Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A História dos Planos Recentes para a Divulgação UFO/OVNI (Actualizada)

Por  Steve Beckow

Matthew Ward e Hatonn acrescentaram informações significativas à nossa linha de base sobre os planos para divulgar a presença ET. Hatonn afirma que "dentro de alguns de meses, do exterior", o programa sobre o despertar da Terra será difundido pela televisão.

Isso difere cerca de duas semanas. da data informada por SaLuSa, sobre o final do  calendário deste ano.  

Hatonn descreve-se como "um comandante da frota intergaláctica e director da comunicação multidimensional." Vou deixar que ele e Matthew, dêem as últimas informações e acrescentà-las às que já temos.

Sou Mateus, a enviar saudações amorosas de todas as almas desta estação, a fim de partilhar convosco as nossas observações. Neste momento "expectativa" deve ser a melhor palavra para descrever os sentimentos colectivos das almas iluminadas - não pertencendo exclusivamente ao anúncio da presença da nossa família universal, mas é para onde uma grande quantidade de energia de antecipação está a ser dirigida. Alguns estão a esperar calmamente, mas com uma certeza comovida; outros que também se sentem emocionados, têm uma grande impaciência que se traduz como "vamos colocar este espectáculo na estrada"; e em alguns a energia da ansiedade está ofuscada pela dúvida expressa pela afirmação: “Mostrem-me".

HATONN: Obrigado, Matthew, meu amigo. Na qualidade de comandante da Armada Intergaláctica e Director da Comunicação Multidimensional, sou conhecedor dos preparativos de um programa de televisão a ser emitido para todo o globo, que irá apresentar a evidência das civilizações extra terrestres. 

O reconhecimento oficial não pode ser atrasado durante mais tempo, porque muito tem de ser cumprido durante esta fase de actividade universal. É essencial reparar o grande estrago que foi feito à Terra, para que ela torne a ganhar a sua saúde e restaurar o bem-estar dos seus habitantes, e não há tempo a perder. Estamos aqui a pedido da Terra, e com a autorização de Deus, porque temos a capacidade e o desejo de vos ajudar, mas os vossos representantes são responsáveis pela tomada de decisões, porque esse é o vosso mundo. 

O programa que vai anunciar a nossa presença é uma tarefa complexa. O número de pessoas que estão à nossa espera e que nos irão saudar de coração, é muito pequeno, e o programa está a ser elaborado para multidões. Tem de ser apresentado sem criar medo, ou uma reacção violenta e imprópria. Há uma oposição formidável a qualquer reconhecimento da nossa existência, e a segurança de todas as pessoas envolvidas no programa tem uma importância prioritária. Quando digo “segurança,” também quero significar segurança emocional de todas as testemunhas e de outros participantes, e das suas famílias, não apenas a  segurança física – temos isso bem em conta. 

O programa não pode ser apenas clips de filmes de avistamentos de naves espaciais. Em algumas áreas são tão numerosos, que isso seria oh-hum, eles estão de volta. Tem de haver evidência sólida sobre a nossa presença e é aí que chegam os relatos pessoais. Testemunhar perante um júri que obriga solenemente as testemunhas a manter segredo é muito diferente se o mundo conhecer as suas identidades, e o mesmo acontece com as pessoas que estiveram a trabalhar connosco ou que, pelo menos, sabem porque é que estamos aqui. Alguns foram excluídos socialmente das suas profissões, ou declarados fantasiosos ou loucos. Em alguns casos, as famílias foram ameaçadas e os indivíduos assassinados por facções que não querem que vocês saibam que existimos, especialmente, não precisamente aqui, convosco. Os que estão encarregados do programa querem que todos os que desejam falar sobre as suas experiências pessoais, se sintam emocionalmente seguros ao fazê-lo. 

É uma acção internacional, e é importante que haja um acordo entre os governos envolvidos. Tiverem de ser tomadas decisões de extrema importância, mas alguns detalhes ainda estão a ser discutidos. Alguns dos vossos representantes são a favor de manter o programa inicial breve, e libertar a informação por etapas, para que as pessoas não fiquem afectadas. Propõem uma afirmação breve de que muitas naves avistadas nos anos precedentes são de outras civilizações, que não há razão para pensar que haja uma intenção de fazer mal, e que mais informações irão seguir, consoante estão compiladas. Outros querem que o programa responda a todas as perguntas lógicas, e alguns dos nossos representantes digam como é que têm estado a ajudar o planeta, através do que chamais, limpeza ou mudança. Alguns pensam que irá ser assustador ver-nos tal como somos nas terras (planetas) onde nascemos – nem todos nós somos parecidos convosco. Alguns pensam incluir uma cobertura, ao vivo, de uma nave principal a surgir, que isso seria uma boa ideia, outros pensam que seria mais ameaçador do que capaz de restabelecer a confiança. 

