
Be of GREAT HEART our dear friends.




For it is written in the stars.

Are you not ALL ‘Children of the stars’? Did you not KNOW what you had decided and then came to Earth to put it into place?

The Federation o Light -- 16th August, 2014

to gain space


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Castellano -- SALENA MIGEOT ~ UN MENSAJE PARA SU SER 22 de abril del 2016


22 de abril del  2016

Queridísimos Míos: 

Nos estamos dirigiendo a ustedes con un sentimiento de granimportancia y relevancia en este día.  Ustedes están progresando a través de un portal masivo que les permitirá elevarse crecientemente a su potencial.  Esta oleada de energía por la que están pasando moviéndose literalmente a través de la Tierra, a través de lo que algunos de sus científicos han llamado el Cinturón de Fotones, es el equivalente vibracional del manifestar más energía y luz en sus campos personales.  A medida que asimilan esto, probablemente se sentirán másligeros, más expandidos, más abiertos y con una mayor  aceptancia, y probablemente operarán más según lo que se siente correcto en vez de lo que se les ha dicho es lo correcto. 

Van a empezar a tener cada vez más la experiencia de saber exactamente lo que es correcto para ustedes.  Van a estar  operando a un nivel diferente -- un nivel que les permita hacer elecciones basadas en la resonancia del corazón, la mente, y el cuerpo en vez de solamente lo que tenga sentido mentalmente. Se les ha dicho que no hay una cura para el cáncer.  Durante décadas han existido organizaciones que supuestamente han estado buscando una cura.  Han recibido billones de dólares en donaciones que no recibirían más si se encontrara una cura.  En consecuencia, hay gente que está recibiendo exorbitantes sumas de dinero para perpetuar el mito de que no hay cura para el cáncer.  ¿Piensan que si una de estas organizaciones encontrara / inventara una cura la compartiría con el público en general?  

Queridos Míos, la gente ha estado esperando sanar del cáncer por muchas décadas mediante medios naturales.  El cáncer es 100% curable, sin importar lo que muchas industrias médicas y farmacéuticas los han llevado a creer.  Hay una creciente evidencia de que la quimioterapia no funciona para curar elcáncer, y hay cada vez más procedimientos y sustancias que sí lo curan.  Además de eso, hay tecnologías empezando a emerger que tienen la habilidad de curar muchas de sus enfermedades mediante diversos medios -- luz y sonido, pulsos energéticos, manipulación de energía mediante [rayos] lásers, y otros medios de romper la energía tóxica que crea cualquier tipo de enfermedad.   

Todo es energía, y cuando la energía es bloqueada y se estanca, sucede la enfermedad.  Introduciendo un tipo diferente de energía para romper el bloqueo y permitir a la energía  estancada fluir de nuevo se repara el cuerpo/mente/espíritu de la enfermedad, siempre y cuando la energía no se estanque de nuevo y prevenga el libre flujo del movimiento de energía por todo el cuerpo.  Por este motivo la gente sana de varias  enfermedades sólo para contraerlas de nuevo.  En lo relacionado al cáncer, en la mayoría de los casos el estado llamado remisión no es una cura.  El cáncer sigue estando 'vivito y coleando' en el cuerpo, aparentemente latente, pero de hecho es como un ejército que se retrae a fin de planear su próximo ataque.  El cáncer no puede sanar completamente a menos que se erradiquen las células cancerosas.  El extirpar los tumores o lesiones cancerosos nunca es una cura porque el cáncer sigue estando allí.  Es lo mismo con la quimioterapia. La quimioterapia nunca puede sanar por completo el cáncer porque su raíz sigue estando allí.  Así que aunque la cirugía o la quimioterapia pueden despejar el cáncer visible, la raíz que tomó años en desarrollarse y sigue estando allí crecerá de nuevo formando más tumores o lesiones.

SALENA MIGEOT -- A Message for Your Soul April 22, 2016

A Message for Your Soul April 22, 2016

Dearest Beloved Ones, 

It is with a sense of great moment and import that we address you this day. You are progressing through a massive portal that will enable you to arise to your potential more and more. This wave of energy you are passing through literally through the Earth moving through what some of your scientists have named a Photon Belt is the vibrational equivalent of manifesting more energy and light in your personal fields. As you assimilate this, you will likely feel lighter, more expanded, more open-minded and accepting, and you will likely operate more by what feels right rather than what you have been told is right. 

