Based On Personal Notes
and Interview Transcriptions Provided by :Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy
Editing and Supplemental
Footnotes by:Lawrence R. Spencer
( Author of "The Oz
Factors" )
Chapter One
This book is dedicated to all Immortal Spiritual Beings, whether
they are aware of themselves as such, or not. It is especially dedicated to the
wisdom, courage and integrity of those Greater Beings, who in various incarnations
at various times during the past, in the present and into the future, enkindle
and carry the Flame of Truth into the darkest corners of the universe.
Chapter One
Alien Interview
Copyright (c)
2008 by Lawrence R. Spencer.
All Rights
Cover and book
design by Lawrence R. Spencer
Printed in The
United States of America
First Edition
Printing: 2008
My sincerest
thanks to the enthusiastic, insightful editorial support of Michel and Brenda. Thank you very much to all of the
diligent and unselfish work of the owners, staff and tireless contributors and
editors of upon which the material in this book relies heavily
for efficacious documentary support ofmany of the footnoted items sited in the
text of the transcripts and commentsfrom Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy.
As far as the
Editor of the book, "Alien Interview" is concerned, and for all
practical purposes, the content of the book is a work of fiction. The Editor
makes no claim to the factuality of the content, and in fact, cannot prove that
the alleged author actually ever existed. Although some of the dates, locations,
persons and incidents described may be factual or based on fact, there is no
evidence to authenticate that equally as many may be subjective contrivances of
the author.
All of the
information, notes and transcripts received by the Editor are contained in their
complete, original form, as represented in the book. The Editor is no longer in
possession of any original documents or copies of original documents from the author,
i.e. Mrs. MacElroy.
Some material
contained in the book may have similarities to Earth philosophies as the
variety of these are too numerous to list, and bear too many fundamental similarities
to be easily differentiated. Although the book discusses the origins of the universe,
the time track of the physical universe, paranormal activities of immortal and/or
extraterrestrial beings, "aliens" or "gods", it is in no way
the intention of the Editor to represent, endorse, forward or assume the
viewpoint of the author, any political doctrine, economic vested interest,
scientific hypothesis, religious practice or philosophy, whether terrestrial or
The notes and
transcripts contained in the book, are solely and only the based on the representations
and documents provided by the author, the late Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy,
unless otherwise specifically annotated by Footnotes in The Appendix of the book.
The Editor is
not responsible for any assumptions, inferences or conclusions made by the
reader based on the material is this book, which are solely and only the responsibility
of the reader.
What is true
for you, is true for you.
Lawrence R.
Spencer -- Editor
Table Of
GUIDELINES USED IN THIS BOOK .......................................... 8
SOURCE OF MATERIAL IN THIS BOOK................................. 13
MRS. MACELROY ..................................... 19
MY FIRST INTERVIEW WITH THE ALIEN..................... 27
MY SECOND INTERVIEW………...................................36
MY THIRD INTERVIEW..............................................38
THE LANGUAGE BARRIER..........................................42
READING LESSONS ............................................ 45
MY EDUCATION BEGINS ......................................... ..48
A LESSON IN ANCIENT HISTORY............................. 55
A LESSON IN RECENT HISTORY......................... 66
A TIME LINE OF EVENTS...............................................80
LESSON IN BIOLOGY ................................................106
- A LESSON IN SCIENCE...........................................121
- A LESSON IN IMMORTALITY.................................. 129
THIRTEEN - A LESSON IN THE FUTURE................................ 133
TRANSCRIPTS………………………………………………………………….. 139
- MY INTERROGATION............................................ 144
- AIRL DEPARTS.......................................................148
FROM MRS. MACELROY...................................................150
- 303
"We ask, as Fools who know not Our Own Spirit:
are the hidden traces left by The Gods?"
Rig Veda --
i, stanza 164, lines 5 a & b
What greater
brutality can be inflicted on anyone than to erase or deny the spiritual
awareness, identity, ability, and memory that is the essence of oneself?
-- Lawrence R. Spencer --
This book is dedicated
to all Immortal Spiritual Beings, whether they are aware of themselves as such,
or not. It is especially dedicated to the wisdom, courage and integrity of
those Greater Beings, who in various incarnations at various times during the
past, in the present and into the future, enkindle and carry the Flame of Truth
into the darkest corners of the universe.
