Thursday, October 29, 2015

Nederlands -- Kosmische Gemeenschap Portaal update

Cosmic Society Portal

Kosmische Gemeenschap Portaal update

Alfred Steinbecker: 26 okt.2015

Lieve vrienden,                 
Wij werken voortdurend aan de beschikbaarheid van verschillende talen (de layout en inhoud) maar ook de functionaliteit van het portaal. We maken vorderingen hiermee, maar er is nog veel werk te doen.

We namen onze eerste video conferentie op tussen enkele teamleden en publiceerden die gisteren in het portaal. De conferentie werd in Duitsland gehouden maar we werken aan ondertitelingen voor de inhoud (youtube) voor andere talen. Deze video conferentie richtte zich op de laatste boodschap van St.Germain (hieronder) en ook op andere onderwerpen zoals de Keshe vrije energie ontwikkeling.
Ik houd jullie op de hoogte over de progressie voor het portaal en vertaal updates.
Ik laat jullie e-mails nog volgen maar dat kost wat meer tijd.
Belangrijke Boodschap van St. Germain aan alle Sterrenzaden/Lichtdragers!
Maandag ontving ik een belangrijke boodschap van St. Germain die zich richtte op alle sterrenzaden/lichtdragers.
Die is zeer intensief omdat het gaat over een grote ontwikkeling van Gaia in de tijd die komt.
De boodschap is beschikbaar in het Engels en Frans momenteel.

Hellenic -- Μήνυμα του Αγ. Γερμανού Δευτέρα, 26 Οκτωβρίου 2015 – 12:45 από τον Alfred

Cosmic Society Portal

Μήνυμα του Αγ. Γερμανού
Δευτέρα, 26 Οκτωβρίου 2015 – 12:45
από τον

Στη διάρκεια μιας επίσκεψης στο δώμα της καρδιάς, θέλησα να κάνω ερωτήσεις για  συμπληρωματικές πληροφορίες σχετικά με το μήνυμα του Gio από τον Γεσού.
Στο δώμα της καρδιάς με περίμενε ήδη ο Αγ. Γερμανός (ΑΓ). Εξελίχθηκε ο παρακάτω διάλογος, ο οποίος ξεκίνησε μ’ ένα μήνυμα για τους σπόρους των άστρων / φορείς του Φωτός:

ΑΓ:        „ Σας πληροφορούμε για τα επόμενα βήματα της Γαίας.
Υποφέρει, θα γεννήσει. Θα πονέσει, όπως η γέννα.

Γι’ αυτό σταθείτε μαζί της, κρατηθείτε χέρια εάν προκύψει ανάγκη.
Έχετε τη σκέψη της, σας υποστηρίζει και σας οδηγεί.
Θα σειστεί όταν έρθει η βραδυά. Έχετε υπομονή με τον εαυτό σας και τους άλλους. Εμπιστευτείτε μας, είμαστε πάντοτε μαζί σας. Συνεχίστε στο άρπαγμα του χεριού της Γαίας σας.

Να ‘στε γενναίοι την ώρα εκείνη, που απαιτεί απ’ όλους τα πάντα.

Ακούστε τις σάλπιγγες όταν θα σημάνουν ξανά από χώρα μακρινή. Είναι το κάλεσμα της αγάπης και θα σας συνεπάρει.

Να ‘στε γενναίοι και παραμείνετε πράοι.

Ας είναι έτσι λοιπόν.“

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cosmic Society Portal --

Cosmic Society Portal

Dear Starseeds, dear Light Bearers,

As of today the new communication platform is now available!

You now have access to the portal under the following address:

Cosmic Society Portal

With implementing the portal we now can discuss, exchange information and align the next steps of the preparation for the world wide announcement.

The community platform is designed as a multi-language portal allowing to support our brothers and sisters from over the world.

It is not necessary to own a Facebook account  for participation in the community which gives us much more flexibility now.

We will post all new messages, updates and information related to our Cosmic Society preparation activities to the new platform.

Now step-by-step I will follow-up with the e-mails you have sent to me!

Thank you very much for your support!

Greetings from Germany

In deep love 

Alfred Steinecker

Wednesday, October 21, 2015



Според разобличителя на тайните космически програми – Кори Гуд, древна мрежа от подземни градове, съществуваща от десетки хиляди години, е оказвала могъщо влияние върху човешкото общество и религии в продължения на хилядолетия. По негови твърдения, през последните години тази мрежа от градове провежда преговори с основните нации, които са развили тайни космически програми.

