Tuesday, December 16, 2014

TERRY RAY -- The Complete Story of the Worldwide Invasion of the ORANGE ORBS

Terry Ray

Thoughts as I'm drifting off to sleep ...

I would be satisfied with a tombstone that reads, "Did the best I could under the circumstances."

Tragedy is the sole source of wisdom.

It doesn't matter how you start, only how you finish.

Life is too short to endure boring people.

Hope keeps you alive.

Arrogance is a form of stupidity.

Truly brilliant people are humbled by how little they know.

Anyone who lives for material things will die with nothing.

Unless you know fear you will never know courage.

Never be troubled by the future because it only exists in your imagination

Never give advice unless you're asked for it, then accept the fact it will be ignored.

About Terry Ray:

 I am a MUFON Field Investigator and my book is a best-seller on the MUFON bookstore, if you would like to read it.

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