Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cosmic Society: Awakening of Humanity in the Cosmic Society

988<Cosmic Society:
Awakening of Humanity in the Cosmic Society

Starseed / Light Bearer Information - Update # 2 - 12 October 2015

Beloved Starseeds.
Beloved Light Bearers,  

I like to give you an update on current status and a message from our star family sent to us yesterday.

I still receive many wonderful e-mails from starseeds / light bearers from over the world. Some e-mails i still need to translate because they are written in languages I’m not acquainted with.

I now have received support for Dutch and French for example and I will follow up these e-mails asap.

There are e-mails coming from our Chinese brothers and sisters which need to be followed-up as well. If anybody like to support by translation and co-ordination of Chinese correspondence that would be great!

Step-by-step I will come back to your offerings for support and contact!


I’m making progress in implementing the new platform which will be independent from Facebook. This community platform will allow much more flexible exchange of information and then the
individual e-mail addresses will be available for supporters (ref. Update information #1)

I’ll keep you updated on this.

As I have mentioned above I’ve received a message by our star family for all starseeds / light bearers addressing this special time.

This is the message given by the Arcturian Ben `Sha representing our star families:

October 12, 2015, 12:12 pm CLOCK

Beloved Starseeds, beloved children,

Hold on in these times, which is an expression of your intent.

All changes that are coming now are based on the field of your Love. So let it happen, because it is your will.

We are with you and will accompany you always.

Have faith in yourself, in your power, because it is that which has caused this New Age.

Hold fast to yourselves and give yourselves love at this time, which is a new beginning for many people. A new beginning that seemed inconceivable and only existed in the wildest of dreams.

It is indeed a time of turbulence. However, it is essential to take this step.
You know it, you feel it.

So be prepared for the next level.

Your Star Family awaits you!


If you like to support the new communication platform as a moderator or admin for the different languages please just send me an e-mail (

Because of the high number of e-mails sent to me I need some more time to come back to you.

But this will improve when the new platform is launched.

Thank you all so much!

In deep love


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