На 23 септември 2015 г. Гуд публикува доклад, в който описва дипломатическа среща с членовете на седем древни подземни цивилизации, които наскоро са се обединили и са сформирали алианс поради политическите и технологичните промени на повърхността на Земята. В последния епизод на поредицата „Космическо разкриване” по Гайам ТВ, Гуд споделя знанията си за тези подземни цивилизации, наречени „Мрежата Агарта” – коалиция от подземни градове, описана в „стъклените смарт таблети”, до които той е имал достъп по време на службата си в тайната космическа програма от 1987 до 2007 г.

Romîna - Keshe dezvaluie lumii, tehnologia energiei libere, 16 Octombrie 2015

Romîna - Keshe dezvaluie lumii, tehnologia energiei libere, 16 Octombrie 2015

De The Event Chronicle, 7 Octombrie 2015

Dragi compatrioti pamînteni, Keshe a încercuit omenirea, cu o inventie numita « Un Generator de Plasma ». În acest video, el explica modul în care plasma ne va propulsa în viitorul despre care el ne anunta aparitia. Eu vorbesc despre un viitor în pragul caruia ne gasim. Keshe va închide practic ecalajul care ne desparte. Nu mai trebuie sa asteptam prea mult !

Acestea sunt unele dintre punctele tcele mai importanate ale conferintei sale de 3 ore, na veti simti obositi de a le asculta .

Acest lucru începe cu Pacea mondiala si include calatorii în spatiu si transporturile terestre oriunde va veti duce,  si acest lucru, în timp de cîteva minute, totul fara limite.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Sunset at Giza (pic credit: Andrew Collins)



Andrew Collins explores the role of Orion in the human mindset, from its first appearance in the carved art of the Upper Palaeolithic age through to its place in the Orion Correlation Theory. This includes its role in the re-dating of the Great Sphinx and fixing the date for zep tepi, the age of the gods in ancient Egypt. He examines the stellar significance of the Great Pyramid's four air shafts, and looks at the dual role Orion and Cygnus played both in ancient Egypt, and within the afterlife cosmology of North America's Southeastern Ceremonial Complex (SECC).Finally, he asks whether the Giza Pyramids were positioned to reflect the astronomical positions of the "belt" stars of Orion or the "wing" stars of Cygnus, raising the question of whether you are an Orionite or a Cygnet.

The Orion constellation is one of the oldest celestial forms known to humankind, and almost always its stars have been seen as the likeness of an anthropomorph, a human-like figure. It was an identification recognized as early as 32,000 to 35,000 years ago, that is if the carved image on an ivory tablet found in Germany in 1979 has been interpreted correctly.

This small plate, made of mammoth tusk and just 38 millimeters (1.5 inches) in length, 14 millimeters (0.55 inches) in width, and 4.5 millimeters (0.18 inches) in thickness, was found in the Geißenklösterle Cave in the Ach Valley of southern Germany (see fig. 1). Carved into its surface is a human figure, thought to be male, his arms raised above his head and his right leg extended as if about to walk. Dr Michael Rappenglück, an expert in ancient astronomies with the University of Munich, believes the tiny panel shows an abstract image of the Orion constellation (Whitehouse, 2003, and Pettitt, 2003). The figure's slim waist and "sword," which hangs between the figure's slightly parted legs, one shorter than the other, appears to confirm this conclusion. Rappenglück proposes that the carved image is a depiction of Orion as the sky hunter.

On the panel's reverse are 84 mysterious notches, pecked out with a sharp instrument. These might easily signify the number of days in three complete lunar months, each of 28 days in length, linking the panel perhaps with the female menstrual cycle, and even human pregnancy. Yet Rappenglück goes further, suggesting that the 84 notches mark the total number of days the Orion star Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis), remained visible in the sky around 32,000 years ago. If Rappenglück is correct, we have in this panel not only one of the oldest known representations of the human form, but also the first "star chart" in human history.

Fig. 1. Small ivory plate found in the Geißenklösterle Cave in the Ach Valley of southern Germany, thought to show the figure of Orion in his role as the sky hunter.

Orion in the Neolithic Age

The Ach Valley plate seems to demonstrate that interest in the Orion constellation began at a very early stage in human development, and thus it probably continued to remain important in the ancient mindset through till Neolithic times. This is when our ancestors gave up being hunters and foragers and settled down to become farmers and pastoralists, sometime around ca. 9000 BC. For instance, in Egypt's Western Desert, at the site of a dry lake known as Nabta Playa, an 7,000-year-old megalithic structure was built to incorporate very specific astronomical alignments featuring the Orion constellation.

