Friday, August 22, 2014

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Day 12 — Living Laughter
Pure, innocent laughter is the most obvious sign of the joy we feel in our hearts. It is also a powerful and instant way of spreading that joy all around you. Today we want you to notice what that feeling is inside you, just before you laugh.
That feeling is your source of happiness. It’s a sense of freedom, insight and delight born of the upsurge of spiritual bliss. It is as if our soul catches a cosmic wave of happiness and rides along with it.
Our meditation today is aimed at making you more conscious of these waves of bliss moving through your being. With this increased awareness you can ride them throughout your day with a smile on your face, and laughter in your heart. Your joy is contagious and your happiness will expand as your smile travels to one person after another.
Our centering thought for today is:
Life makes me smile and laugh.

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." 
—E.E. Cummings

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