You will begin to have the experience of knowing exactly what is right for you more and more. You will be operating at a different level - a level that allows for you to make choices based on heart, mind, and body resonance rather than just what makes sense mentally. You have been told that there is no cure for cancer. There have been organizations in existence for decades that have supposedly been looking for a cure. They have received billions of dollars in donations which would stop if a cure was found. Therefore there are people being paid exorbitant sums of money to perpetuate the myth that there is no cure for cancer. Do you think if a cure was found/invented by one of these organizations, it would be shared with the general public? 

Dear Ones, people have been healing from Cancer for many decades by natural means. Cancer is 100% curable regardless of what many in the medical and pharmaceutical industries have led you to believe. There is ever growing evidence that chemotherapy does not work to cure cancer and there are ever more natural procedures and substances that do. In addition to that, there are technologies beginning to emerge that have the ability to cure many of your ills through various means - light and sound, energetic pulses, manipulation of energy through lasers, and other means of breaking up the toxic energy that creates any form of disease. 

Everything is energy and when energy is blocked and becomes stagnant, disease happens. Introducing a different kind of energy to break up the blockage and allow the stagnant energy to flow again repairs the body/mind/spirit of disease provided that the energy does not become stagnant again and prevent the free flowing movement of energy throughout the body. For this reason, people often heal from various diseases only to contract them again. When it comes to cancer, in most cases, the state that is called remission is not a cure. The cancer is still very much in the body and seemingly dormant, but in fact, it is like an army that retreats in order to plan its next attack. Cancer cannot be completely healed unless the active cancer cells are eradicated. Cutting out tumors or cancerous lesions is never a cure because the root of the cancer is still there. The same with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can never completely heal cancer because the root of the cancer is still there. So while surgery or chemotherapy can clear up the visible cancer, the root that took years to develop is still there and will grow again into more tumors or lesions.

Dear ones, it is imperative that you all know this because cancer affects every one of you to some extent or another. Cancer and many other illnesses have become an industry. There is more and more information coming out about ways to actually heal cancer by eliminating the root without chemotherapy or surgery. Some of these involve eating pure organic (non-pesticide laden) foods and only pure organic foods. This "Cure Diet" would involve no animal/flesh foods whatsoever including eggs and dairy. It would involve only those grains that have not been genetically modified (toxically developed). It would also involve abstaining from alcohol, caffeine, and other highly acidic foods and beverages which includes all forms of sugar except fresh organic fruit. 

This diet may seem extreme, but if you had the choice of dying of cancer or living with a seemingly limited but actually very healthy, delicious, and abundant diet what would you choose? For those of you who say eating organic is too expensive, we say: When you eliminate all those things that cause disease through pesticides, GMOs, or high acidity, you might actually save money. And you will certainly be saving tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. You could also speed up the detoxing/healing process by doing certain Ayurvedic processes like skin brushing, colonic enemas, herbal cleanses, and many forms of energy healing. Any healing modality that moves energy is beneficial. There are literally thousands of energy healing modalities world-wide. It is up to you to find what resonates for you. 

We would like to talk about resonance now. In this context, resonance is a feeling of 'rightness' about something. It feels right/beneficial/ in the highest good. If something or someone does not resonate with you, it is your Higher Self's way of informing you that is not the path or person for you. Having said that, there is resistance which often gets in the way of being able to feel resonance. If you are not open to something and are therefore resistant to it, you will not feel resonance with it. Therefore, we highly suggest that you ask friends, family, or work-mates if they know of any energetic healers. That way, you can learn from their experience about whatever practitioner and modality they have used or know or have been referred to. As with anything else, it is beneficial to get a second and possibly a third opinion 

When you place your trust in someone in the healing profession, it is a sacred bond. You are placing your mind/body/spirit in their care. It is very important to feel resonance with whatever practitioner you are working with wether it is someone in the allopathic medical world or someone in an alternative modality. You are your own authority. You are sovereign. No one else has the right to do anything to you or your body without your permission. If anyone treats you with disrespect, we suggest you find another practitioner. You do not need to give any reason other than "This does not feel right for me." If the practitioner does not respect your choice, that is further confirmation that they are not the right person to work with you. 

