Monday, December 26, 2016

Deutsch -- Zingdad: Was ist Liebe? (3)

Veröffentlicht am 26. Dezember 2016
Zingdad (Arn Allingham), Die Aufstiegs-Schriften, Bd. 1
Kapitel 11: Was ist Liebe? (3)
(1) Was genau ist Liebe?
Ich habe dir gesagt, dass das Einssein in einem Zustand vollkommenen Gleichgewichts existiert. Dass das EINE reines, unendliches Bewusstsein ist und dass Es deshalb alles und nichts ist. Du bist ein untrennbarer Teil des Einsseins, und du existierst als ein differenziertes Wesen mit verschiedenen Eigenschaften, weil du aus verschiedenen Ungleichgewichten erschaffen bist. Diese Ungleichgewichte entstehen, wenn du oder dein Inneres Selbst unterschiedliche Vorstellungen über dich aufrechterhalten. Du identifizierst dich stark mit bestimmten Eigenschaften des Einsseins (Ich bin dies und ich bin das.) und sehr schwach mit anderen Eigenschaften (Ich bin nicht jene anderen Dinge.). So bist du also in einem Zustand des Ungleichgewichts und wirst auch so lange darin bleiben, bis du dich gleichermaßen mit allen Eigenschaften des Einsseins identifizieren kannst und folglich auch mit keiner. Nun, Liebe ist die Kraft, die dich ins Gleichgewicht zurückziehen wird. Sie ist das, was dich zum Einssein zurückbringt. Liebe macht ganz, was fragmentiert ist. Liebe bringt alle Teile des Puzzles an ihre rechtmäßigen Plätze zurück. Es ist die Liebe, die es dir ermöglicht, die Illusionen der Trennung zu durchschauen und sogar für einen Moment das Göttliche in den Augen von anderen zu sehen. Liebe zieht zusammen, was auseinandergebracht wurde. Wenn wahre, reine, bedingungslose Liebe in deinem Bewusstsein spielt, dann wirst du wirklich, wo immer du hinschaust, Einssein sehen. Und weil es nichts gibt, was nicht zum Einssein gehört, siehst du die wahrste Natur von allem. Du durchschaust alle Illusionen und alle Lügen. Du siehst, dass alles und jede/r ein Teil von dir ist, so wie du ein Teil von Allem bist. Es bedeutet, aus deinem Herzen zu wissen, dass alles göttlich ist und dass es nichts gibt, das nicht göttlich ist. Dass alles vollkommen ist. Dass nichts falsch ist. Dass alles deiner Liebe würdig ist und dass es keinen Anlass für Angst oder andere negativen Emotionen gibt. Das ist Liebe.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Chinese--A Message from Your Guides 12/21/16


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

SALENA MIGEOT -- A Message from Your Guides: December 21, 2016

  A Message from Your Guides   December 21, 2016

Beloved Ones,

It is with great anticipation that we greet you this day. There are gifts being delivered to your world that will significantly change your life for the better. Initially, these changes will be ones that will be of benefit to all in the form of detoxifying your environment, allowing greater ease and flow through many of your systems, and allowing for you all to have equal opportunities regardless of your current circumstances. As the changes continue, you will see a very large influx of new technologies from your galactic brothers and sisters. We understand you have been enculturated to fear or disbelieve in any beings that are not Earth-based. Dearest Ones, if your galactic neighbors and benefactors had any ill intentions, they would have acted on them by now. They are far beyond you in technologies. Many of them are supremely advanced spiritually speaking and they are well versed in universal laws. Therefore they understand that what they do affects all. Their understanding of energy, karma, reciprocity, thought transference, manifestation, and all things of what you would call a metaphysical or spiritual nature are where your civilization would take thousands of years to get to without their assistance. We are not saying that every being that is not of Earth is benevolent. We are saying that those who are guiding you to your greater evolution and potential are protecting you from others that have darker intentions.

Know that the light always prevails against darkness. When you are in a space of darkness, all you need is the presence of light to dispel the darkness - wether that be a candle, a flashlight, an open door, or, consider when there is a power outage -  knowing the layout of the room you are in and what it contains gives you a great deal of knowledge of how to navigate it in the darkness. This is a good example of how knowledge can overcome fear.  When you have enough knowledge to ward off fear, you can move  through any situation unencumbered by fear. That is exactly what we wish to do in this transmission - arm you with knowledge that will allow you to move through any unfamiliar territory without fear.  