Está a ser debatido que espécie de informação deverá ser apresentada no programa, e que quantidade da mesma se deverá revelar, para não causar uma sobrecarga emocional e mental. Será de ajuda ou será destruidor, explicar que a Terra se está a deslocar, intencionalmente, para fora da sua órbita habitual e necessita da ajuda dos que estão no planeta e fora dele? Isso dará origem a ter de explicar que a Terra é uma alma? Quanto é que se pode divulgar das nossas tecnologias sem alarmar as pessoas sobre a maneira como iremos usá-las? Será tolice ou será reconfortante dizer que a nossa presença evitou que outras civilizações tentassem invadir a Terra? Até que ponto todo o material encoberto deve ser divulgado? E como admitir que os vossos governos recusaram as nossas ofertas de tecnologia em troca de acabar com o desenvolvimento do armamento e de guerras que vos podiam aniquilar a todos? Como é que iria afectar a vossa população, saber que, quer os seres da Luz quer os das trevas, de outras civilizações, têm vivido entre vós? O programa deve incluir relatos de experiências pessoais de abduções, quer positivas quer negativas? E o que dizer sobre os “pequenos grey” que têm vivido durante muitos anos nas cidades subterrâneas? Que mistura de oradores científicos, políticos e religiosos deve estar presente no programa? 

Há opiniões divergentes sobre quando deverá ser emitido. O governo dos Estados Unidos, o que mais insistiu em negar a nossa existência, agora é a favor da divulgação máxima, com a maior rapidez possível. Alguns dos vossos representantes desejam mais votações e entrevistas sobre a estratégia para determinar quanta informação o vosso mundo está apto a receber. Alguns, em ambos os campos, querem que seja dito pessoalmente, a todos os chefes de Estado nacionais, o que será relatado no programa antes de ir para o ar, e outros pensam que enviar apenas um esboço é cortesia diplomática suficiente. 

Este processo vital de tomada de decisões, que começou lentamente, há um ano, alcançou um ponto que, dentro de alguns meses, este programa para “acordar a Terra” estará no ar. Os políticos e pessoas influentes com integridade, sabedoria e convicção espiritual, não irão vacilar perante as ameaças, as “luvas,” e mesmo as tentativas de assassínio dos que se opõem a eles. Podeis chamar-lhes Illuminati ou a Élite, a cabala, o Novo Governo Mundial ou o Governo Secreto, a Nova Ordem Mundial ou as trevas - é tudo o mesmo. São os diversos grupos que estão a trabalhar sob a pesada influência das trevas, esse vasto campo de forças de pensamentos e formas negativas. Isso é demasiado esotérico para ser discutido no programa, mas a verdade integral sobre este Universo, vasto e povoado, será revelada à medida que a Terra progredir para os planos de energia mais altos. Penso que isto abrange tudo. Obrigado, Matthew. (Matthew e Hatonn Nov. 18, 2009, de

Em anexo está o post anterior sobre a data prevista da Divulgação.

Desconhecido pela maior parte do público, de um modo em geral, a tensão está a crescer devido ao plano de rumores sobre o presidente Obama de anunciar a existência de vida inteligente no espaço dentro de dois meses.

Muitos estão a acolher bem a notícia, mas as pessoas com interesse em negar que existe vida extraterrestre, estão a reagir com medo e negativamente.

O primeiro rumor sólido de uma data para a divulgação veio da Conferência do Projeto Camelot, em Zurique, uma empresa cinematográfica independente dedicada a expor a Nova Ordem Mundial e a dar as boas-vindas aos visitantes galácticos que circundam a Terra, no tempo presente.

Em 12 de Julho de 2009, o co-fundador do Project Camelot, Bill Ryan,  estava no palco quando o intuitivo David Wilcock, lhe perguntou: "Não se esqueça de algumas coisas que Pete Peterson disse, sobre o final deste ano."

Ao que Bill respondeu: "David está a recordar-me algo mais que Pete Peterson disse sobre o final deste ano. O que [ele] nos disse foi que o presidente Obama ia revelar a realidade do contacto extraterrestre antes do final deste ano.

"Peterson disse que tinha sabido dito por pessoas que sabiam que o tempo de antena, nas redes de televisão, já estava reservado.

"A data que ele nos referiu, se bem me lembro, foi 27 de Novembro.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

La Historia de los Planes Recientes de la Revelación OVNI (Actualizada) Por Steve Beckow

Mateo Ward y Hatonn han añadido información significativa a nuestro punto de referencia sobre los planes para revelar la presencia ET. Hatonn dice que "en un par de meses, en el exterior," el programa despertar de la Tierra será televisado.

Esto difiere de la fecha expresada por Salusa para fines de este año calendario, alrededor de dos semanas a más tardar.

Hatonn se describe a sí mismo como "un comandante de la flota intergaláctica y director de comunicaciones multidimensionales." Voy a dejar que él y Matthew entreguen información más reciente y la anexaré a la información que ya tenemos.

************************************************* *******
Este es Mateo para brindar saludos amorosos de todas las almas en esta estación y para compartir con ustedes nuestras observaciones. En este momento, "anticipación" puede ser la mejor palabra para describir los sentimientos colectivos de almas iluminadas- que no pertenecen exclusivamente a un anuncio de la presencia de nuestra familia universal, pero que es donde se está dirigiendo una gran cantidad de energía anticipatoria. Algunos de ustedes están esperando con calma, pero con certeza emocionados; otros que sienten emoción también “actúan” con un alto grado de impaciencia; y en algunos de ustedes la energía del entusiasmo se ve ensombrecida por "muéstrame" duda. Luego están la mayoría de los pueblos, los que no tienen idea alguna de que el reconocimiento oficial de otras civilizaciones es inminente.