Dearest ones, if you feel like a number, like wherever you are is a factory for processing people through whatever procedure you are there for, that is not the place for you. Some of you have limited choices in your health care practitioners due to the kind of health insurance you have. If you are planning on receiving some kind of medical care, we suggest you pre-screen your doctor/practitioner by going to their office and making the appointment in person IF it feels right for you. You can gain volumes of information by seeing their office space and how they interact with people. If an alternative practitioner does not have regular office hours or does sessions out of their house or rents space and you can't get a sense of them that way, we suggest you simply call them and ask whatever questions you have. If someone is not willing to spend a few minutes on the phone with you to answer your questions when you call or they are not willing to call you back, that is not the right person for you. 

We suggest you network for your bodily care as much or more than you would to get a good plumber, car mechanic, dentist, etc. Be willing to shop around for your health care. By not doing that, you give your power away. You do not have to settle for anything less than what feels exactly right to you. Anxiety about an appointment or procedure can effect the outcome so it is best for you to be completely at ease and trust whoever you are going to. It is worth the extra time to prescreen someone to contribute to your best possible outcome.

Know that the passage through the Photon Belt is underway and as it progresses you will feel more in alignment with All That Is. You will feel more connected to Spirit and all of life. You will feel more in tune with what is truly in your highest good as well as what is in the highest good of all. You will make great strides in your personal life when you tune in more to your intuition and what feels right for you. When you stay in the flow of saying yes to those things that feel right for you and no to those that do not feel right for you, you are being your own authority and acting as the sovereign being you were born to be. The more of you that align to what is in your highest good, the better your life, your experience, and your world will be. 

We are loving you powerfully, Dear Ones.

And so it is.

The Collective of Guides

Friday, April 22, 2016

Manifeste des Éveillés par Zen Gardner -- video/ Romanian Translation: Manifestul celor Treziti

Du Manifest of the Wakened

Manifestul celor Treziti

Tradus din engleza, din textul original al: Zen

Micului grup
care este în cauza,

Subiectul acestui manifest:
Înrobirea deliberata a poporului
nostru, si a planetei noastre.

În timp ce continuati sa dati vina în mod ipocrit
 pe omenire pentru teribila soarta a lumii noastre,

Manifesto of the Awakened by Zen Gardner - Jan 12, 2016

To the Few Whom This Concerns:

Re: The deliberate subjugation of our people and planet

While you continue to hypocritically blame humanity for the dire plight of our world, we hereby put you on notice that we are well aware that it is you, the financial, corporate, military, scientific and governmental agents and most of all the dark shadow forces behind you, that we know full well comprise and empower the destructive global power grid, that are responsible for our current engineered crises and overall social condition.

You’ve brought us and our planet to the precipice. If you do not cease and desist, what is soon to come will be blood on your hands, cause untold suffering, and all for naught as far as your designs are concerned. You too will shrivel up in the dustbin of history as just another invasive parasite that couldn’t succeed in its self-serving designs for all its efforts.

Know that.

We hereby officially notify all those complicit in this massive control program that:

  • We are aware of your efforts to dumb down, anesthetize and control the world’s populations.
  • We are aware of your destructive programs to sicken and alter humanity through the chemical, electromagnetic and genetic modification of our food, plants, animals and ourselves.
  • We are aware of your wanton destruction of our earth, skies and oceans through resource exploitation, geoengineering and weather modification.
  • We are aware of your many false flag events and surreptitious “strategy of tension” schemes purposely designed to keep the world in perpetual fear and continual wars against fabricated outside enemies for control and profit.
  • We are aware of your fascist medical designs to drain and destroy humanity via the decrepit allopathic medical system based on profit and ill health at every level, including the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, invasive and debilitating treatments and deliberately damaging vaccines.
  • We are aware of your moves toward a worldwide police state based on hyperbolized fear and disinformation to manipulate humanity in order to get an unspoken imprimatur to execute your program of control and subjugation.
  • We are aware that your political crony establishment is all staged and designed to distract from the real issues and keep the populace occupied and feeling like participants while you work your nefarious program.
  • We are aware of your falsely imposed vampiristic taxation system to fund further bureaucratic bloat, controls and an overarching agenda of genocidal wars on innocent peoples, and that it is arbitrary and our sovereign choice to simply not participate in any longer.
  • We are aware that a select few major corporations with vested interests in this global agenda now control almost all media and that mass media is nothing more than a mouthpiece of propaganda to these ends.
  • We are aware that your “entertainment” industry is simply socially engineered entrainment towards personal and social distraction, chaos and degradation.
  • We are aware of your AI, electromagnetic grid and mind manipulating designs and technologies that are being imposed to further expand your psychopathic control program.
  • We are aware that you repress emerging technologies that threaten existing parasitic profitable ones, such as the hazardous petroleum and nuclear industries, when alternative energy sources and other such solutions have arisen for many decades which you have suppressed.
  • We are aware that you sequester knowledge and information in a vast array of fields to keep the general populace in the dark and thereby disempowered as to our true historical context, while you are coveting secret information and carrying out advanced covert research for your own ends.
  • We are aware that you have stigmatized, marginalized and seek to outlaw any form of criticism, questioning or dissent using whatever excuse you can manufacture.
  • We are aware of your oppressive, enslaving monetary and legal control scams, private fractionalized banking pillaging, and twisted cravings for money and power in an imposed control system that never needed to exist in the first place.
  • We are aware of your falsely postured institutions, foundations, institutes, charitable organizations and international bodies such as the so-called United Nations and its many agencies and agendas being used to further develop your global control plans and programs.
  • We are aware of your secret societies, blood line allegiances and luciferian, freemasonic, Babylonian and otherworldy roots that propel the wickedness of your self appointed leaders. We are aware of your ritual sacrifices, paedophelia and bestiality inclinations and other sordid practices, all of which are anathema to our conscious race.
  • Ad nauseum…
This will be tolerated no longer.


  • We are aware that you know we are on to you. We stand fearless, fully committed to humanity’s well being. You are shallow, self-serving and seriously misled guns for hire working for a control system being engineered by powers beyond your knowledge that will devour you, just as you seek to devour us.
  • We are aware of who you are. Your days are numbered. Your designs will soon be visited upon your heads if you do not drastically change your ways. Universal law dictates it. You know it, and we know it. Hence your sloppy, miscreant behavior being so thoroughly exposed which you so furiously attempt to deny and suppress. This futile lashing out only works toward the exposure of open truth and the awakening’s favor.
If there is an ounce of humanity left in any of you, defect and help us expose and bring down these life ending forces. You, your children, your grandchildren and anything you may still hold dear are already suffering and will also perish in the catastrophe we are soon destined for if you do not respond.


A last warning.

We are aware. We are awake and activated. We will do everything within and without our personal power to see our race and planet survive and shake this parasitic invasion. Our planet itself will not take this attempted overthrow. Know that, and expect repercussions from Her, as well as us, a gathering storm of sacred truth you cannot possibly fathom.

Your opposition, resistance and puny, short-sighted efforts are dwarfed by what awaits you.
Will you find your humanity in time? We think many of you could, and those of you who do will be welcomed amongst the awakened. However, we realize many are beyond redemption.

But don’t try to fool us. We’re more on to you than you could ever imagine.

Just watch and see. We will surprise you, just as you fear.

We’re here. We live. We cannot be stopped nor thwarted by any means despite your flimsy efforts.

The truth and love we bear are coming for you. Truth and cosmic resonance cannot be denied and any aberration from it will be mitigated.

That’s just the way it is.

Think about it. If you dare.

The Eternally Awakened

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Dr. Rudy Schild, Executive Director of FREE (EXPERIENCER.ORG)

Dr. Rudy Schild, Executive Director of FREE (EXPERIENCER.ORG)


Welcome to FREE
The Foundation for Research of Extraterrestrial Encounters

FREE is an open air university and support network for anomalous contact experiencers and researchers alike. We provide guidance tools and connectivity to those who are willing to brave controversy in order to achieve a deeper understanding of humanity’s fundamental nature. FREE was created to bridge a gap between mainstream scientific thought and credible challenges from the deep unknown.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Co-Founder of FREE, Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters - video

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Co-Founder of FREE, Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters


Welcome to FREE
The Foundation for Research of Extraterrestrial Encounters

FREE is an open air university and support network for anomalous contact experiencers and researchers alike. We provide guidance tools and connectivity to those who are willing to brave controversy in order to achieve a deeper understanding of humanity’s fundamental nature. FREE was created to bridge a gap between mainstream scientific thought and credible challenges from the deep unknown.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell discusses ET Contact, Consciousness, and the Experiencer Research Project - Video

Dr. Edgar Mitchell discusses ET Contact, Consciousness, and the Experiencer Research Project


Welcome to FREE
The Foundation for Research of Extraterrestrial Encounters

FREE is an open air university and support network for anomalous contact experiencers and researchers alike. We provide guidance tools and connectivity to those who are willing to brave controversy in order to achieve a deeper understanding of humanity’s fundamental nature. FREE was created to bridge a gap between mainstream scientific thought and credible challenges from the deep unknown.

FREE’s Programs for 2016

Welcome to FREE
FREE’s Programs for 2016

“2016 is the Year of the Experiencer:
Disclosure from the Bottom UP”


FREE has 11 academic professors, scientists and researchers undertaking the first ever long term comprehensive ACADEMIC research study on the UFO related Contact Phenomena-- The FREE Experiencer Research Study.  Our research study will focus on individuals who have had any type of UFO related “Contact” with a “Non-Human Intelligent Being”.  The study is being conducted in the following languages:  English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and other languages.  Confidentiality and anonymity are strictly enforced.

No one has ever attempted this type of academic research study.  Our study is comprised of 2 quantitative surveys totaling 600 questions, written responses to 60 open ended questions, and a structured comprehensive interview.  As of December 1, 2015 we have received over 2,500 responses to our surveys.  The objective of our study is, for the first time, to have extensive statistical and cross tabulated data and qualitative data on the phenomena of UFO related Contact. We expect to complete various peer reviewed academic publications and books by the Spring of 2017.   All of our summary data will be made available to the public on our FREE website, EXPERIENCER.ORG

History of FREE by Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez, Co-Founder

History of FREE

by Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez, Co-Founder

         The following is a brief history on the formation of Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) Let me first introduce myself.  My name is Reinerio Hernandez but everyone calls me Rey.  I am currently employed as an Estate Tax Attorney with the IRS in Miami, FL for almost 15 years.  Previous to this, I was the Director of the Center for a Sustainable Urban Environment at the City University of New York and the Director of the Office of Community Environmental Planning for the City of New York.  I have attended Rutgers College, Cornell University and UC. Berkeley for a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning.  I was also the recipient of the National Science Foundation Ph.D., Fellowship. 


         FREE began over a 3 day period.  On day one, I was taken Out of Body into a Matrix Reality and was “Downloaded” with very specific information about the Contact Modalities and its relationship to Advanced Physics/Consciousness.   I was also given instructions of a mission to “Inform humanity of the relationship between these ETs, the Spirit World, and Consciousness/Advanced Physics”.  Later that first day, Mary Rodwell received for the first time a message I had sent her more than 6 months earlier.  On day two, Dr. Rudy Schild called me at 9:30 in the morning.  I had no idea who Rudy was when he called.  On the second day, I had received an invitation by the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell who invited me to his house the very next day.  It was Edgar and Rudy who encouraged me to initiate an organization that eventually was named FREE. 

         My first contact experience occurred in March of 2012 when my wife and I saw a floating energy being, 2 ft wide by 3 ft in height, who changed appearances, who performed a miraculous healing and controlled my mind during this process.  My wife and my paralyzed dog (who we were going to euthanize that same day) disappeared right in front of my eyes and I was then put to sleep for 45 minutes.  I was not in bed but was in the middle of my living room with my wife.  45 minutes later, I woke up and my wife and dog reappeared right in front of me but our dog was completely cured of her total paralysis and returned with the energy of a teenager.  My wife then began to see huge football stadium size UFO crafts, less than 200 meters away, for the next 3 months.  Later, my daughter and I, as well as 3 other adults, saw a huge football stadium size UFO craft, less than 10 meters away from us, floating only 3-5 meters on top of my neighbor’s house for 45 minutes performing different light shows for us. 
         Since my first event in March of 2012, I have also had numerous paranormal and PSI experiences.  One event occurred on May 16, 2013, the same week after I returned from my first UFO conference at Sebring Florida.  While driving in the middle of a traffic jam heading to downtown Miami at 8:30 AM, I had what can be described as an Out of Body Experience where I was placed in the middle of a huge spinning wheel and I was given “instructions” by some unknown “ET” (Non-Human Intelligent Being) that I “must complete” a specific project.  I want to provide a very brief detail of the “downloaded” message that I received.  I had never experienced anything like this and it freaked me out.