This dedication
is not only to the philosophical teachings and technologies developed by these
beings, but to the demonstrated and documented courage to apply their
philosophy in the face of overwhelming ignorance, covert hostility and
aggressive suppression by lesser beings and by the self serving vested
interests of inter-galactic and planetary political, economic, and religious
Though relatively few in number, the profound wisdom and heroic dedication
of such beings, and those who share their quest, have been the only effective
deterrent to spiritual slavery.
Freedom, Communication, Creativity, Trust and Truth for all
Immortal Spiritual Beings in this universe is their legacy. The Good Examples set
by them is our sanctuary and sustenance. Personal, diligent application of
their teachings is our weapon against the dwindling spiral of chaos and
oblivion that is the material universe.
-- Lawrence R. Spencer --
Guidelines Used In This Book
I have tried
not to edit the material I received from Mrs. MacElroy except to the degree
necessary to make a logical sequence of the material she mailed to me. Wherever
possible I have quoted or transcribed her original written notes verbatim.
In some
instances I have taken editorial liberty to add other information, or supplementary
commentary which I feel will add useful definitions, or clarification to the
information given in the official transcripts, or to her remarks or
observations. These appear as a numbered "(Footnote)" in the Appendix
at the end of the book. All footnote references, where possible, are copied
verbatim from the free internet encyclopedia website If
information was not available through, I used the popular
internet search engine to find a website reference that seemed
most appropriate to the subject matter.
Mrs. MacElroy
did not make a notation of dates in the most of the documents, so I am not
certain that the sequence of material matches the actual sequence of events, or
sequence of the interviews, except as noted on the official transcripts
Since it has
been 60 years since the date of the interviews, and considering the age of Mrs.
MacElroy before her death, I reasoned that she did not necessarily have an
acute recollection of exact names, dates and times, except as recorded in the
transcripts of July 8th through August 12th, 1947.
The material in
this book is organized into three different types. The following notations will
be used to designate where these appear in this book:
Times Roman, 12 point)
(Courier New,
12 point)
3) 1 (Footnote)
Arial, 10 point, Bold)
-- The Editor
Vested Interest: a survival or non-survival plan or agenda which
has been "clothed" to make it seem like something other than what it
actually is.
Any person, group or entity which prevents or controls
communication to serve their own purposes, (plans or agenda).
- - Reference: Page 37 , The Oz Factor s , by Lawrence R. Spence r
Mystery: an enigma or problem involving paradox or apparent
Contradiction, profound, inexplicable, or secretive quality or
-- Reference:
The Mystery of
UFOs and Extraterrestrials
If you have
studied UFO phenomena at all, you are already familiar with the infamous Orson
Welles radio broadcast of "War of the Worlds, And The Invasion from
Mars" 1 (Footnote) on Oct. 30, 1938. This fictitious radio dramatization
of an invasion of Earth by "aliens" incited a global UFO and extraterrestrial
hysteria long before the UFO crash near Roswell, N.M. in 1947.
During the past 60 years, since the alleged Roswell crash, there
have been tens of thousands of reported UFO sightings. A global hysteria has
emerged from "evidence" of what is presumed to be extraterrestrial
the unrelenting denial of this phenomenon by the U.S. government has
precipitated an uninterrupted flurry of accusations, counter accusations, cover-up
conspiracy theories, lunatic fringe speculations,
investigations", etc., etc., ad nauseam, and a growing multitude of
similar alleged
"close encounters".
My first
thought when I received the package of documents from Mrs. MacElroy was:
"This is just another set of Majestic-12 documents".
2 (Footnote) I
am referring to a "mysterious package" reportedly received by
mail in 1984
shortly after the death of the last surviving member of the so called "Majestic-12"
committee, alleged to have been organized by President
Harry Truman
shortly after the Roswell incident in 1947.