The Cygnus Mystery - Have Cosmic Rays Affected Human Evolution? by Andrew Collins

- The Cygnus Mystery -
Have Cosmic Rays Affected Human Evolution?

by Andrew Collins

Cygnus X-3 taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Did cosmic rays have a hand in effecting shifts in human evolution, from Palaeolithic times through to the modern day? Has this helped determine not only our physique and behaviour, but also our creativity and consciousness? These are wild notions, yet suddenly they are beginning to appeal to main-stream scientists and astronomers. Indeed, as long ago as 1973 American astronomer and science writer Carl Sagan wrote in his book The Cosmic Connection that human evolution was the result of incoming cosmic rays from some distant neutron star, demonstrating how we are right to think of ourselves as part of a greater whole at one with the cosmos.

Yet is this correct? Is Charles Darwin's theory that evolution is caused merely through survival of the fittest, and the process of natural selection, somehow flawed? The idea of cosmic radiation reaching Earth from deep space has fascinated the scientific world since its discovery following a series of balloon ascents by Austrian physicist Victor F Hess (1883-1964) in 1912. Then when in the late 1920s American geneticist H J Muller (1890-1967) discovered that radiation (he used X-rays and later radium) was a mutagen through his work with Drosophila fruit flies, the subject of whether or not high energy cosmic rays might cause changes in human DNA was voiced for the first time. Muller himself twice wrote about the subject, concluding on each occasion that the normal background fluctuation in cosmic rays reaching Earth was inadequate to explain spontaneous mutations in life forms, whatever their type. Muller was not wrong. Yet had he been privy to modern scientific data which now confirms that at certain times in the Earth's history the solar system has been bombarded with high levels of cosmic rays then he might have thought again.

When so-called "primary" cosmic rays hit the upper atmosphere almost all of them break up when they collide with nuclei of oxygen and nitrogen, the process producing a plethora of charged secondary particles. Many disintegrate in milliseconds, but others form isotopes that are preserved in everything from lake sediments to stalagmites and, more crucially, the layers of ice that accumulate each year to great depth in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

One such isotope is Beryllium-10 (10Be), which can be extracted from ice cores and measured to provide an accurate indication of cosmic ray activity in the upper atmosphere. It shows that over the past 100,000 years, there have been three periods when the cosmic ray flux has increased dramatically. The first was around c. 60,000-70,000 years ago, the second occurred approximately c. 35,000-40,000 years ago, and the third and last peak began around c. 16,000-17,000 years ago, and continued until around 14,000 years ago. Each spike lasted for a period of approximately 2,000 years. Similar results have been determined from a stalagmite removed from a submerged blue hole in the Bahamas. An examination of its Beryllium-10 content indicates that at various points between 45,000 and 11,000 years ago the Earth was bombarded by twice the amount of cosmic radiation than we get today.

Where's the Cosmic Source?

The first question we must ask is where this influx of cosmic radiation might have come from. Was it really a neutron star, as Carl Sagan suggested, or could it have been another astronomical source out there in deep space? Alternatively, was there some other, more prosaic solution to this enigma? The more or less regular gaps between the spikes of Beryllium-10 activity noted in the ice cores might well indicate some kind of cyclic force in action, most obviously that of the sun. Cosmic rays are known to be partially deflected by the solar magnetic field that stretches far out into the heart of the solar system, making the rate of Beryllium-10 production in the upper atmosphere dependent on the strength of the solar field, which is itself connected with sunspot activity.

In addition to this, the sun's long term climate cycles of 100,000, 41,000 and 23,000 years, first noted by Serbian geophysicist Milutin Milankovic (1879-1958), must also affect the production of Beryllium-10 for similar reasons, i.e. the influence of the solar field upon the Earth's upper atmosphere. This said, there might easily have been other factors behind the sudden increase in cosmic rays hitting the earth, the most catastrophic being a supernova, the death of a star as it expels the last of its nuclear fuel and collapses to form a high-mass compact object, most usually a white dwarf, black hole or neutron star.