Hatonn ha accedido a hablar sobre lo que está sucediendo detrás de las bambalinas relacionado con el anuncio público, y le entregamos este foro a él.

HATONN: Gracias, Mateo, mi amigo. Como comandante de la flota intergaláctica y director de comunicaciones multidimensionales, estoy bien informado sobre los preparativos de un programa televisado a nivel mundial que presentará evidencia de civilizaciones extraterrestres.

El reconocimiento oficial no puede retrasarse más porque hay  mucho por hacer en esta fase de la actividad universal. Es esencial reparar el daño grave que se ha hecho a la Tierra para que ella pueda recuperar su salud y restaurar el bienestar de sus habitantes, y no hay tiempo que perder. Estamos aquí por petición de la Tierra y autorización de Dios, porque tenemos la capacidad y el deseo de ayudarlos, pero sus representantes son responsables de la toma de decisiones ya que este es su mundo.

El programa para anunciar nuestra presencia es una tarea compleja. El número de personas que nos están esperando y nos saludan con entusiasmo son muy pocos, y el programa se está diseñando para las multitudes. Tiene que ser presentado sin crear miedo o reacción excesiva.

The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson -- Free PDF


by Graham Hancock (Author of Fingerprints of the Gods)

It is my great pleasure and honor to introduce this abridged edition of Forbidden Archeology. Let me say at the outset that I believe this book to be one of the landmark intellectual achievements of the late twentieth century. It will take more conservative scholars a long while, probably many years, to come to terms with the revelations it contains. Nevertheless, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson have put the revelations out there and the clock cannot now be turned back. Sooner or later, whether we like it or not, our species is going to have to come to terms with the facts that are so impressively documented in the pages that follow, and these facts are stunning.

Cremo and Thompson's central proposition is that the model of human prehistory, carefully built-up by scholars over the past two centuries, is sadly and completely wrong. Moreover, the authors are not proposing that it can be put right with minor tinkering and adjustments. What is needed is for the existing model to be thrown out the window and for us to start again with open minds and with absolutely no preconceptions at all.

This is a position that is close to my own heart; indeed it forms the basis of my book Fingerprints of the Gods. There, however, my focus was exclusively on the last 20,000 years and on the possibility that an advanced global civilization may have flourished more than 12,000 years ago only to be wiped out and forgotten in the great cataclysm that brought the last Ice Age to an end.

In The Hidden History of the Human Race Cremo and Thompson go much further, pushing back the horizons of our amnesia not just 12,000 or 20,000 years, but millions of years into the past, and showing that almost everything we have been taught to believe about the origins and evolution of our species rests on the shaky foundation of academic opinion, and on a highly selective sampling of research results. The two authors then set about putting the record straight by showing all the other research results that have been edited out of the record during the past two centuries, not because there was anything wrong or bogus about the results themselves, but simply because they did not fit with prevailing academic opinion.

Anomalous and out-of-place discoveries reported by Cremo and Thompson in The Hidden History of the Human Race include convincing evidence that anatomically modern humans may have been present on the Earth not just for 100,000 years or less (the orthodox view), but for millions of years, and that metal objects of advanced design may have been in use at equally early periods. Moreover, although sensational claims have been made before about out-of-place artifacts, they have never been supported by such overwhelming and utterly convincing documentation as Cremo and Thompson provide.

In the final analysis, it is the meticulous scholarship of the authors, and the cumulative weight of the facts presented in The Hidden History of the Human Race, that really convince. The book is, I believe, in harmony with the mood of the public at large in the world today, a mood which no longer unquestioningly accepts the pronouncements of established authorities, and is willing to listen with an open mind to heretics who make their case reasonably and rationally.

Never before has the case for a complete re-evaluation of the human story been made more reasonably and rationally than it is in these pages.

Graham Hancock,
Devon, England, January 1998




Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson

Em 1979, pesquisadores em Laetoli, Tanzania, em um sítio da África Oriental descobriram pegadas em depósitos de cinza vulcânica com idade superior a 3,6 milhões de anos. Mary Leakey e outros disseram que as pegadas eram indistingüíveis das humanas atuais. Para estes cientistas, isso apenas significa que os ancestrais do homem de 3,6 milhões de anos atrás tinham pés incrivelmente modernos.

Mas, de acordo com outros cientistas, como o antropólogo físico R.H. Tuttle da Universidade de Chicago, ossos fósseis dos australopithecos conhecidos de 3,6 milhões de anos atrás demonstram que eles tinham pés que eram claramente próximos dos pés de um macaco. Assim, são incompatíveis com as pegadas de Laetoli. Em um artigo da edição de março de 1990 da revista ‘Natural History’, Tuttle confessou que “estamos frente a um mistério”. Parece admissível, portanto, considerar a possibilidade que nem Tuttle nem Leakey mencionaram – que criaturas com corpos humanos anatomicamente modernos, que combinassem com seus pés humanos anatomicamente modernos, existiram há 3,6 milhões de anos atrás na África Oriental. Talvez, como sugerido na ilustração da página oposta, eles coexistiram com criaturas simiescas. Intrigante como possa parecer essa possibilidade arqueológica, as idéias atuais sobre a evolução humana a proíbem.

