Paranormal Encounters, Time Windows, And Extraterrestrials By Basil C. Hill
The average human being has an active imagination. However, Hollywood producers have advantages over the average person, mainly, in that their imaginations are as large as their wallets. Since Hollywood has the ability to portray and profit from their imaginative works, they have succeeded in cementing their concepts of what extraterrestrials should or do look like---in the minds of millions.
This article must address those issues in a practical and sensible way. To do so, I have to hold my balance on the narrow bridge of investigative journalism. If I slip, I will fall on the side of lyrical confusion or on the other side of scientific fantasy; so I have a very narrow road to tread. I can only do this if readers hold me up tolerantly. For the record: I do not smoke or do drugs. It takes a lot of arm twisting for me to take non-natural foods into my body.
Most people have had, and still do have repeat nightmares. Psalm 91 in the Torah and the Bible tell us that those are night terrors-- types of evil extraterrestrial beings. Science-fiction movies feature hosts of them in starring roles. However, they call them space aliens and/or "extraterrestrials." From my many years of research, the Torah, the Holy Koran and the Bible all accept and document that there are extraterrestrials.
I have counseled prisoners. Too many prisoners have documented cases of paranormal experiences. One particular penal institution that I visit has an active guillotine. You cannot pay the most feared prisoners to go there at night, especially on moonless nights.
I once dated a lady who came to an exotic island for a vacation. She seemed very reserved and distant. The only social partner she ever had, a former husband, succumbed to a long illness and died. I encouraged her to move on with her life. I took her sailing and taught her to snorkel. One night while dancing closely under the stars at an exotic night spot, we took a walk outside.
This situation was different. The relationship was very strong--physically. I met and fell deeply for an Irish Pentecostal pastor's daughter. I could not have known that when I met her. Both of us had strong spiritual roots. None of us knew it then.
I met a couple on vacation. I invited them sailing. When I drove to pick them up to take them to the marina, the wife was visibly shaken and exceedingly pale. She asked me to look out the window. She showed me a crumpled piece of foil paper.
Every institution that dispenses knowledge should be made to take oaths affirming truthfulness. They also need to say openly: some things are classified. After all, Erich von Däniken has collected a mixture of well-documented, and also some questionable evidence from either past advanced civilizations, or construction sites worthy of more scientific research.
After all, not all scientists are atheist. In fact many are devoutly God-centered. Science cannot shake a person's faith. In my case, it is scientific knowledge that prompted me to seek better understanding (of many formerly unknown supernatural events) that cemented my faith. That bedrock of knowledge makes my faith so much harder to shake because I can speak, teach, and share things from a been-there-done-that point of view.
I have been documenting known paranormal activities for years. I have enough factual experiences to make a case that time windows exist. When I finally get scientific corroboration, then I will partake in intelligent discussions on whether or not U.F.O's exist or existed. To some people, every highly-unusual aerial manifestation is a U.F.O.
Bear in mind that from now to the end of time is future, and from the beginning of time to now is past. Whenever future and past intersect, we create a temporary dimension called "present"--Ecclesiastes 3:15 "That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past."
There needs to be a truce between religious and scientific educators. The chasm that exists between proponents of human evolution and proponents of creation is a lame excuse for not sharing valuable retrieved data. It is no secret that the Library of Alexandria was burned.
It is so sad that few preachers teach about the behaviour and types of evil spirits; others simply discourage and try to dissuade their flock with such dribble as "demons are not around today." If those enshrined with the tools to teach neglect their duties because of fear and/or ignorance, then people will search for readily-available resources: movies and movie-influenced explanations.
For more detailed research data, check the links posted below.
Suggested : "The Golden Fleece Found" by Basil Hill-- and also check