Supernovas are thought to produce enormous bursts of cosmic rays and gamma rays, which are sent careering across space at virtually the speed of light. If such an event occurred close enough to our own solar system then the Earth would be showered by deadly radiation. This would damage the ozone layer, causing not only many more rays to reach the surface of the planet, but also the onset of high levels of UV radiation from the sun. More conservatively, catastrophists suggest that cosmic rays from a close supernova would dramatically increase cloud formation, preventing the sun from penetrating through the atmosphere, thus bringing about a sudden ice age.

Whatever the consequences of a close supernova, life on Earth would suffer mass extinctions. As terrifying a scenario as this might seem, it was the favoured theory for the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago until the discovery in 1980 of the Chicxulub impact crater in Mexico's Yucatan peninsular. This helped confirm the alternative theory that a super-sized asteroid or comet had been responsible for their extinction. Indeed, the supernova solution had been the choice of Carl Sagan and his co-author Dr I S Shklovskii, the famous Soviet astrophysicist and radio astronomer, in a book entitled Intelligence in the Universe, published in 1966. In fact, one wonders whether Sagan's unique view that cosmic rays have accelerated human evolution actually stemmed from his obvious fascination with the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Yet the powerful idea of a close supernova wreaking devastation on earth during some past geological age lingers, with some catastrophists believing that it could have brought about mass extinctions during other geological epochs, for instance at the close of the Jurassic age some 145 million years ago, as well as at the culmination of the Pleistocene age, which coincided with the end of the last Ice Age, some 12,000 years ago. And such scientific speculation is where it starts getting interesting, for when the high levels of Beryllium-10 were first noted in the ice cores at the beginning of the 1990s, scientists from the Cosmic Ray Council of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, working alongside a team from the University of Arizona, speculated that those around 35,000-40,000 years ago probably resulted from a supernova explosion.

To back up their dramatic claims the joint Soviet-American team cited the presence of an immense formation of glowing clouds of gaseous debris - the remnants of an unimaginable supernova explosion at around 150 light years away (that's just 900 million, million miles from here) in the northern constellation of Cygnus. Had this remnant of a supernova explosion - known to astronomers as the Cygnus Veil, or Veil nebula - been responsible for showering the Earth with cosmic rays for anything up to 2,000 years some 40,000-35,000 years ago? Did it bring about dramatic climatic changes and bursts of radiation that evolved humanity into what we are today?

The Emergence of Man

For whatever reason, the worldwide press coverage that resulted from this dramatic announcement of a close supernova decimating the Earth some 35,000 years ago came to nothing. Yet, thankfully, there was one person who did take notice, and this was British anthropological writer Denis Montgomery. Having lived in Africa for many years, where anatomically modern humans emerged for the first time around 200,000 years ago, he became intrigued as to why sudden jumps in evolution occur. Was it purely spontaneous, through chemical changes in the body, or were there other exterior factors at play, such as environmental and climatic changes, nutritional variety, interbreeding or even simple competitiveness?

Graham Hancock on Ancient Aliens, Atlantis & Ayahuasca

 Jill V. Mangino • 1 year ago •  1 Comments

This interview originally appeared in Om Times

A real life “Indiana Jones”, international, bestselling author Graham Hancock has traversed the planet investigating ancient mysteries including the origin of humankind, archeological anomalies, the realms of consciousness and beyond. An unconventional thinker he is always on the forefront redefining our history. His new novel, War God: Return of the Plumed Serpent, will be released next month. He was so gracious to spend an hour with me on a phone to talk about everything from his views on aliens, Atlantis, ayahuasca and much more, including his theories on the world’s most ancient “unsolved” mysteries and the future of our planet.

JVM:  I am a huge fan of the TV series Ancient Aliens, you always have amazing commentaries to share on that series.

GH:  I’ve got nothing against the entities our species presently calls “aliens”. These entities are real, in my view, although I don’t think we’re anywhere near understanding exactly what they are or where they come from. That being said, though, the fact is that I don’t need “aliens” – whatever they are — to explain any mysteries in our pre-history. Honestly I don’t need a single alien for the great pyramids or the Mayan calendar. I just don’t. What I need is a more advanced level of human civilization in that period than is recognized by historians.

