Monday, February 16, 2015

English -- The Golden Book - Messages for Humanity - “The Thunder” via Alfred Steinecker

Golden Book - Page 21

The Golden Book - Messages for Humanity - “The Thunder”

On February 16, 2015
As I awoke at 01.00 clock this morning, a new concept permeated my thoughts: "The Thunder". I feel that a new message from I AM is waiting for me and so I make sure:

Alfred: "Father-Mother," is “The Thunder” the title of the new message?"
I AM: "Yes, it is. Do you feel the rising energy?"
Alfred: "Yes, I feel it distinctly."
I AM: „This is the preparation for the big moment. My Children, do not be afraid."

I AM continues with a haunting message:

"What was predicted in many ancient writings has arrived. It was predicted that people would take a new path, the path of love, joy and harmony.

It happened over and over, to awaken, to give humanity a chance to feel the light that glows in their hearts.

Behold, there are wonderful experiences that you did as a soul, as a part of me.

Your lights shine like diamonds around the neck of a beautiful woman.

You are now a bride that walks down the aisle, ready for the wedding. It's a great party, a wedding that has no equal.

Adorn yourself for this moment, with the love that you carry in your heart.

The groom is waiting for you

In eternity


Channeller: Alfred Steinecker 

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