There are
several similarities to the "Majestic-12" documents and the package I
received from Mrs. MacElroy. In the case of the former, an envelope was sent
from an anonymous sender with no return address. It contained an undeveloped
roll of film. That's all. On the roll of film were photos of documents that
were assumed to be authentic by the recipient and his colleagues whose vested
interest, i.e. livelihood, depend heavily on attracting public notice and
credibility to themselves as "leading authorities" on the subject of
UFO phenomena. They have worked relentlessly since then to discover
"proof" that the documents are authentic. Of course, government
agencies deny everything alleged in the documents and anything having to do
with the subject of extraterrestrials in general.
In addition,
the subject has become so thoroughly overwhelmed with obvious
false reports,
discredited sources, hearsay, manufactured falsehoods, misunderstandings,
missing information, added inapplicable information and
a myriad of
other conflicting complexities which have made the subject laughable or
unapproachable as a science. This may be intentional, or simply a reflection of
the general chaos and barbarism that is Humanity.
As for
government denials and cover-ups, the events of September 11, 2001, have made
it abundantly apparent to me that the U.S. government has destroyed any vestige
of trust the American people and the
world may have
harbored, even
through the Vietnam war, Watergate, and many similar betrayals, in the
"honesty" of the American government, military and intelligence
community, by blatantly lying to it's own people about almost anything and
In spite of
vast numbers of "UFO sightings", innumerable reports of "alien abductions",
and "close encounters" with extraterrestrials that pervade nearly
all of
prehistoric and recorded human history I found only one underlying, unifying,
undisputable, axiomatic common denominator that permeates all of
this data:
Assuming that
subjective reality, or beliefs, of individuals is acceptable evidence, there
has been no universally agreed upon "proof" that UFOs and / or
extraterrestrial life forms exist whether based on government admission, physical
evidence, circumstantial or subjective data.
There are
several deductions I can infer from the lack of agreement, government admission
or physical evidence that such things are real that, if verified, may lead to a
workable solution to this mystery:
In spite of an
enormous collection of subjective, circumstantial and objective "evidence"
of extraterrestrial activity on and around Earth, the existence, intentions and
the activities of extraterrestrials remain hidden and mysterious.
Universally agreed upon proof of extraterrestrial life based on
subjective data, government admission, physical and circumstantial evidence are
subject to conflicting vested interests, which has made such proof unattainable.
these deductions beg the obvious question:
extraterrestrials life forms exist, why is there no consistent, forthright ,
open, interactive communication between Mankind and Extraterrestrials?
subjective reality does not require evidence or "proof". Therefore, I
decided to write this book in order to pass along a subjective communication I
received from Mrs. MacElroy to other people who may be interested in it.
Personally, I
am not assuming that anything I received from Mrs. MacElroy is in any way
authentic, with the exception of the envelope and the paper inside the
envelope. I cannot substantiate any of it. Indeed, I can't truly verify that there
was ever such a person as Mrs. MacElroy other than a voice I heard over the
phone in 1998. The voice could have been anyone. Personally, I do not have a
vested interest in UFO research. Yes, I've written a few books about immortal
spiritual beings -- because I'm interested in the subject. But I haven't sold
enough of those books to pay for the time it took to write them. It is a hobby.
I earn my living as a small business consultant.
It is not my
intention to justify, explain, or remedy any disability to perceive or
understand the
mysteries of extraterrestrial existence, UFOs, governments agendas or spiritual
abilities. Nor is it intended to educate, persuade, or promote to anyone that
any of these phenomena exist. Furthermore, what I may or may not think about
any of this is irrelevant.
Moreover, I
have burned all of the original documents, including the envelope I received
from Mrs. MacElroy. I do not want to spend the rest of my life being hounded by
UFO researchers, government agents, grocery store tabloids reporters, UFO
advocates and de-bunkers alike, or anyone else.
"proofs" or attempts to authenticate the assertion that Mrs. MacElroy
actually interviewed an alien in 1947 will have to be done by others.
Ripley says, "Believe It, or Not". 3 (Footnote)
I say, "What's true for you, is true for you".