Pessoas sensatas irão alertar para a consideração da existência de humanos anatomicamente modernos há milhões de anos com base, simplesmente, nas pegadas de Laetoli. Mas há mais evidências. Durante as últimas décadas, cientistas na África descobriram ossos fósseis que parecem consideravelmente humanos. Em 1965, Bryan Patterson e W. W. Howells acharam um úmero (osso do braço) surpreendentemente moderno em Kanapoi, Kenya. Os cientistas avaliaram sua idade em 4 milhões de anos.

A História Secreta da Raça Humana

A História Secreta da Raça Humana

(Matéria Forbidden Archeology traduzida por Leandro com trechos compilados do livro A História Secreta da Raça Humana, para o site Mistérios Antigos – Os antigos habitantes da Terra)

Esta sabedoria proibida está sendo protegida e escondida de todos nós. A visão popular atual da presença humana no passado distante é uma fachada falsa. A verdadeira realidade está lá fora, mostrando prova de povos e tecnologia avançada milhões de anos antes do que é declarado sobre a evolução da humanidade no planeta. 
Por que o estabelecimento científico e o governo suprimiram e ignoraram estas notáveis descobertas? De onde eles vieram? Como chegaram aqui? 

Clique para ampliar
Ao estudar a sabedoria proibida nestas páginas, uma verdade completamente nova irá emergir e se tornar evidente para você… a verdade que a terra foi visitada ou habitada por humanos modernos usando tecnologia avançada muito tempo antes do que os livros de história nos dizem hoje.

A tabela ao lado apresenta a visão científica aceita da evolução neste planeta. Ela mostra os seres humanos aparecendo na terra cerca de 1.6 milhões de anos atrás, e a civilização humana tendo surgido há apenas 10,000 anos atrás. No entanto, usando métodos científicos convencionais, várias descobertas demonstram de maneira conclusiva a prova da presença ou visita de humanos modernos no passado da terra, muito antes do que esta linha cronológica indica ser possível. A prova é chocante! 
Ao aprofundar-mos ainda mais no passado através das diferentes eras, você verá que as evidências continuam a aflorar…

A Era Cenozóica

é a última das quatro maiores eras do período geológico, iniciando cerca de 65 milhões de anos atrás, e se estendendo até o presente. Ela sucede o período Cretáceo da era Mesozóica, e é subdividida entre o período Terciário e o período Quaternário. As características dos tempos Terciários são estabelecidas em artigos sob os nomes dos vários períodos (épocas) mais curtos que compõem este período; do mais antigo ao mais recente eles são respectivamente: Paleoceno, Eoceno, Oligoceno, Mioceno, e Plioceno.

A visão científica aceita da evolução na Era Cenozóica mostra os seres humanos aparecendo na Terra cerca de 1.6 milhões de anos atrás, e a civilização humana há apenas 10,000 anos atrás. No entanto, as descobertas científicas apresentadas abaixo mostram uma história bem diferente e chocante.
Moeda de Cobre de Illinois,
mais de 200,000 anos de idade
Descobertas do período Pleistoceno

Esta versão de um objeto semelhante a uma moeda, de uma perfuração de poço próxima a Lawn Ridge, Illinois, foi encontrada numa profundidade de 37 metros abaixo da superfície. De acordo com informações fornecidas pelo Serviço de Inspeção Geológica do Estado de llinois, os sedimentos nos quais a moeda estava contida possuem entre 200,000 e 400,000 anos de idade… quem deixou esta moeda centenas de milhares de anos antes do homem civilizado evoluir?

Esqueleto Humano Moderno da Tanzânia,
mais de 800,000 anos de idade
Em 1913, o Professor Hans Reck, da Universidade de Berlim, conduziu investigações em Olduvai Gorge (Garganta de Olduvai), na Tanzânia, Leste da África, na época, pertencente à Alemanha. Durante sua estadia em Olduvai Gorge, Reck encontrou um esqueleto humano anatomicamente moderno que permanece uma fonte de mistério e controvérsia até hoje. Este crânio moderno é de um esqueleto humano completo encontrado naquele ano. Os restos do esqueleto humano, incluindo o crânio inteiro, estavam incrustados na rocha, e tiveram que ser removidos com martelos e talhadeiras. Ele foi encontrado na parte superior de uma formação rochosa com datação superior a 1,000,000 de anos de idade. Como este humano moderno veio parar 1,000,000 de anos no passado?

Monday, November 24, 2014

The History of Recent UFO Disclosure Plans (Updated) by Steve Beckow

Matthew Ward and Hatonn have added significant information to our baseline on plans to disclose the ET presence. Hatonn states that “within a couple of months, at the outside,” the Earth-awakening program will be televised.

That differs from SaLuSa’s stated date of the end of this calendar year by around two weeks at the latest.

Hatonn describes himself as “an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication.” I’ll let him and Matthew give the latest information and append to that the information that we already have.

