and his early years growing up in Roswell, New Mexico,
the site of the world famous Roswell UFO crash.
He told me that he worked at a local airport when he was a young teen
and he was paid via flying lessons.
Edgar’s parents owned two farm supply stores in the Roswell area and
that he knew most of the ranchers and workers in the area because they were
always in his parent’s stores. He told
me that after he came back from the moon he was not only a national hero but a
hero to the folks in Roswell. When he
returned to Roswell, many of the old timers and their children began to pull
him aside and told him very intimate
stories of the ship that crashed in Roswell.
Edgar informed me that based on the information he was given by very
reliable individuals, individuals he had know most of his life, that the
Roswell crash was real. He then told me about his work as a test pilot for the
Navy. He also told me that many of these
test pilots were admitted into the NASA program as Astronauts. He even told me of some of the “Experiences”
of the astronauts, including Russian Cosmonauts, in space that were similar to
his involving a series of paranormal experienes. The stories went on and
After a 4 hour exchange of stories,
Edgar agreed to work with me in any project I decide to undertake. Just like Rudy, Edgar informed me as follows: “Rey, you need to start an organization to
accomplish the mission YOUR ETs gave you”. He told me that I was given a “MANDATE”. He even informed me that he can get all the physicists
in his Quantrek Foundation to assist us as well. All of these scientists are a “who’s who” in
the field of Consciousness Studies and Quantum Physics. Once again, he told me that he will support
me in any way possible with this new organization. I told Edgar, the same that I told Rudy,
“I have no idea what this organization will do”. Edgar told me, “don’t worry, it will come to
you, it always does”.
After my meeting
with Dr. Mitchell, I sent an email to Mary Rodwell and told her what had
happened 2 days after my ET Telegram and that Edgar and Rudy would be my
“Scientific Advisors” with any organization I decided to start. Later than night we spoke on Skype and I
informed Mary that Edgar and Rudy had encouraged me to start an
organization. I asked Mary whether the 4
of us can become the Co-Founders of this organization and that Edgar and Rudy
agreed to be our initial Science Technical Advisors. Mary agreed to join us and several days later
Mary came up with the name “Foundation
for Research into Extraterrestrial
Encounters (FREE)”.
I later informed Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr.
Schild and Mary Rodwell and all agreed
to be Co-Founders of FREE. Thus, FREE
was started over a 3 day period under the guidance of some unknown Non-Human
Shortly thereafter, several
academics and non academic researchers were interested in joining FREE. Within one month, we had some of the leading
researchers in the field of ET Contact and Consciousness involved as official
members of FREE. FREE did not have a
formal governing structured but just a loose structure of volunteers.
In July of 2013, two
months after I had my “ET Telegram” and FREE was formed, I wrote a paper titled
“The Quantum Hologram Theory of ET Contact” which was reviewed and commented by
3 FREE physicists, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Rudy Schild, and Ralph Steiner. Each of them approved the paper for
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