Friday, July 4, 2014

Which States Have The Most UFO Sightings

Posted: 04 Jul 2014 04:00 AM PDT
One of America's foremost UFO Reporting Agency" — provided  figures about which state is the best at spotting UFOs. Here are the results. 

The NUFORC has been in operation since 1974, but its database goes back much further. The oldest record is from a 1561 German cylindrical woodcut — the submission notes, "I would think that Hanz Glaser (the woodcutter) had better things to do than spend months on a wood carving that was too ugly to sell" if it weren't intended as a star map of a UFO sighting. The NUFORC database includes more-or-less monthly records from every month for the past fifty years. The Internet has either made UFOs more common, or it's made it easier to gather data: sightings rarely hit 100 per month in the 20th century, but people are now submitting more than 500 sightings a month.

Thanks to NUFORC, here's a map of UFO sightings per 10,000 people in each state:

Arizona and New Mexico, unsurprisingly, report more than their share of UFOs. Would-be alien-spotters in both states are probably influenced by the lore of Roswell, NM, where a UFO allegedly crashed in 1947. (What's more surprising is that Nevada, home of Area 51, doesn't report that many sightings.) Other than Arizona and New Mexico, however, the trend is pretty clear: northern states spot the most UFOs, and the Deep South spots the fewest.

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