Sunday, November 22, 2015

Bases 53 Part 4 Hadron Collider disaster TEK Chat + Bases 53 Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III Parts 1 to 3 - VIDEOS

Bases 53 Part 4 Hadron Collider disaster TEK Chat

Published on 20/11/2015

In Part 1-3, the Hadron Collider at CERN, and its 'synchronised' junior devices across the planet were discussed. The basic narrative being that this massive device was being used for nefarious purposes to open a worm hole allowing 'Draco' ETs, who have been on earth for thousands of years (Aka Demons) to have massive reinforcements, in a great space war above our heads.

Thus the term Draco. The issue here being that the Draco should not have space flight/or 'gate technology' or even be here. They are not the bad guys here. They are manipulated by an "A-I" Articfical intelliegence, found in the sentient fluid from another location or source in the universe. Found in crude oil, (Falklands War), it is extremnely dangerous substance that pulls down higher conscious beings and makes them into homicidal killers (Nazi Germany)

In this Tek Chat, Patty Brassard gives a basic run down of the destruction of the Collider, and the detailed images obtained to show the beams go off focus, and the damage starts. Preceeded by a brief chat with Karen MacDonald, who introduced us to Sgt Daniel for the first time. A major whistle blower with an long list of agencies to his name.
(USAF number and data is on file)
As with Bases we listen to what people have to say, and then draw conclusions as best we can. A further 2nd interview with Sgt Daniel is planned.

Basically no public word has emerged from CERN, as to what has been reported in these interviews.

Bases 53 Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III Parts 1 to 3

Published on 19/11/2015

Ground breaking whistleblower from Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolan III. Features Unacknowledged Special Access Program - Deep Operations, USAF (subset) ZETA DIAGENES/CLEAREYES LEVE I-V:- ZETA DIOGENES / CLEAREYES, this was the USAF Subset that he believes came about from the likes of Eric Von Marbod, Gen. Phil Gast, Gen. Howard Fish, & Irving Davidson, listed in many places..

A lot of alphabet soup lettered agencies. Daniel is doing this to quote " help others to escape this prison to begin new lives & a new journey for themselves, by becoming Free-Moral Agents in Service- To-Others.

Area 51 ET criminal ET sectors described S4, S66 (Text). In simple terms a vast amount on new information is brought out in this release by Daniel.

Features the actual blow out of the Hadron Collider as it happened across the weekend of Nov 14th-15th. It is clamed this was done to stop the abuse of technology by rogue science, to allow a rupture in space time, a worm hole for 38 mins, to allow enemy ETs to further take over our planet. Draco ETs.

Further data on TROJAN Technology is revealed, notably CMOS (Logic gate technology is fundamental to digital electronics) can be accessed by the mind, and more importantly, by specially bred Hybrid Generated Life Forms, (as opposed to Hybrid).

This long 3 part Skype, features some humor, and covers a great deal of new topics and information. See Part 4 with Karen Macdonald.

Daniel's function in the program is a "balancer" He is trained to kill in over 270 ways, and has done so. If elements of the program step out of line, no matter their rank, he would kill them. By making this Skype with Miles Johnston (me) he is now at risk of being killed. His answer to this question was, "I don’t care".

Due to the nature of the Hadron Disaster, which has been totally suppressed, a more technical brief will follow. See other news with Karen MacDonald, and Pattie Bracket.

Any further information from scientific sources or eye witnesses on the destruction (up to 45%) of the Hadron ring, and systems, is required.

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