Bury the arms!
This crop circle was reported on June 15, 2015 at Newton Barrow, Stoford,Wiltshire, UK.
More information and pictures can be seen here:
In my opinion, on the pictogram are depicted following elements
1 - spear pikes
2 and 3 - the two halfs of a
shield, which is broken
4 and 5 - the two halfs of a shield,
which is broken
6 and 7 – the handle of a sword, the
sword itself continues to the center of the circle
8 and 9 – sand clock
The message of this crop circle is: “Bury the arms!”
("Bury the tomahawk!”)
Apparently, the place for this crop circle was chosen
not by chance. One of the meanings of the word “barrow" is: “ancient burial place”.
The crop circle makers appeal us to stop wars and
fighting. They deliberately have chosen these medieval arms. On this way they
obviously want to say us, that we behave us like people from the Middle Ages.
With the sand clock they want to tell us, that the
time for such methods for resolving of conflicts is up.
According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, now we are in
the White Castle, which began on May 26 and continues till July
16, 2015. This crop circle continues the theme about the White Castle,
the Yellow Warrior, the White Worldbridger etc., which was subject in previous
crop circles.
More about this theme can be read here:
- Crop circle, reported on May 24, 2015 at Manton
Drove, near Marlborough,Wiltshire, UK:
- Crop circle, reported on June 7, 2015 in Pontecurone, Alessandria, Italy:
- Crop circle, reported on June 11, 2015, at Rauwiller, Sarrebourg, Alsace Bossue,France:
Sources for the Mayan calendar:
Photo: Steve
Courtesy of Maya Todorova
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