Wednesday, July 2, 2014

UFO Sightings Over Multiple Texas Towns

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 03:00 AM PDT
Austin Texas 
The truth really is out there somewhere and for some, all that's needed is to look skyward.

That's what happened in two Texas towns last week, where "witnesses" gathered in neighborhoods in Gainesville and Austin after seeing some unidentified flying objects.

According to, a Texas witness in Austin reported two encounters with a low-flying, square-shaped UFO with four lights that emitted a low-humming sound.

"I observed what appeared to be a square, low-flying object approaching me from the east," the witness told the Mutual UFO Network witness reporting database. "There were four unwavering lights, two red and two yellow. There was very little space between the lights, giving the appearance of a compact square. Strangely, it seemed that one of the sides was its leading edge, not one of the angles."

Then, around 11 a.m. Thursday in Gainesville, Mutual UFO Network, known as MUFON, said a Texas witness there had reproted an "entire block filled with people" watched a large-triangle shaped UFO that moved low over the neighborhood.

"The lights were lined up horizontally, and then right before it disappeared, the lights instantly lined up vertically as if the object turned on its side and then sped away," the witness said.

According to, Texas has a UFO Alert Rating of 3 on a scale of 1-5. The Lone Star State had 30 UFO reports in May, the fourth highest in the nation. For perspecrtive, the highest came from California, with 102 reports in the same period.

Should we text Mulder and Scully? Maybe. But while we decide, check out the gallery of other sightings in Texas.

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