Saturday, August 30, 2014

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Day 20 — Radiating Serenity

In our meditation today, we bring our attention to the peaceful and serene influence we can offer the world around us. For our serenity to have a powerful transformative effect on others, it needs to come from our inner being, not just our superficial mood or attitude. We need to be that peace we want to see happen. We need to be serenity, and when we access this peace we naturally radiate serenity.

Peace and serenity are born from a state of inner happiness – our true self. As we live in alignment with our true self we naturally radiate our serenity in the environment . . . we are simultaneously expanding the happiness of ourselves and those around us. Today’s meditation enlivens this state of serenity within our being so that it lovingly influences each person and interaction we have throughout the day.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am a calming presence.

"We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil." —Swami Satchidananda

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