This is Matthew to extend loving greetings from all souls at this station and to share with you our observations. In this moment “anticipatory” may be the best word to describe the collective feelings of enlightened souls—not exclusively pertaining to an announcement of our universal family’s presence, but that is where a great deal of anticipation energy is being directed. Some of you are waiting calmly, yet with excited certainty; others who feel excitement also have a large measure of “get this show on the road” impatience; and in some of you the energy of eagerness is overshadowed by “show me” doubtfulness. Then there are the majority of peoples, those who have no idea whatsoever that official recognition of other civilizations is imminent.

Hatonn has agreed to speak about what is happening behind the scenes pertaining to the public announcement, and we turn over this forum to him.

HATONN: Thank you, Matthew, my friend. As an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, I am knowledgeable about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Official recognition can’t be further delayed because much has to be accomplished during this phase of universal activity. It’s essential to repair the severe damage that has been done to Earth so she can regain her health and restore well being to her inhabitants, and there’s no time to waste. We’re here by Earth’s request and God’s authorization because we have the capacity and desire to help you, but your representatives are responsible for making decisions because this is your world.

The program announcing our presence is a complex undertaking. The numbers of folks who are expecting us and will greet us wholeheartedly are very few, and the program is being designed for the multitudes. It has to be presented without creating fear or undue backlash.

There’s formidable opposition to any recognition of our very existence, and the security of all persons involved in the program is a foremost consideration. When I say “security,” I also mean the emotional security of all witnesses and other participants and their families, not only their physical safety—we have that well in hand.

The program can’t be just film clips of spacecraft sightings. In some areas these are so numerous that it’s ho-hum, they’re back. There has to be solid evidence about our presence and that’s where personal accounts come in. Testifying before a panel that pledges witnesses to secrecy is quite different from letting the world know their identities, and the same goes for the people who have been working with us or at least know why we are here.

Some have been blackballed in their professions or declared delusional or crazy. In some cases families have been threatened and individuals killed by factions that don’t want you to know we exist, especially not right here with you. Those in charge of the program want everyone who’s willing to speak about personal experiences to feel emotionally secure doing it.

This is an international action and it’s important that there is agreement among the governments involved. Major decisions have been made, but some details are still being discussed. Some of your representatives favor keeping the initial program brief and releasing information in increments so people won’t feel overwhelmed. They propose a brief statement that many spacecraft seen during the past several years are from other civilizations, there’s no reason to think any harm is intended, and more information will follow as it’s compiled.

Others want the program to answer all logical questions and some of our representatives tell how they’ve been to helping the planet through what you call the shift or cleansing. Some think it would be frightening to see us as we appear in our native lands—not all of us look like you. Others say it’s necessary to show ourselves as we are to prove that we aren’t from your civilization. Some think including live coverage of a mother ship decloaking is a good idea, others think it could be more threatening than reassuring.

What kinds of information to present on the program and how much can be covered without overload is being debated. Would it be helpful or overkill to explain that Earth is moving out of her regular orbit by intention and needs our help off and on the planet? Would that involve explaining that Earth is a soul? How much can be said about our technologies without alarming folks about how we might use it?

Would it be foolish or comforting to say that our presence has prevented other civilizations from trying to invade Earth? To what extent should the cover-up be disclosed? What about admitting that your governments refused our offers of technology in exchange for ending weaponry development and wars that could annihilate you all? How would it affect your population to know that both dark and light beings from other civilizations have been living among you and influencing your way of life?

Should the program include personal accounts of both positive and negative abduction experiences? What to say about the “little grays” that have been living for many years in underground cities? What mixture of scientific, political and religious spokespersons should be in the program?

There are differing opinions about when to air it. The United States government, once the most vocal in denying our existence, now favors the most extensive disclosure with maximum speed. A few of your representatives want more polls and strategic interviews to determine how much information your world is ready for. Some in both camps want every national leader to be personally told what will be in the program prior to show time and others think sending each one the program outline is enough diplomatic courtesy.

This vital decision-making process that started off slowly a year ago has reached the point that within a couple of months at the outside, this “Earth-awakening” program will be on the air. The movers and shakers with integrity, wisdom and spiritual conviction will not be swayed by threats, bribes, even assassination attempts by the ones who oppose them.

You can call them Illuminati or the Elite, the cabal, New World Government or Secret Government, New World Order or the darkness, it’s all the same. It’s the disparate groups that are operating under the heavy influence of the dark forces, that vast force field of negative thought forms. That is too esoteric to give out on the program, but the full truth about this vast populated universe will be revealed as Earth progresses into higher energy planes. (Matthew and Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Nov. 18, 2009, at at

Appended is the earlier post on the predicted date of disclosure.


Unknown to most members of the general public, mounting tension is rising over the rumored plan of President Obama to announce the existence of intelligent life in outer space within two months.

Many are welcoming the news, but people with a vested interest in denying that extraterrestrial life exists are reacting with fear and denial.

The first solid rumor of a date for disclosure came from the Zurich Conference of Project Camelot, an independent film-making company dedicated to exposing the New World Order and welcoming the galactic visitors who encircle the Earth at the present time.

On July 12, 2009, PC’s co-founder Bill Ryan was onstage when intuitive David Wilcock asked him the question: “Don’t forget some other things that Pete Peterson said about the end of this year.”

