Friday, December 26, 2014

Con TanidisさんからLuisaへのメール・・・2014年12月25日 光の銀河連合の夢


Con TanidisさんからLuisaへのメール・・・2014年12月25日 光の銀河連合の夢
On 25 December 2014 at 20:19, Con Tanidis<> wrote:

私はママ と私たちのチーム全員にこの喜びの日日に愛と希望をお祈りします
私は又、 私の大きな期待の反映、或いは私たちへのメッセージである奇妙な夢についてお話をしたいと思います。

「そう遠 くはない子供時代に、空中に一種の金属と一緒に白い紙を投げ上げました。この金属は灰色又は銀色で台所用具或いは柔らかい水銀のよう なものでした。それから、空中で二つが合体し、白い紙には火が付き、NASAが取った写真の太陽の表面のように金黄色に輝きました。

この燃え る紙が地面に落ちてくるまでの間に、光の町が出現し、以前見たことがあるかのように、その場所で拡大し成長たので、大きい驚きでし た。

その 後、”お前はヨーロッパへ、お前はアフリカに、お前はオーストラリアに行きなさいと言いながらさらに紙と金属を空中に投げ上げようと しました。そうする前に、私には何かが書かれた紙と違う種類の金属が見え、これでは旨く行かないと思いました。

けれど、 私が思った通りにすれば、材料がどのようなものでも構わないという考えになり、地球上の他の場所にも送ろうと思い続けながら投げ続け ました。」

夢はそこ で終わり、私はそうしたことを嬉しく思いました。

起きた時 に、夢に見た事の理由を見付けようとしました。初めは書いたもので光の町が出来たんだと思いました。それから、私たちが書いたことが 大切なのではなく、紙には既に何かが書かれていた事が私たちの助けでこの仕事を成し遂げられるのだということが分かりました。

それだけ です。希望が持てるメッセージでしょ?分からないけど、確かに奇妙な夢でした。
皆さんに 輝かしい愛の世界の実現のために私の愛を送ります。

皆さん楽 しい新年をお迎え下さい。

2012 年4月のスザンヌ・リーのチャネリングメッセージ

私たちは 銀河連合で今日はあなた方に私たちの着陸が始まったことをお知らせしたいと思います。まずは目覚めた人達の瞑想と夢の中に行きます。 私たちはあなた方に備えが出来るように、私たちのメッセージを受け取るようにします。

それから その他の人達にも備えをして貰います。」

 Translator: Taki-san 

Open Up Your Christmas Presence: Disclosure! by David Wilcock December 25, 2014, 4:52 am

Open Up Your Christmas Presence: Disclosure!

Just in time for the holidays, hear David's epic tour-de-force of disclosure on the secret space program, the impending defeat of the Cabal and the joint ET-human alliance fulfilling the ancient prophecies of this event.

As you may know, back in the 1990s there were only about three radio shows where people in the UFO field would have a platform to talk -- Laura Lee, Jeff Rense and Art Bell.
Of these three, the Art Bell show -- Coast to Coast AM -- was by far the most popular, pulling an average of 20 million ( ! ) listeners per night and covering most AM radio stations in the country.
Art Bell stepped down from his years-long nightly work as the "host of Coast" beginning in the early 2000s, and was replaced by my good friend George Noory.
More recently, Art started his own Dark Matter Radio Network. Jimmy Church has been filling in for him by hosting the prime-time nightly slot.
Jimmy, who was involved with the rock and roll music business in its prime, emailed us over the weekend and asked me to do a holiday show.
It seemed like the right time... so I went for it.

Before we get rolling with the transcript, let me first apologize for how long it has been since our last post here.
There is a LOT going on in the world right now. Events are continuing to happen so fast we can barely keep up with them.
Whereas there used to be perhaps 3 highly noteworthy stories to track per week, and they would nicely add up over a month's time into an obvious direction, that number is now up to 20 to 40 per week.
Although each of these stories are vitally important, when seen as a whole they add up to something much, much bigger.
We no longer have enough time to cover them all individually -- so it is necessary to synergize the effort and look at the Big Picture.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

EU MAIOR (Higher Self) legendado -- Inglês, Espanhol, Português/Brasileiro

Publicado a 21/11/2013

Um filme sobre autoconhecimento e busca da felicidade. A film about self-knowledge and the pursuit of happiness.

Foram entrevistados trinta personalidades, incluindo líderes espirituais, intelectuais, artistas e esportistas. EU MAIOR também está disponível em DVD/Blu-ray (com conteúdos extras exclusivos), e CD (trilha musical). Exibições independentes no cinema também podem ser organizadas. Mais informações no

Eu Maior (Higher Self) is a Brazilian feature-length documentary presenting a fresh look at self-knowledge and the pursuit of happiness. The filmmakers interviewed thirty individuals with distinct backgrounds, including spiritual leaders, intellectuals, artists and professional athletes. For more information, please visit

- Para legendas, clique no botão "cc" no canto inferior direito do player e esolha seu idioma (inglês, espanhol ou português).