But let me be clear about this. We are dealing with something extremely interesting in the so-called UFO/alien phenomenon. It’s just that we don’t know yet exactly what lies at the source of that phenomenon and may be jumping too quickly to the conclusion that it is something as simple, and as relatively un-mysterious, as high-tech beings a bit like us but from other planets. In my book Supernatural, I looked at the similarities at the level of phenomenology, at the level of experience, between what were construed as abductions by faeries in the Middle Ages, and what are construed as abductions by spirits by shamans in the Amazon rainforest, for example, and what are construed as abductions by aliens in the technologically developed countries today. Whatever is going on – and I repeat there may be no single, simple explanation — it is the same thing in every case; I’m really very clear on that. One of the problems I have with the whole ancient alien lobby is that at one level it operates like a religion or a cult, by which I mean its believers are resistant to, and often get furiously angry about, other possible explanations that challenge their faith. But at another level members of the “ancient astronaut cult” are also crassly materialistic, seeking to reduce everything to a simplistic material reference frame, projecting our present and imagined future levels of technology onto what are in fact deeply mysterious and unexplained phenomena, and sticking their heads in the sand when it comes the implications of the latest research into altered states of consciousness – for example Rick Strassman’s groundbreaking work with DMT and human volunteers. I’m not saying altered states of consciousness explain everything about the UFO/alien phenomenon. I am not saying there are no physical aspects to the UFO/alien phenomenon, because there are. I’m simply saying that if we neglect altered states of consciousness and focus solely on the physical, we will never solve the UFO/alien mystery.

How did you go from being a mainstream investigative journalist, to exploring the hidden mysteries of our origin on planet Earth?      



Publicado a 14/10/2015

Join Dark Journalist in this epic episode as he welcomes Worldwide Best-Selling Author Graham Hancock to the show. Graham has just released, 'Magicians of the Gods' the heavily anticipated and long-awaited followup sequel to his classic book
on Advanced Lost Civilizations and Ancient Mysteries, 'Fingerprints of the Gods.'

The Great Return
Magicians of the Gods is a powerful, knowledge-packed, groundbreaking investigation of our advanced ancient origins and has now been released in the UK and will be released in the US in early November. This pre-publication, US Exclusive preview of the book goes deeply into the startling revelations that Graham has discovered correlating his previous work with amazing new archaeological findings!

Graham takes us through his whirlwind world travels to important new discoveries such as the enigmatic 12,000 year old ancient site at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey that was buried intentionally in an underground complex 30 times the size of Stonehenge!
The discovery of this game-changing archaeological site will rewrite history and support his idea that the history of civilization goes far beyond the standard model back to a highly advanced culture of wisdom teachers called ‘The Seven Sages.’

These antediluvian, pre-flood/cataclysm travelers transmitted their advanced knowledge of architecture, technology and spirituality to developing primitive cultures and were the root inspiration for the story of Atlantis. They were also responsible for the high cultures of Egypt, the Maya, Sumeria, and others that are only now being discovered such as the new findings of a pyramid building culture in Java that is dated to 20,000 years ago! Ultimately The Seven Sages and their impact on human destiny was forgotten by history and survived only in myths that refer to ancient wise teachers interacting with early humanity and gifting culture to them.

Giant Comet
Even more shocking is the new evidence that has surfaced suggesting that this advanced civilization was destroyed by the lightning fast action of a devastating Giant Comet. Graham surmises that many of their messages in time capsules such as the complex at Gobekli Tepe and the grandeur of the Great Pyramid of Giza and Sphinx may be a warning of the return of this destructive comet that can easily wipe out civilization.

Graham’s synchronistic journey from political journalist to exploring the hidden path of the Ark of the Covenant and on through to his breakthrough books and subsequent career as a globally recognized, innovative investigator of our ancient past and the origins of consciousness is discussed in detail.

He also opens up about his battles with the establishment protecters of the old paradigm and the dirty tricks they have employed to suppress his and his colleagues work from being accepted by mainstream science, archaeology and academia, including his recent presentations that were banned from the TED website! In his view the old authoritarian, expert-worshipping paradigm defenders will never accept real evidence outside of their information comfort zone and are determined to keep humanity in a collective state of amnesia about our true past!

Riveting, compelling, intriguing, inspiring and shocking, this is Graham Hancock revealing his truth for all of us in a deep, heartfelt and fascinating way in this special Dark Journalist episode!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cosmic Society: Awakening of Humanity in the Cosmic Society

988<Cosmic Society:
Awakening of Humanity in the Cosmic Society

Starseed / Light Bearer Information - Update # 2 - 12 October 2015

Beloved Starseeds.
Beloved Light Bearers,  

I like to give you an update on current status and a message from our star family sent to us yesterday.