Lawrence R. Spencer
About The
Source Of Material In This Book
The content of
this book is primarily excerpted from the letter, interview transcripts and
personal notes I received from the late Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy. Her letter
to me asserts that this material is based on her recollection of communication
with an alien being, who "spoke" with her telepathically. During July
and August of 1947 she interviewed an extraterrestrial being who she identifies
as "Airl", and whom she claims was and continues to be an officer,
pilot and engineer who was recovered from a flyer saucer that crashed near
Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947.
anyone reading anything about this most famous, or infamous, of all
"flying saucer" or "alien encounter" events must
necessarily be highly suspicious regarding 1) the authenticity of the report
and 2) the credibility of the source of information, especially when it appears
for the first time sixty years after the alleged event!
I received the
aforementioned letter from Mrs. MacElroy on September 14th, 2007, together with
a package of documents. The package contained three types of documents:
1) hand-written
notes in cursive on ordinary, lined, 8 1/2" X 11"school notebook
paper, which I assume had been written personally by Mrs. MacElroy.
2) notes typed
on a manual typewriter on plain, white 20 lb. bond paper, which I am assume
were prepared personally by her. At least both had the appearance of having
been written in the same hand writing, and / or typed on the same typewriter
consistently throughout. The writing in the notes I received also appeared to
be the same as the writing on the address and return address of the manila
envelope I received from Navan, Ireland, which was postmarked on 3 September,
2007. Since I am not a forensic expert, or handwriting analyst, my opinion in
these matter is not a professionally qualified judgment.
3) many pages
of typewritten transcriptions of her interview with the alien. These were
obviously typed on a different typewriter. These pages were typed on a
different type of paper and showed apparent signs of age and repeated handling.
None of these
notes were assembled in any particular order, or by date, except where
indicated by a sentence or paragraph of preamble or explanation by her, or by
extrapolation from the context of the pages.
Voltaire 4
(Footnote) is quoted as having said: "History is a Mississippi of
lies". According to the comments made by the alien in the interview
transcripts, supplied by Mrs. MacElroy, the fundamental lesson of history is
that many, many gods have become men, but very few men, if any, have returned
to being a god again.
According to
the alien being -- "Airl" -- if anything he / she / it supposedly communicated
can be trusted -- and if the "translation" or interpretation of this
alleged communication is accurate, the history of this universe is a
"River of Lies" down which the might and freedom of all-powerful,
god-like, immortal spiritual beings ended and was lost in a Sea of Matter and
according to the very direct and undiplomatic statements made -- which seem to
express the "personal opinion" of the alien -- if one were traveling
the far reaches of the universe in search of a place called "Hell",
it would be an accurate description of Earth and the inhabitants in its current
To further compound, complicate and magnify the
"incredible" source of the "interview transcriptions" I
received from Mrs. MacElroy is the fact that they are:
1) based almost
entirely on "telepathic communication" between the alien
and Mrs.
2) many of
these interviews discuss "paranormal" activities of "immortal
spiritual beings".
Of course, most
"scientific authorities" are unwilling to acknowledge or perceive
spiritual phenomena of any kind. The dictionary definition of the word
paranormal is:
1. cannot be
explained by scientific methods
supernatural, or seemingly outside "normal" sensory channels
By definition,
people who use the word "paranormal" are 1) not able to explain
spiritual phenomena and 2) spiritual phenomena are outside of their normal
sensory channels.
In short,
scientists suffer from the inability and/or unwillingness to perceive and/or
explain spiritual activities. Therefore, the discussion of spiritual activities
or spiritual universes in this book are expected to be understood only by those
who can and will perceive such things.
According to
the time spans related by the alien in several of the interviews, there are a
number of compelling and heretofore unknown reasons that suggest the
possibility that many extraordinary miscalculations have been made by Earth
scientists regarding the origins and antiquity of the universe, Earth, life
forms and events. Of course, these may or may not be accurate either, as time
and it's ugly step-child, history, are largely subjective.
However, it can
be observed that, by contrast with interstellar or "macrocosmic
time", the historical perspective of residents of Earth is limited to a
relatively microscopic period of time, compared to what are considered to be
"recent events" in the chronology of an space travel civilization,
much less the entire time span of the universe.