- For subtitles, click on the "cc" button located on the lower right of the player and choose your language (English, Spanish, or Portuguese)

Basic Facts of UFOs

Basic Facts of UFOs

Flying Saucer - UFO Guide Billy Booth

Here are some of the basic facts about UFOs. Begin your study of these enigmatic flying machines
·         What is a UFO?

·         When Did UFO Reports Begin?

·         How UFO Cases are Classified

·         Early Reports of UFOs

·         How to Make a UFO Report

·         BestDocumented UFO Cases

·         Desire for Alien Contact

·         Has Alien Contact Been Made?

·         The Alien Abduction Issue

·         Alien Abduction Cases

UFO Frequently Asked Questions

UFO Frequently Asked Questions


I would like to clear up any misconceptions about what a UFO really is. More »

To properly answer this question, there are some facts that need to be cleared up. 

Although there is no official goverment statement as of yet, we might all be surprised by the answer to this question. 

Have extraterrestrial spacecraft invaded Earth's skies? The answer to this question depends on who you ask. 

Many people believe that since the United States Air Force closed Project Bluebook, the government has determined that UFOs are not real. 

The character and reputation of an airplane pilot is extremely important, as he holds the life of his passengers in his hands. 

What is the source of UFO sighting reports? Are they all made by unbalanced individuals? 

If you see a UFO, and decide to report it, what exactly should be your course of action?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Suzanne Lie, April 2012

Suzanne Lie,

April 2012

“Dearest Members of Earth,

We are members of the Galactic Federation speaking to 

you today to tell you that our landings have begun. We 

come first to our Awakened Ones within their dreams 

and meditations. We are here to speak to all who can 

receive our messages so that we can prepare you. 

Then, you can prepare others.”

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Solstice Transmission ~ Actualization of the Sedona Crystalline City of Light

Mp3 download
You Tube

Solstice Transmission ~ Actualization of the Sedona Crystalline City of Light

Activation of the Crystalline Cities of Light and Actualization of the Sedona Crystalline City of Light

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you at this time of the December Solstice, as you come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, as you activate the New Earth templates through the Crystalline Cities of Light and in particular, experience the actualization of the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. 

Sweet ones, you have been embraced within the Diamond Flame of Purity and Melchizedek Consciousness since May 2014, when this beautiful Diamond Ray spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father entered into the Sedona vortex and the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. You, sweet ones, formed part of a beautiful planetary activity of Light that created a vortex of Divine Love linking into the Sedona vortex of Light and from here into the Sedona Crystalline City of Light as this graceful dance further created a harmonic rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes.

Additionally, the twelve Crystalline Cities of Light associated with the primary chakras of Mother Earth anchored more deeply into the Unity Grid of Divine Love. The Crystalline Cities of Light embody the energy of pure, Divine Love, peace and purity, and act as a dimensional gateway for many of the Beings of Light from On High to connect with the awakened Souls on this Earth plane.

In Golden Ages of Light, many initiates of Light would find themselves walking up a spiral of crystal stairs, into a beautiful Crystalline City of Light. Greeted by Christed extra-terrestrials and higher dimensional Light Beings they would experience various Healing Chambers of Light, celestial musical transmissions, interdimensional creations of geometry and art, and a deepening of their connection to all Life in Love.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

TERRY RAY -- The Complete Story of the Worldwide Invasion of the ORANGE ORBS

Terry Ray

Thoughts as I'm drifting off to sleep ...

I would be satisfied with a tombstone that reads, "Did the best I could under the circumstances."

Tragedy is the sole source of wisdom.

It doesn't matter how you start, only how you finish.

Life is too short to endure boring people.

Hope keeps you alive.

Arrogance is a form of stupidity.

Truly brilliant people are humbled by how little they know.

Anyone who lives for material things will die with nothing.

Unless you know fear you will never know courage.

Never be troubled by the future because it only exists in your imagination

Never give advice unless you're asked for it, then accept the fact it will be ignored.

About Terry Ray:

 I am a MUFON Field Investigator and my book is a best-seller on the MUFON bookstore, if you would like to read it.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Alien abductions -- THE A70 ABDUCTION CASE, by Brian Allan



UFO Depiction

The A70 has been the site of the East 2 West Ufo Society Skywatches for many years now and has a strange mystique all of its own. Below is the complete article by Brian Allan of this famous Scottish incident.

An P-E-G Case Report
© Brian Allan 2000

My special and unreserved thanks goes to my friend, colleague, and paranormal researcher Malcolm Robinson for supplying invaluable original research material used in this article, particularly a transcript of Colin Wrights original hypnotic regression session.

I also wish to express my thanks to Garry Woods for his willingness to be interviewed, recorded and once again relive this remarkable series of events.

This particular incident unlike so many others is in some way ‘different’. There is an indefinable sense of ‘rightness’ about it, a feeling that something utterly bizarre and unearthly actually did happen.

This case like no other was a catalyst for many people, particularly for those who chose to sit on the fence refusing commitment to the idea of beings from other worlds visiting ours. That the purpose of these visits is totally altruistic is highly debatable, indeed, that the beings are from another world even more so.

In this article I will attempt - based on new research into particle physics coupled with a highly controversial psychic experiment - to show that rather than being extraterrestrial, these humanoid creature are extradimensional and exploit this ability at will.