First and foremost, know and own that you are loved, guided, protected, and supported in every moment with every breath. We have repeated this over and over and over again through these messages so that you would take that credo into your awareness and knowing. If you operate from this knowing, it is so much easier to dispel fear.  As things are, many of you are operating from a place of fear. You will be very grateful to your fellow earth beings who have learned to dispel fear as they are now prepared to lead you out of the darkness. Make no mistake, what you are living through now is darkness. Just as sometimes it only takes opening a door or turning on a light to dispel darkness, these ones who have largely overcome fear will be able to eradicate darkness by knowing how to dispel fear and navigate through darkness into light. How does one overcome fear?  By knowing and trusting that you are loved, guided, protected, and supported in every situation. This works very well if you take it into your knowing, awareness,and beliefs. Think of the biblical David. He triumphed over Goliath because he knew he was loved, guided, protected, and supported in every moment with every breath. Every great hero biblical or otherwise believes that they are greater than any perceived evil and therefore have not only the right and privilege, but the destiny to prevail. 

We bring this message to you at this Winter Solstice for you to know that all we say symbolically is literal and all we say literally is symbolic. So, just as the northern hemisphere of your planet is bathed in darkness on this day, every day from this day forward until the Summer Solstice there will be increasing light. We ask you to understand that with each day that passes, the light of greater understanding, harmony, peace, and abundance is increasing across your world. For those of you who are wondering about those in the southern hemisphere, know there is always balance. 

The balance of the light and dark and the northern and southern hemispheres will have moved up on the spiral of life.  This 'higher,' more evolved, lighter, and less fearful place will be your new normal.  That upward spiral will continue until you arrive at a level of peace, joy, and prosperity for all that is your divine birthright.  

It does not matter if you pick up a drink when you have been sober. It does not matter if you have given your power to someone by blaming them for your circumstances. It does not matter that you might not have given your best effort in a certain endeavor. It does not matter that you might be overweight, depressed, unhealthy, harbor unsavory thoughts, that you have taken advantage of others, that you are skilled in what might be called dark ways, that you feel incapable of loving your brothers and sisters, that you feel superior, that you lie, that you feel unable to measure up to the expectations of those who love you, that you are self-centered and therefore not in service to others, that you would rather beg, borrow, or steal than use the gifts that Creator gave you. Whatever your perceived limitations are are just that - perception. You are as good or as bad as you think you are. You are most likely embellishing your own weaknesses and minimizing your own strengths. We can say this with great authority because we see how you diminish yourself and others. We see how your light increases momentarily and then dims again through your own thoughts or anothers' words. We see how you tell yourself you are not good enough, not enough, not worthy. 

Beloved Ones, you are the most worthy civilization that has ever peopled your planet. You have forgotten your greatness, your connection to Godsource, your ability to dispel darkness with a powerful thought. Believe this and allow yourself to believe more and more that you were born to live this lifetime at this time in galactic history to tip the scales from darkness to light once and for all eternity. Make it your personal mission to keep your light shining bright through your thoughts, words, choices, and actions. You have legions of assistants in other realms - most have been in service for aeons of your time and beyond. Some have recently departed your plane in fluke accidents, unexpected deaths, or completely inexplicable circumstances in order to honor the agreements they made before they embodied into this most recent lifetime. They are all in service to this great shift you are collectively going through. 

This has been called the Shift of the Ages with good reason. This is the shift that has been prophesied about for centuries. Dearest Ones, do not be concerned with whatever your media is wanting you to focus on. When you witness, hear, or in any way take their fearful misinformation into your being, you are subjugating your sovereignty. We are asking you to be sovereign by fasting from media. Wether you think of it as fasting, boycotting, or holding the light, it is very necessary for you to detach from your mainstream and to some extent from your social media. So many of you give your power away in these ways and have no idea you are doing that. If you think you are better off staying informed through mainstream media, we can tell you unequivocally that the information that comes through your inner knowing when you allow it, is much more accurate and timely than anything you can receive from a manufactured source. 

The most important relationship you have is with that which created you. If you have no relationship with that source, you are disconnected. No amount of contact with others will fill that void. That is something you find within because you are God and God is you. This is true regardless of what you perceive God to be. The only truth we can say about your beliefs of what God is is that HE/SHE/IT is greater than you. There is nothing else that exists that is greater than you IF you are connected to Godsource. Godsource is what made David invincible and it is what can make you invincible. Knowledge cannot, money cannot, property cannot, influence over other earthly beings cannot. We are not saying that these things are unworthy in and of themselves. They can be powerful accessories in bringing people closer to the light. 

Know that Godsource is within you. The ONLY way to access it is to go within. Everything else is distraction. 

We are loving you powerfully.

And so it is. 

The Collective of Guides. 