To which Bill replied: “David’s reminding me of something else that Pete Peterson said about the end of this year. What [he] told us was that President Obama was going to reveal the reality of extraterrestrial contact before the end of this year.
“He said that he had been told this by people who knew that the television time on the networks has already been booked.

“The date he told us, if I remember it right, was November 27.

“What he also told us was that it was one of these ritualistically-significant dates, numerologically.

“And he said that what Obama was going to talk about was the reality of contact with six friendly ET races.

“And when we asked him why he used the word ‘friendly,’ he said that some of them are unfriendly but most of them are friendly.” (1)

The subject was next discussed when David Wilcock went on Coast-to-Coast AM on Oct. 6, 2009. He said to George Noory:

“They’re trying to do as much as they can to get people ready [for disclosure] so that when the truth is revealed, the society will basically hold together. …

“I’ve heard of three completely separate ways in which disclosure could happen. …
“Finally some of these insiders are actually sitting down and talking to me, sometimes in person, sometimes over other methods and I have learned so much, so much more that I know now that I’m allowed to talk about.

“Everything you can imagine is out there. Every type of human you can imagine is out there, good, bad and indifferent. There are artifacts everywhere. It’s just staggering how stupid we are compared to what there really is. …

“There are many, many, many intelligent species in the universe.” (2)

David attempted to give his readers an idea of what the significance of disclosure would be for humanity:

“If the truth comes out, it is bigger than the foundation of Islam, it is bigger than the foundation of Christianity, because at the time these events only reached several hundred thousand people .

“This would be the biggest event in human history, the most spontaneous shift that humanity has ever seen. Everything that’s being talked about on the nightly news right now would pale into significance….

“The point is that everything is going to change in such a dramatic way. Everybody who’s listening to this has probably had that experience where they first started to get over the tipping point and realize, hey, you know, maybe this stuff is true.

“Well, imagine what would happen if the planet is told. And imagine how bad that would be for the controllers because what they’re seeing is the loss of their ability to be seen, mainly by themselves, as the gods of the Earth. 

“It’s so vast and there’s so many probability vortexes, it’s hard to really nail …  down [what will happen after the announcement].  But  I will say that it’s going to rock the foundations of the world. I would say that we will have some very  dramatic economic changes [including NESARA], which probably are not negative.

“There will probably be a fair a number of people who will be so stunned that they won’t want to go to work for a while.  But I don’t think that’s going to be a long-term problem.  I think that’s one of the things that the planetary leaders are most concerned about is that people will just stop working.

“It’s going to be such a massive change that any movie that has been made before this happens, any television show that was written before this happens, any magazine, any website that was written before this happens, will become irrelevant on some levels.  

“Everything that we ever say, everything that we ever think will be completely based on this. If we know that there are other humans out there and that we’re not the only game in town, and we suddenly realize that aliens are not these scarey, horrible insect-like creatures but they’re people like us, it means  our family is a lot bigger than we think.

“I think in many ways it would reaffirm faith and world religions because now you realize that every ancient religion has reports of people who look like us who can do very amazing stuff and come here and basically teach us how to lead more virtuous lives. (3)

Probably David is correct in predicting that dislcosure will cause a paradigm shift on the planet, a releasing of old beliefs, and a firing of the imagination that no other event in history will come close to matching.

Then came a message from another source, from the galactics themselves. An off-planet spokesman, well-respected in the 2012 community, named SaLuSa of Sirius, who speaks through Mike Quinsey of Great Britain, confirmed that the galactics planned to disclose their existence and end the UFO cover-up by the end of this year:
“Perhaps somewhat sooner than you might have anticipated, the first meaningful contact is soon to be announced. The news is already spreading like wildfire, and it is going to be a moment when history will be made. You have reached a new stage in this cycle that will see you move even further ahead, and all the promise of a new age will begin to unfold before your eyes.

“Does it not seem appropriate that at a time when you will be preparing to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, you will have another reason that will bring joy to so many of you. Between now and the end of the year the first official announcement of our existence will go ahead, and none other than President Obama will sit at that table. Over a period of time we had been anticipating a more open contact, but in keeping up with your likely re-action it has been decided to take a formal approach.

“The message that you are to receive, whether direct or through President Obama will set the stage for a series of announcements.” (4)

For me, personally, hearing it from SaLuSa, whom I had come to respect among galactic commentators, sent me into joy. SaLuSa was later to make a second comment about it, which only firmed up my expectations.

“Everything is set for a series of dramatic events, but we ask you to continue exercising you patience and accept that all is well.

“To turn around a situation that has been created over hundreds of years does not happen overnight, but with our help you will see incredibly fast changes. That it is at all possible is great a credit to those Lightworkers who have paved the way over the last hundred years or more.” (5)

Doubts seem always to return to the human mind. Even though we now had two respected terrestrials pointing to disclosure and one respected galactic, more confirmation seemed needed.

The next major confirmation came from a spirit communicator. Matthew Ward, speaking through his mother Suzy Ward, is, like SaLuSa, one of the trusted guides of the 2012 community. Matthew died in a car accident on April 17, 1980. His mother later learned that he died so that telepathic communication could be set up between him and his mother.

Matthew appears to be a terrestrial human of very evolved status and his monthly messages are widely discussed in among 2012ers. Now he had weighed in and said that disclosure was imminent.

