Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 05:30 AM PDT

Publicado a 13/06/2014

Project blue beam which is well documented and talked about could be in operation now as a new video showing a near earth object in mid day skies shows a projection of a eye. 

The US government are ready to make a false return of Christ to have a one world religion for the planed NWO which every countries leaders keep bringing up in press conferences. Is this video the start? NASA put the Mona Lisa projection on the moon did you know that also? There is some bad evil stuff, the Devil deceives so If there is a return of Christ by projection and the world notice its not real, the world will think this was the work of satan, Deceived by our leaders.

 They have to make this thing work properly and so real you cannot not believe what you witnessed and with microsound technology on satellites you will hear god in your head and he might stay there for a long time, hey he might make you go insane or change you into a slave worker saying ill be quiet if you do your work lol, If this happens its your government and not actually God the all mighty.

Do you believe this is a satellite projection?

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