Channeled by Salena Migeot  - Feel free to share, forward,  or repost this message in its entirety with proper attribution. To be added to the e-mail list to receive these messages in your e-mail inbox, e-mail with "Guides" in the subject line. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Zingdad (Arn Allingham), Die Aufstiegs-Schriften, Bd. 1 Kapitel 11: Was ist Liebe? (2)

Veröffentlicht am 15. Dezember 2016
Zingdad (Arn Allingham), Die Aufstiegs-Schriften, Bd. 1
Kapitel 11: Was ist Liebe? (2)
Die Geschichte von Drücke und Bleibe und dem Unendlichen Elastischen Ball
Z: Ich muss sagen, das ist die fantasievollste Überschrift einer Geschichte, die du dir je hast einfallen lassen!
8: Gefällt sie dir?
Z: Ja. Und ich frage mich, was das für eine Geschichte sein mag, die eine solche Überschrift hat.
8: Es ist eine gute Geschichte. Doch sie ist ein bisschen anders als die meisten Geschichten, die du hörst. Diese erfordert von dir, dass du nicht nur der Geschichte zuhörst, sondern auch ein wenig arbeitest, um dir die Ideen vorzustellen, denen ich Ausdruck geben werde. Wenn du das tust, dann empfängst du die Weisheit, die in der Geschichte liegt.
Du bist natürlich mit elastischen Bändern vertraut. Nun, ich werde dich bitten, dir etwas vorzustellen, das ein wenig wie ein Gummiband ist. Doch anstatt eines Bandes ist es ein Ball. Die merkwürdigste Eigenschaft dieses elastischen Balls ist, dass er unendlich ist. Unendlichkeit jedoch ist nicht etwas, was du leicht verstehst, und so möchte ich mir ein wenig Zeit nehmen, sie angemessen zu erklären.
Die erste Eigenschaft des Unendlichen Elastischen Balls ist, dass er unendlich in alle Richtungen gedehnt werden kann. Er reißt oder bricht nie und verliert nie die Spannung.
Zweitens kann er in eine unendliche Anzahl verschiedener Richtungen gedehnt werden. Und hier musst du mit mir arbeiten, um dir das vorzustellen. Ein Gummiband kann nur in zwei Richtungen gedehnt werden, stimmt’s? Jedes der beiden Enden kann nach außen gezogen werden. Doch der unendliche elastische Ball kann in jede Richtung gedehnt werden. Nach links, rechts, oben, unten, gestern, nächstes Jahr grün, Zimt, fröhlich, lebhaft, Quarz…
Z: Langsam! Sind das alles Richtungen?



Posted on 11/10/2016 by Rodrigo Romo
Original article in Portuguese (link) translated by Helena Renner
Well, friends and readers, as I have been warning for a long time, we have a very critical situation between the different factions of star’s visitors within the Solar System. For a better understanding of this fact, it is important to know that our Solar System is mostly inhabited by beings or even consciousnesses dwelling within the physical plane similar to our density (3D-Earth) but also beyond (frequency up to 8D).
Most people don’t know that some of those beings and intelligences/consciousnesses among these factions have interests of power and knowledge ever since the first discoveries made by the Nazi Group, Vril and Thule Societies, when they made contact with the intraterrestrial group. Later, these three groups also made contact with the Aldebaran group, discovering part of the information about the mankind’s origins, including different ancient civilizations of the Planet Earth, as well as others civilizations beyond the human and humanoid structure.
This information has ended up absorbed and transferred through the power and knowledge of the Nazis to the North Americans, Russians, British and Chinese governments shortly after the 2nd World War, creating what was defined as the Secret Sinister Government (or just Hidden Government), by mystics and the followers of the Conspiracy Theories. In the middle of 1950s and then concretely in 1957, the SSG had direct contacts with groups of the Zetas, Greys, Draconian, intraterrestrials and other races with whom they have maintained communication, creating the basis of a Parallel-Hidden Government, beyond the standard governments of these countries. This segregation happened first in a natural way, but later in a calculated and controlled manner, dividing the mankind in two parts: the contactees and the ones ruled by the Control Matrix.