Matthew said that there are “’open windows,’ universally speaking, that offer the leaps in consciousness and spiritual clarity that enable a civilization to ascend into a higher density.”

“These windows have opened for Earth’s peoples before, but they closed because the darkness that permeated the planet prevented the peoples from looking up at the stars instead of down at “feet of clay.” This is the time of another open window, and as ordained by the Supreme Being of this universe, Earth will fly through on her way into the higher densities where love, peace and harmony is the basis of life. In her love for all her resident souls, she wants them to go with her.

“Measured progress is necessary to meet the energetic timeline of any open window, and much must be accomplished before this one closes around the end of your year 2012. Again, Earth’s soaring through and onward to her destination in fifth density is assured—it is up to individual souls to chart their own journey.

“The tenacious resistance of the dark minds among you has managed to keep a lid on the massive deception that has kept the peoples in bondage for millennia. The dark force knows it has lost the war for global domination, but its battle continues for individuals who have not heeded their souls’ intuitive messages to “see the light.”

“The current strategy of the puppets of darkness is to stir up anger, confusion and divisiveness—the antithesis of the spirit that can see and seize opportunities for benevolent change—and even as tiny bits of pervasive corruption and depravity seep into headlines, a great deal still is operating to keep the masses deceived, suppressed and consciously asleep.” (7)

For months, and maybe years, the planned sequence of events intended to loosen the grip of the dark and announce the presence of the galactic had been discussed. It had always been said that the arrest of the Illuminati would come first and then disclosure of the UFO presence. But now Matthew announced a change of plans.

“Because that is not in keeping with Earth’s desire for her beloved souls, the master planning council in conjunction with spiritually evolved beings among you decided to reverse the order of two major parts of the plan.

“Originally it was thought that exposure of the dark ones’ controlling hand in myriad worldly matters would arouse the sleepers and then there would be the revelation that newcomers from distant lands have come to help you clean up the mess your world is in.
“But awakening of the masses isn’t happening as quickly as need be and time is of the essence, so it has been agreed to jolt the many sound sleepers with something that cannot miss getting everyone’s attention—your governments acknowledging that other intelligent beings are in the universe.” (8)

“According to information reaching us about the ‘unveiling,’ it will be understated rather than dramatic, such as a simultaneous fleet of spacecraft decloaking or a host of visitors landing. And there will not be an immediate outpouring of interaction with your brothers and sisters from faraway homelands—their introduction will be unfolded, not suddenly thrust upon a world where skeptics and nonbelievers will not greet this news with the same enthusiasm as you. Wisdom dictates caution so that suspense and doubt will not turn into chaos and fear.” (9)

Finally, Matthew took a step that the spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation (SHGF) rarely do. He singled out one individual for commendation, David Wilcock. That mention of David from Ward did much to firm up the position of David for me and perhaps for many others.

“Because we honor every one of the many courageous souls throughout your world who are aiding the light forces, rarely do we single out an individual for such recognition. Speaking on behalf of all souls at this station, I do so in this instance because David Wilcock so clearly explains the interconnectedness of all in existence, how science and spirit are one and the same, and all incarnate experiencing is within the universal consciousness.” (10)

The next confirmation of significance came from the man credited with starting the Exopolitics movement, Dr. Michael Salla. In the Hawaii Exopolitics Examiner, he announced, not only the welcome news of disclosure, but also the fact that the U.S. military had met face-to-face with the galactic recently.

“Two independent and confidential sources have revealed to me that face to face meetings have recently occurred between U.S. military officials with one or more groups of extraterrestrial visitors.

“This has allegedly led to confidence being built for future cooperation with the extraterrestrials that will be formally announced to the world public either at the end of 2009, or early 2010.”In conclusion, a diverse number of sources and events point to some form of extraterrestrial disclosure being made by the end of 2009, or early 2010. Official disclosure will most likely emerge in either of two scenarios. One is that President Obama will announce the existence of extraterrestrial visitors, and describe one or more of these to the world.

“This scenario is supported by [whistleblower Dr. Pete] Peterson, Wilcock, and my own confidential sources. The second scenario is that an announcement will be made concerning the discovery of artificial structures at the moon’s South Pole, as revealed by the LCROSS mission. This scenario is supported by Hoagland.”Whichever of the above scenarios is used for announcing the existence of extraterrestrial life or technology, President Obama will figure prominently.

“Behind the scenes, powerful institutions are ensuring that nothing derails the planned disclosure announcement. The disclosure will follow upon a year of greater government openness on UFOs in accord with a policy secretly developed at the United Nations.” (11)

Salla’s exposure of the fact that the United Nations had secretly agreed to make 2009 a year of unprecedented openness around the subject of UFOs came as a surprise to me and many 2012ers. On this subject he revealed:

“The impending disclosure announcement follows upon the secret implementation of a year long openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Over the period February 12-14, 2008, the United Nations held closed doors discussions where approximately 30 nations secretly agreed on a new openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in 2009.

