Friday, September 5, 2014

Feacturing Aileen Garoutte

This blog (UFOexperiences) has been created to inform the public about the UFO subject. It also contains peripheral phenomena. Created by Aileen Garoutte, previously Director of The UFO Contact Center International.



Abductee’s have reported that their Blood type changed to O after the abduction? Anyone know anything about this? Are their children being born with O blood? Many have talked about burned cornea’s and implants, but not much is said about a rare blood type change. What came first? The aliens or ZymeQuest?

It may sound like science fiction, but a company in Beverly has created a system that can change your blood type. In doing so, it may transform transfusion medicine. It is our intention to develop a growing conviction among scientists that with the introduction of Type O RH-negative blood into the human gene pool, we were given opportunity of solving the inherent problems facing our modern world. Think of it as a "cleansing". The introduction of hope and renewal which, if understood and universally accepted, would change the direction of human destiny.

John Carpenter of MUFON was director of abduction investigations who was fired for his controversial reptile/blood type opinions due to the abductees testamonies.While you won't find many of my sentiments reflected in the "scientific" community, it is interesting to note three possibilities exist to explain the O-neg blood type (known as the universal donor type).

These are: 1) re-emergence of a dormant gene;
2) Exobiology & Inter-dimensional;
3) chance mutation, happening within the last 20-35k years.

1. First it is important to realize, sentient life on our planet can be traced back over 2-million years. Many advanced civilizations have risen and fallen. We have no direct way of knowing what were the conditions giving rise to these civilizations, nor their physiology. A good primer is "Forbidden Archaeology" by Richard Cremo. Given this longevity, it is conceivable that extinct races could pass on certain of their genetic traits.

For example, let's consider there were two sentient branches of the human race in existence at the time: Cro-Magnons from which gave us modern humans, and Neanderthals, of tall stature who became extinct. If you follow this line of succession, it is highly likely that sometime after Cro-Magnons became dominant, there was some degree of cohabitation with Neanderthals. Rh-Neg may have been found within this extinct race, or may even have predominated - allowing it to cross over into Cro-Magnons decedents.

2. Exobiology is the search for life elsewhere in the universe. There is a very high probability that sentient life on this planet has interacted with visitors from elsewhere in this universe, or perhaps more likely, Interdimensional.

Whether through laboratory research (cloning or invitro fertilization), offspring were produced having traits (RH O-Neg) received from their off world, or out-of-phase visitors. I once communicated with an enigmatic individual who suggested O-neg would be the ideal blood type for space travellers. Of utmost importance would be the treating of wounds, minor operations, and other conditions involving blood loss. During long space voyages, perhaps with no possibility of ever returning to their homeward, it would be convenient if all members of a crew were of the same blood-group, or failing that, a large proportion where O-neg. These would most likely be specially engineered crew members . . . living blood storage banks, so-to-speak.

3. There is always the possibility that this is a true mutation, arising - given its relatively low distribution - within the past 20k - 35k years. My studies have not extended into how precisely this would occur. Personally, I consider all variations of RH-neg as derived from an original O-Neg donor, which factor has recently and selectively mutated through the human race to give the low incidence within other blood groups, but maintaining the alien (non-monkey) factors.

As a matter of interest, all O-negs are highly monitored and studied.

FACTS:Rh-Negatives are RARE. But, strangely.... a person with type O negative blood is considered to be a "Universal Donor". It means his or her blood can be given to anyone, regardless of blood type, without causing a transfusion reaction.The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered a "Mutation" of "Unknown Origin", which happened in Europe, about 25,000-35,000 years ago. Then this group spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, etc.O negatives have pure blood, no antigens , no rhesus monkey gene.many articles said these O- people have these traits.

TRAITS:There are certain similairites that occur to those having rh negative blood - according to some who have it there are common patterns found, which include the following:

1. predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color, also blue eyes
2. reddish hair , brown
3. low pulse rate
4. low blood pressure
5. keen sight or hearing
6. ESP
7. extra rib or vertabrae
8. UFO connections
9. love of space and science
10. a sense of not belonging to the human race
11. piercing eyes
12. para-normal occurrences
13. physic dreams
14. truth seekers
15. desire for higher wisdom
16. empathetic illnesses
17. deep compassion for fate of mankind
18. a sense of a 'mission' in life
19. physic abilities
20. unexplained scars on body
21. capability to disrupt electrical appliances
22. alien contacts

They sound like they know me personally, i agree with the traits....but I have no extra bones or tail to my knowledge. What my purpose for this post is to find any connections to abductees and their bloodtype as well as to either debunk or help prove some of these claims.
Character trait associations
According to Nomi's theory, those with type A blood tend to be reserved, punctual, and law-abiding, while type O's tend to be more outgoing, passionate, and individualistic. Type Bs are said to be carefree and cheerful, while ABs are said to be serious and solitary by nature.Type A blood is the most common in Japan and Germany while type O is most prevalent in the United States. Interestingly, 60 percent of Japanese Prime Ministers have been type O. Type Bs also said to make great cooks and restaurant guides featuring Type B chefs are popular products in Japan. [citation needed]Persons having Rh negative blood types are extremely rare in the Japanese population with a recent survey placing the percentage at around less than 1% of the total population, and no particular significance is attached to the Rh type.[edit]
The discovery of blood types in 1901 has been hailed as one of the greatest advances in medical history, but the breakthrough was then used by the Nazis to further their eugenics program, and claim the superiority of Germans -- mostly types A and O -- over Jews, Asians and others with a larger proportion of type B blood.The theory reached Japan in a 1927 psychologist's report, and the militarist government of the time commissioned a study aimed at breeding better soldiers. The craze faded in the 1930s as its unscientific basis became evident. However, it was revived in the 1970s with a book by Masahiko Nomi, an advocate and broadcaster with no medical background.
Sent in by Ted Loman - thank you Ted!
posted by Aileen @ 10:53 AM  219 comments

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