The geological
record of Earth is reckoned, by the best guesses of scientists, to be only
about 4 billion years. The antiquity of homo sapiens in the archaeology
textbooks is estimated at only a few million years, at most. Even the entire
biological spectrum is considered to have existed on this planet for only a few
hundred million years. And, by and large, the personal memory of individual
beings on this planet is limited to only one lifetime.
All other
dates, events, or interpretations of events cited in this book are from
sources, which are purely subjective observations, conjectures, or inventions
of human beings, including those of the author, and must therefore be credited
or disregarded by the reader accordingly, considering the penchant of Earth
inhabitants to myopia, egocentricity, and general ignorance of the several
universes in which we dwell.
This book is
intended to be an informal presentation of information provided to me, sixty
years after the fact, of a series of interviews between an alien space craft
officer, pilot & engineer and an Army Air Force surgical nurse.
O'Donnell MacElroy
Since I have
never met Mrs. MacElroy in person, and spoke with her over the
phone only once
for about 20 minutes, I can not vouch personally for her as a credible source
of information. In fact, I cannot factually substantiate that such a person
actually existed, accept that I did speak with her on the phone and I received
hand-written material in the mail which was sent from a physical address in
When I spoke to
her on the phone in 1998, I was living in Florida. At the time of our brief
phone interview, Mrs. MacElroy lived on Scotty Pride Drive in Glasgow, Montana.
I know this because I mailed a copy of my book, The Oz
Factors, to her
as a gift after it was published in 1999. I am sure she received the book,
because she refers to it by name in the letter I received from Ireland, and
says that she read it.
I did a little
research on the internet about Glasgow, Montana for my own interest. Glasgow
was founded in 1887 as a railroad town that became popular during the 1930s
because President FDR requested that Fort Peck Dam be constructed there which
became a huge source of employment for the Glasgow area. In the 1960s the population
flourished up to 12,000 because of Glasgow Air Force Base (SAC), which was used
during the Vietnam conflict and the earlier part of the 'Cold War'. The base
was deactivated and closed in 1969.
When I talked
to Mrs. MacElroy on the phone she mentioned that she had been relocated there
by the U.S. Air Force after her service was completed, and that's where she met
her husband, who was an engineer. I don't think she mentioned his first name.
However, he worked on building the Fort Peck Dam, which created the massive
Fort Peck Lake. Although the dam was finished in 1940, he was a great fisherman
and outdoorsman, so he stayed in the area. I gathered that the Irish heritage of
the place had something to do with it, but didn't pursue that point with her. I
haven't been able to find any record of a "MacElroy" who worked at
the dam, but the personnel records from that period are virtually non-existent
as far as I can determine.
I contacted her during my research for The Oz Factors book because
I was led to believe, through a very circuitous line of investigation, that
this women
was suspected
of having been involved with alien contact at Area 51, or the
Roswell crash
site, or something similar.
Through a
sequence of circumstantial inferences and accidental referrals, I actually
found her number in the phone book and called her up just on the chance that
there might really be such a person.
Needless to
say, when I called her she was less than forthcoming in her response to my
questions. However, I think she was impressed by my genuine and innocent
sincerity to get information for my book, and realized that I had no nefarious
or financially motivated purposes or reason to exploit her in any way.
Nonetheless, she did not give me any useful information at that time, except to
say that she had been in the Army and was stationed in New Mexico in 1947.
She could not
discuss anything whatsoever about any kind of incident, as her
life depended
on remaining silent. Although this piqued my interest even more, it was futile
to try to push her any further, so I gave up and forgot about her until last
September, when I got the package from Ireland.
I tried to
contact her in Ireland at the return address on the package, but received no
reply from her, nor have I been able to find anyone in MeathCounty, Ireland who
was acquainted with either of them except the landlady from whom they rented a
room for a few weeks before their deaths, which seemed to have occurred
simultaneously, although I have no real evidence of this.
However, the
post mark of the envelope she sent to me was stamped at the
post office in
Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland on the date sited above. Since there
is an actual
residence (according to Google Maps) at the return address shown on the
envelope, I wrote to the address and was advised by the home
owner that both
Mrs. MacElroy and her husband, whose name turns out to have been
"Paul", were both recently deceased. She said that the cremated remains
of Mrs. MacElroy and her husband were interred at Saint Finian Cemetery on
Athboy Road.