         First of all, it was not a voice telling me what to do.  It was like a direct message was planted in my brain.  It was not a thought but more like a telegram was being read in my brain.  Very difficult to describe but I will try.  All of this occurred after I was “taken” Out of Body and placed in some type of “matrix reality” where I was placed inside a very large spinning wheel.  Let me explain. 

         I was driving into downtown Miami in the morning rush hour.  The time was about 8:30 in the morning.  I was listening to a public radio station interview but towards the end of the interview, I was no longer driving my car in the middle of a traffic jam.  Instead I found myself inside a large spinning wheel the size of a huge Ferris Wheel.  I was in the center of this spinning wheel.  I felt that I must have gone Out of Body into a “Matrix” reality.  I saw myself inside a spinning wheel with many spokes (imagine Huge Ferris Wheel) and I was inside the fulcrum, (in the center of the spinning wheel) looking outward as it was spinning around me.  It had spokes which contained inside each spoke the following topic areas:  ET Contact, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Contact via Meditation, Channeling, Contact via Remote Viewing, Contact via Shamanic Journeys, Spirit World/Ghost Contact, etc.  I then realized that these were various “Modalities” of having contact with Non Human Intelligent Beings.   

         I was in the middle of this wheel looking out at these spokes spinning around me.  Information then came into my head instructing me that it was “Consciousness”, some type of advanced physics we do not yet know about, that was holding the Contact Modalities together--  I felt that this vision was a very important “Key” to understanding the true nature of our reality. 

An Overview of FREE -- The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters.

An Overview of FREE

The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, FREE

         FREE was formally incorporated as a Not for Profit Research Organization on July 15, 2015.    FREE has been established by various retired Ph.D. Physicists, Ph.D. Scientists, Ph.D. Psychologists, Ph.D. Neuroscientists and lay researchers to facilitate investigations into “UFO related contact experiences with non-human intelligent beings and associated paranormal activity, from a grounded and rigorous scientific foundation”.  These interrelated subjects include alleged UFO related extraterrestrial encounters, UFO related contact with non-human intelligent entities from parallel worlds or other dimensions, plus UFO related associated manifestations that appear to violate known physical laws. 

         The initial FREE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, are as follows:  

·                   DR. RUDY SCHILDThe Executive Director of FREE is DR. RUDY SCHILD.  Rudy is an Emeritus Professor at the Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at Harvard University, following an extensive career studying Dark Matter, Black Holes, and the fluid mechanical origins of Cosmic Structure and the Physics of Information.  Because of his long association with Dr. John Mack and Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Rudy became interested in the formulation of a coherent understanding of the nature of space-time in the Universe, and is a champion of the Edgar Mitchell quantum hologram formulation of the nature of existence and reality. As Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cosmology he has attempted to broaden the scope of scientific inquiry to include the nature of consciousness and the Universe of Universes.   

·                   DR. EDGAR MITCHELL:  Edgar was the 6th man on the moon and Apollo Astronaut; founder of the Institute for Noetic Sciences; Father of the Disclosure Movement in Ufology; Consciousness Studies researcher who has published numerous academic articles and books in this arena and on the Physics of Consciousness.   

Friday, April 15, 2016

SALENA MIGEOT -- Castellano -- Mensaje Canalizado para el Ser - 4 / abril / 2016

Mensaje Canalizado para el Ser - 4 / abril / 2016

Queridísimos Míos: 

Ustedes son la Luz del mundo. Ustedes nos han estado esperado / a Dios / a algo fuera de ustedes para que los 'salvara.'  Esto no funciona así, Queridísimos Míos. Ustedes son el cambio que desean ver.  Ustedes ya han manifestado una gran cantidad de cambios vibracionalmente.  Les pedimos que permanezcan enfocados en todo lo bueno en el mundo, todo aquello por lo que están agradecidos, todo lo que desean perpetuar, y que dejen ir todo lo demás.  Literalmente, si algo no los hace sentir bien, no los eleva, no les da esperanza en la humanidad, no le presten atención.  Déjenlo ir.  Esto es con respecto a todo lo que está mal en el mundo, todos aquellos que parecen estar determinados a promover el odio, la intolerancia, la ignorancia y que personifican la codicia, la violencia, y la carencia de las cualidades del amor, la compasión, y el servicio para el mayor bien de todos. 