“The openness policy was implemented but never publicly announced due to threats against UN diplomats not to disclose details of the secret agreement. h The secret UN agreement was based on two conditions. First, UFOs would continue to appear around the world; and second, the openness policy would not lead to social unrest in liberal democracies. Both conditions have been satisfied making it possible for the next stage to begin – official disclosure of extraterrestrial life.” (12)

He predicted that President Obama would take steps to turn the UN into a body that truly spoke for humanity.

“If extraterrestrial disclosure does occur at the end of 2009 or early 2010, President Obama will lead an unprecedented effort to promote global governance through the United Nations. The Obama administration and its supporters are poised to take a bold step forward in helping our planet become an interplanetary culture that openly deals with the challenges posed by extraterrestrial life.” (13)

So now we had Bill Ryan announcing the date, David Wilcock commenting on its significance, SaLuSa confirming a date range (before the New Year), Matthew confirming that disclosure and the decloaking were imminent and that accountability – the arrest of the Illuminati — was to follow, and Michael Salla revealing that the UN had made 2009 the year to be more open to the discussion of UFOs and perhaps to disclose their existence.

The only one left out of the circle of long-standing 2012 commentators was a group known as the “Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation,” who had been speaking through Sheldan Nidle since the 1990s and had not made a really-specific statement on the subject up till now.

However, yesterday, Nov. 3, 2009, Nidle’s sources also confirmed the imminence of disclosure.

Nidle implied that a divine deadline approached which was the event needed to cause all the personnel involved in a disclosure scenario to act.

“A special timetable is winding down, and quite soon some major events are to manifest in your world. We have the time forecasted in divine prose by the Creator. Heaven and Earth are set to move! A new reality is to appear before you almost in one fell swoop…..

“A great and sublime ride awaits us all. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for the unexpected! We have come to a point where our presence needs to be known; it is time to make the forces behind the ongoing UFO cover-up step aside.

“Full disclosure is rapidly becoming something we expect from our Earth allies as well as from the major governments of your world. As you approach critical mass, it becomes increasingly silly to insist that you are alone in the universe. Over the past half-decade we have informed hordes of witnesses and supporters about our existence and about what Heaven has proclaimed for this world and its inhabitants.

“We have also witnessed the lunacy of this UFO cover-up in action: Many who continue to deny our existence do so while setting up a global network of exotic weaponry to be used against us! These ‘toys’ have bankrupted many governments and brought death and ruin to multitudes who are the lifeblood of the illegal drug trade set up to pay for the expensive weapons projects designed to prevent our arrival.

“It is time to end all of this and for these rogues to simply bow out. All their preventive scheming is futile: When Heaven decrees our arrival, it will happen easily and swiftly. Heaven is, after all, the final arbiter. (14)

The SHGF confirmed what Matthew had said, that secret meetings had been held to clear the way for disclosure.

Secret meetings have brought your world to the brink of a truly remarkable moment. Likewise, we have put the pressure on for disclosure. Once we are officially announced as real and benevolent, a new reality is thrown open. It is one thing to confuse the issue with denials and misinformation and quite another to admit the truth and let a new period of consciousness erupt into being! It is in this shining moment that many things hitherto considered impossible suddenly become very possible.” (15)

Now, as we reflect on the imminence of disclosure, we are also aware of the foolish response of the New World Order, who own the means of broadcasting and communication. Of their efforts, we hear Matthew comment that “the current strategy of the puppets of darkness is to stir up anger, confusion and divisiveness.” (16)

One channel publicly billed this last month of October as “Fear Month. They made blood run in cinematic streets by every possible means. Among them was the rebroadcast of the Alien Trilogy, probably the most damaging representation of “aliens” that Hollywood has made. They have not yet run its close second, “Independence Day,” which represents aliens as wanting to harvest the Earth and then leave it desolated. [Ed: “Independence Day” in fact was aired around the middle of Novembewr 2009.]

October also saw the release of “District 9,” which also raised fears about aliens.
The month of November will see the airing of the “V” series, which, as I understand it (because I don’t intend to watch it), represents aliens as wanting to take over the Earth for nefarious reasons. Then will come a negative, fear-based representation of “2012” itself.

As we get closer and closer to the date for disclosure, the NWO is doing everything it can to raise fear in the population.

Hopefully the impact of the constantly-rising energies will negate their efforts and the population of the world will welcome the homecoming of our galactic brothers and sisters.

So many mistaken beliefs will fall on the day when President Obama introduces his interstellar visitors to us. We will see that these visitors are our family, our galactic brothers and sisters, human like us but far more advanced. They come in peace and they come to bring us answers to the way out of our hopeless mess.

They come just in the nick of time, because what we’ve done with our planet financially, socially and militarily shows that we could not have dug ourselves out of the hole we created, without their assistance.
1)Bill Ryan addressing Zurich Conference, “A New World,” July 12, 2009, at

(2) David Wilcock, interview with George Noory, Oct. 6, 2009, Coast to Coast AM, at

(6) Matthew Ward, Oct. 19, 2009, at
(7) Ibid.
(8) Ibid.
(9) Ibid.
(10) Ibid.
(11) Michael Salla, Oct. 21, 2009, Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner, at
(12) Ibid.
(13) Ibid.
(14) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, Nov. 3, 2009, through Sheldan Nidle, at
(15) Ibid.
(16) Matthew Ward, Oct. 19, 2009, ibid.