Subsequently, I
have not been able to find any record of her under the maiden name of
O'Donnell, nor have I had any success at discovering any personal friend,
family member or document to confirm her birth, medical education, or military
record, marriage or death, with the exception of her landlady in Ireland (who
is not a relative) just before her death. I suspect that this is the false
identity given to her by the military when she left Roswell, as mentioned in
her notes.
In either case,
it seems likely that her identity and all evidence of her has been expunged
from the public record. I understand that certain government
agencies are
adept at covering up evidence, or making records (and people) disappear. It
seems likely that this has been done in her case, due to the highly sensitive
nature of the Roswell incident and consistent with the rest of the alleged
"cover up".
Inasmuch as I
do not have any further information to verify or substantiate that any of the
notes of these "interviews" sent to me by Mrs. MacElroy are in any
way factual, other than what I have already mentioned, let the reader beware,
and take heed accordingly!
The Letter from Mrs.
August 12, 2007
Dear Lawrence,
I am typing
this letter to you on my old Underwood typewriter that I bought after I was
discharged from the Army. Somehow it seems like a fitting contrast to the subject
of this letter and the documents you will find enclosed in this envelope.
The last time I
spoke to you was about eight years ago. During your brief telephone interview
with me you asked me to assist you with the research for "The Oz
Factors" book you were writing because you suspected that I might know
something that would help your investigation into the possibility that
extraterrestrial beings may have influenced the history of Earth. When we
spoke, I told you that I did not have any information that I could share with
you about anything.
Since then I
have read your book and found it very interesting and compelling. You are
obviously a man who has done his homework, and who could understand my own experiences.
I've been thinking a lot about your allusion to the old philosopher whom you
paraphrased in our phone conversation: "with great power, comes great responsibility".
Although I don't think power is
pertinent in my
life or to my reasons for sending you the enclosed documents, you certainly did
get me thinking about my responsibility. I have reconsidered my position, for a
variety of reasons, not the least of which is my realization that you were
right. I do have a responsibility to myself, at least. I can not possibly tell
you the personal Hell 5 (Footnote) of ethical irresolution and spiritual
ambivalence I have endured since 1947. I do not want to keep playing the game
of "maybe I should have, or maybe I shouldn't
through the rest of Eternity!
Many men have
been killed to extinguish the possibility of revealing the knowledge I have
helped to withhold from society, until now. Only a small handful of people on
Earth have seen and heard what I have
had the burden
of keeping
secret for sixty years. All those years I thought that I had been entrusted
with a great deal of confidence by the "powers that be" in our
government, although I have often felt that power is greatly misguided, to
"protect" Mankind from the certain knowledge that, not only do
intelligent extraterrestrial life forms exist, but that they have and continue
to aggressively monitor and invade the lives of everyone on Earth every day.
Therefore, I
think the time has come to pass along my secret knowledge to someone I think
will understand it. I don't think it would be responsible of me to take the knowledge
I have into the silent afterlife, beyond reach or recognition. I think there is
a greater good to be served than protecting the "vested interests"
for whom this information is considered a matter of "national
whatever that means, and is therefore justification for making it "TOP
SECRET". 6 (Footnote)
Also, I am now
83 years old. I have decided to leave this body, which has outlasted it's
usefulness to me, using a painless method of self-administered euthanasia. 7 (Footnote)
I have a very few months to live, and nothing to fear or lose.
So, I have moved away from Montana, where my husband and I lived
for most of my life, to spend our remaining days in a lovely rented upstairs
bedroom in a house in the homeland of my husband's family in County Meath, Ireland.
8 (Footnote)
I will die not
far from "The Great Mound" at Knowth 9 (Footnote),and Dowth, the
"Fairy Mound of Darkness". These are sacred "cairns" or
massive stone structures that were erected about 3,700 BCE and engraved with indecipherable
hieroglyphs -- about the same time as pyramids and other inexplicable stone
monuments were being built all over the Earth.