Si no dan energía a esa gente y situaciones, la energía alrededor de ellos se disipará y buscará una energía más fuerte a la que adherirse.  Si la mayoría de ustedes da su energía a lo que es bueno, se manifestará eso que es bueno.  Éste es un principio muy básico del mundo físico, y la mayoría de ustedes no lo comprende y lo hace más complicado de lo que es.  Tal vez el bien que ustedes ayudan a manifestar mediante su enfoque en él no sea lo que han visualizado o esperado, pero estará a la par energéticamente - elevándose por encima de lo que ustedes quiere superar. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

SALENA MIGEOT -- Channeled Message for the Soul April 4, 2016

Channeled Message for the Soul    April 4, 2016

Dearest Ones, 

You are the light of the world. You have been waiting for us/God/something outside yourselves to 'save' you. That is not how it works, Dear Ones. You are the change you wish to see. You have already manifested a great deal of change vibrationally. We ask you to stay focused on all that is good in the world, all that you are grateful for, all that you would like to perpetuate and let go of all the rest. Literally. If it does not make you feel good, smile, does not elevate you, does not give you hope in humanity, do not give it any attention. Let it go. This goes for all the ills of your world, all those who seem determined to promote hatred, bigotry, ignorance, and who embody greed, violence, and lack the qualities of love, compassion, and service to the highest good of all. 

If you do not feed people and situations energy, the energy around them will dissipate and seek stronger energy to adhere to. If the majority of you are only feeding energy into what is good, that good will manifest. This is a very basic principle of the physical world and most of you do not understand that and make it much more complicated than it is. The good you help manifest through your focus on good may not be what you envisioned or hoped for but it will be an energetic match -  a rising above what you are wanting to rise above. 

You have a leader who you do not agree with. Do not show up for them in any way and they cannot continue to lead. Many of you are unaware how much you feed the very people and situations you abhor or want to avoid through talking about them, sharing information about them, and feeding them energy in countless ways. If you do not want to feed a person, group, or situation, do your best to ignore it/them and feed your energy to its/their opposite, nearest opposite, or ideal on the other end of the spectrum. 

We invite you to put this suggestion into practice and see how YOU shift energetically as a result. When you do not place your attention on that which you do not like/want, you lift yourself up above that, you maintain a higher level of energy physically and vibrationally. If you put this into practice, you may find you have more energy to do more in your day and in your world. 

Opposing energy is much more difficult to maintain than flowing energy. Stay in the flow of what you want and simply avoid the opposing energy. Do not engage it. Allow it to move around you without allowing yourself to get sucked into its current or wake. If you would like to avoid a person or situation, do not worry about encountering them in any way. Each morning, say a prayer for assistance to only engage in what serves your highest good. If you find yourself focusing on or worrying about a situation, mentally envision the opposite of what you want - see yourself running into someone you would love to see, who you always feel energized around. See yourself getting into a situation that creates more opportunity, abundance, or connection for you. 

Do not engage with that which you do not want in any way - through your thoughts, your words, your  choices, or actions. If anyone tries to engage you with that person or subject, enlighten them by saying, " I choose not to feed them/that my energy because that is not what I want to contribute to the world." They may look at you as if you are strange at first, yet when they digest what you say it will make perfect sense to them. If they are very attached to watching television, or reading or watching everything that comes into their e-mail inbox or their social media stream, it might take a few repetitions for this message to sink in. That is  okay. The more you apply it to your own life and the more you share it with others, the more you are being the change you wish to see and the more you will affect your world for the better. 

We are loving you powerfully, Dear Ones.

And so it is. 

The Collective of Guides 

Channeled by Salena Migeot


Terra Galactica

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“Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men.”

This Christmas, Give Peace

I Decree



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