Bom, amigos e leitores, como já venho avisando há muito tempo, temos uma situação bem crítica entre as diferentes facções de visitantes estelares dentro do Sistema Solar, que é habitado na sua maior parte por seres ou mesmo inteligências entre o plano físico similar à nossa densidade (3D-Terra) e além, na frequência até 8D.
Isso coloca um aspecto que as pessoas não conhecem, que são os interesses de poder e entendimento que vêm desde as descobertas do grupo Nazista, sociedade Vril e Thule quando fizeram contato com os grupos intraterrenos e depois com o grupo de Aldebarã, descobrindo parte das informações sobre a origem da humanidade e das antigas e diferentes humanidades do passado do planeta Terra, além de outras civilizações além da estrutura humana e humanoide.
Essas informações acabaram sendo absorvidas e transferidas através do poder e do conhecimento dos Nazistas para os Norte Americanos, Russos, Britânicos e Chineses ainda pouco após o término da 2ª. Guerra Mundial, dando início e formatando o que seria definido pelos místicos e seguidores da Teoria da Conspiração como Sinistro Governo Secreto ou simplesmente de Governo Oculto. Em meados dos anos 1950 e depois de forma concreta em 1957, eles tiveram contatos diretos com os grupos dos zetas, greys, draconianos, intraterrenos e outras raças com quem mantiveram comunicação, gerando assim a base de um Governo Paralelo-Oculto em relação ao governo padrão dos países e da humanidade convencional, gerando de forma natural e depois calculada e controlada, uma nova humanidade e a segregação, dividindo a humanidade entre os contatados e os controlados pela Matriz de Controle.

Pesquisa 0:00 / 1:52:20 David Wilcock | Corey Goode: Endgame II-- The Antarctic Atlantis ET Ruins/ Cabal Rescue Plan

Publicado a 14/12/2016
Join David Wilcock ( as he narrates this groundbreaking insider mega-leak of intel with Corey Goode ( The Establishment is threatened like never before. Are they about to disclose advanced, hi-tech ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and a limited secret space program, to try to save the Illuminati / New World Order agenda? 

The realities of human trafficking and occult ceremonies at the highest levels are spreading like wildfire. Disclosure may be the only sufficiently distracting move the Cabal has left. 

This is some of the most surprising, fascinating and relevant inside intel we have ever posted. Multiple Alliance groups have urged us to get this out as fast as possible, and here we are.

The story is so incredible that you may need to just treat it like a sci-fi movie... but even if that's the only level you can accept it at, you should still find this to be most fascinating! It is a great overview of the Cosmic Disclosure narrative and an update to the most current inside information. 

The mainstream media almost immediately started writing about ancient civilizations in Antarctica after we were urged to get out this update. Never before have we seen such an immediate correlation. This is getting exciting!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Chinese--A Message from Your Guides 11/26/16 by Salena Migeot



Saturday, December 3, 2016

Deutsch -- Zingdad: Was ist Liebe? (1)

Veröffentlicht am 3. Dezember 2016
Liebe Leser/innen,
die neue Ausgabe des LICHTFOKUS enthält Adamu’s Artikel über die Absicht, der auf dieser Seite schon einmal veröffentlicht wurde. Die ganze Aufmachung hat mich so gefreut und passt so gut in diesen Monat, dass es wohl die einzigen „Weihnachtsgrüße“ sein werden, die ich allen zukommen lasse. Sie drücken das aus, was ich uns allen wünsche.
Karla Engemann


Zingdad (Arn Allingham), Die Aufstiegs-Schriften, Bd. 1
Kapitel 11: Was ist Liebe? (1)

Zingdad: Hi, 8.
8: Hallo, mein lieber Freund. Es ist gut, wieder mit dir zu sprechen.
Z: Das ist es! Und obwohl wir die ganze Zeit miteinander reden, ist es schon einige Monate her, seit wir das vorherige Kapitel zusammen geschrieben haben.
8: Du warst doch in dieser Zeit ziemlich beschäftigt, oder nicht?
Z: Oh ja, bestimmt. Nachdem unser Grundstückskauf geregelt war, wurden die Dinge für Lisa und mich ziemlich hektisch. Wir mussten eine Baustelle vorbereiten und dann ließen wir ein Bauunternehmen für den Rohbau unseres neuen Hauses kommen, während wir weite Flächen unseres Grundstücks von der wuchernden Vegetation rodeten. Diese Arbeiten nahmen vier Monate in Anspruch, und dann ließ uns das Bauunternehmen mit einem Kerngerüst von einem Fachwerk auf Stelzen zurück. Seitdem arbeiten Lisa und ich mit einem Handwerker an der Fertigstellung unseres Hauses. Wir alle drei haben vor Ort jede Stunde gearbeitet, die Gott schenkte. Und jetzt, nach vier Monaten anstrengendster Arbeit, sind wir wenigstens eingezogen. Das Haus ist noch lange nicht fertig und in gewisser Hinsicht werden wir für ein paar Monate auf einer Baustelle leben. Aber wir haben alles Notwendige und sind jetzt hier in unserem eigenen Haus.
8: Und ihr habt es selbst gebaut.