I still receive many wonderful e-mails from starseeds / light bearers from over the world. Some e-mails i still need to translate because they are written in languages I’m not acquainted with.

I now have received support for Dutch and French for example and I will follow up these e-mails asap.

There are e-mails coming from our Chinese brothers and sisters which need to be followed-up as well. If anybody like to support by translation and co-ordination of Chinese correspondence that would be great!

Step-by-step I will come back to your offerings for support and contact!


I’m making progress in implementing the new platform which will be independent from Facebook. This community platform will allow much more flexible exchange of information and then the
individual e-mail addresses will be available for supporters (ref. Update information #1)

I’ll keep you updated on this.

As I have mentioned above I’ve received a message by our star family for all starseeds / light bearers addressing this special time.

This is the message given by the Arcturian Ben `Sha representing our star families:

October 12, 2015, 12:12 pm CLOCK

Beloved Starseeds, beloved children,

Hold on in these times, which is an expression of your intent.

All changes that are coming now are based on the field of your Love. So let it happen, because it is your will.

We are with you and will accompany you always.

Have faith in yourself, in your power, because it is that which has caused this New Age.

Hold fast to yourselves and give yourselves love at this time, which is a new beginning for many people. A new beginning that seemed inconceivable and only existed in the wildest of dreams.

It is indeed a time of turbulence. However, it is essential to take this step.
You know it, you feel it.

So be prepared for the next level.

Your Star Family awaits you!


If you like to support the new communication platform as a moderator or admin for the different languages please just send me an e-mail (

Because of the high number of e-mails sent to me I need some more time to come back to you.

But this will improve when the new platform is launched.

Thank you all so much!

In deep love


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Français -- Keshe dévoile la technologie de l’énergie libre au monde, le 16 octobre 2015

Keshe dévoile la technologie de l’énergie libre au monde, le 16 octobre 2015
Par The Event Chronicle, le 7 octobre 2015


Chers compatriotes Terriens, Keshe a bouclé la boucle pour l’humanité avec une invention appelée « un Générateur de plasma ». Dans cette vidéo, il explique comment le plasma va nous propulser dans le futur dont on nous a annoncé l’avènement. Je parle d’un avenir au seuil duquel nous nous tenons. Keshe va virtuellement combler le fossé qui nous en sépare. Nous n’avons plus à attendre plus longtemps !

Voilà quelques-uns des points forts de sa conférence de 3 heures, que vous ne vous lasserez pas de réécouter.

Cela commence avec la Paix Mondiale et inclut le voyage spatial et les transports terrestres où que vous alliez et ce, en l’espace de quelques minutes, le tout sans frontières.

Il a créé un appareil « générateur d’énergie plasmique », et cette technologie est plus rapide que la vitesse de la lumière. Il prévoit d’utiliser le générateur comme instrument de Paix Mondiale, lors de la Conférence sur la Paix du 16 octobre en Italie. La seule manière par laquelle les représentants de chaque pays peuvent recevoir un générateur est d’accepter de signer un Traité de Paix Mondial.

Je pense qu’il pourrait bien s’agir du point culminant des prières, de méditations et des appels à la PAIX MONDIALE de toutes ces années, qui se traduit par l’invention de Keshe.

Certains des avantages des Générateurs à Plasma sont les suivants :

Important announcement by the Keshe Foundation

Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference


The Keshe Foundation made a promise that it would release a request and information on its forum today about the next step in the release of its technologies for bringing peace and equality for Mankind.

The following four PDF documents below in this link are important and need to be understood individually and then collectively as one unified paper.

We have not suggested a place and/or venue in our invitation letter for the peace conference, as we thought that mankind’s choice would be the most appropriate.

This peace conference can be held in Tehran, UN offices in New York, Beijing, Moscow or any another place on earth in a location that is acceptable to all.

The point is not the venue, but to achieve world peace for Mankind.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Mehran Keshe -- 82nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop RAW

82nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop RAW

Publicado a 09/10/2015
The Raw file for viewing while the edited version is produced.


Lumea va fi în cele din urma libera. Lumea întreaga !


Puteti contribui.


care ne va scoate din sclavie.


Si mîine, un nou articol privind institutul de formare al Fundatiei Keshe


Sunday, October 11, 2015


Le monde va enfin être libre. Tout le monde !


Vous pouvez y contribuer.


qui va nous sortir de l'esclavage.


Et demain, un nouvel article sur l'institut de formation de la Fondation Keshe

Bien Cordialement