I am also not
far from "The Hill of Tara", 10 (Footnote) that was once the ancient
seat of power in Ireland where 142 kings are said to have reigned in
prehistoric and
historic times. In ancient Irish religion and mythology this was
the sacred place of dwelling for the "gods" and was the entrance to
the "other world".
Saint Patrick
came to Tara to conquer the ancient religion of the pagans. He may have
suppressed the religious practices in the area, but he certainly did
not have any
impact on the "gods" who brought these civilizations to Earth, as you
will discover when you read the documents enclosed. Therefore, this is a
location for my departure from this unholy world and final release from the
burdens of this life.
The crystal
clear perspective of hindsight has revealed a higher purpose to me: assisting
the survival of the planet, all living beings and life forms in our galaxy!
The status quo
of our government establishment has been to "protect the people" from
knowledge of such matters. In fact, the only protection afforded by ignorance
and secrecy is to hide the private agenda of those in power to enslave others.
And, by doing so, to disarm every perceived enemy, and ally, through
superstition and stupidity.
Therefore, I
have enclosed the original and only existing copies of my personal notes and
reflections on a matter which I have kept hidden from everyone, even my own
family. I have also enclosed my copies of typed transcripts created by the
stenographer who transcribed all of my interviews with the alien saucer pilot
after each interview was finished. I do not have any copies of the tape
recordings that were made of my interview reports. No one, until now, knows
that I was able to secretly retain copies of the official interview transcripts.
Now I am
entrusting these documents to your discretion to impart to the world in any
form or manner you see fit. My only request is that you do so in a way that will
not threaten your own life or wellbeing, if possible. If you were to
incorporate these notes of my experiences into a work of fiction, such as a
novel, the factual nature of the material could be easily dismissed or
discredited by any agency for whom "national security" is used as a
personal shield against scrutiny and justice.
In so doing,
you could "disavow any knowledge" of their true origin, and claim that
it is a fictitious work of your imagination. Whoever said that "truth is
stranger than fiction" was "right as rain". For most people all of
this will be "unbelievable". Unfortunately, beliefs are not a
reliable criteria for reality.
Also, I am sure
that if you were to show these notes to anyone that would prefer physical,
economic or spiritual slavery over freedom, the subject matter contained in them
would seem quite objectionable. If you attempted to published the documents as
a matter of factual reporting in a newspaper or on the evening TV news they would
be rejected out of hand as the work of a kook.
The very nature of these documents make them unbelievable, and
therefore discreditable. Conversely, the release of this information is
potentially catastrophic for certain political, religious and economic vested
These documents
contain information which is quite relevant to your interest and investigations
into alien encounters and paranormal experience. To use your analogy in
"The Oz Factors" book, I can honestly say that the few factual reports
that have been made by others about "alien" influences are only a
gentle breeze in the eye of an Apocalyptic Hurricane swirling around Earth.
There really are wizards and wicked witches and flying monkeys in this
This information,
which has been suspected and/or speculated upon by so many for so long, has
been constantly denied by mainstream media, academia, and the Military-Industrial
Complex 11 (Footnote) that President
warned us about in his farewell address.
As you known in
July,1947,the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) 12 (Footnote) issued a press
release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Bomb Group had recovered
a crashed "flying disc" from a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, sparking
intense media interest. 13 (Footnote)
Later the same
day, the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force 14 (Footnote) stated that
Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved with the original recovery of the debris, had
recovered only the tattered remnants of a weather
balloon. The true facts of the incident have been suppressed by
the United States government since then.
You may not
know that I was enlisted in the U.S. Women's Army Air Force(WAC) 15 (Footnote)
Medical Corp which was a part of the US Army back then. I was assigned to the 509th
Bomb Group as a Flight Nurse 16 (Footnote)at the time of the incident.
When the news
that there had been a crash was received at the base, I was asked to accompany
Mr. Cavitt, the Counter Intelligence Officer, 17(Footnote) to the crash site as
the driver of his vehicle, and to render any needed emergency medical assistance to any
survivors, if necessary. 18 (Footnote) Therefore, I briefly witnessed the wreckage
of an alien space craft, as well as the remains of the several alien personnel
aboard the craft who were already dead.
When we arrived
I learned that one of the personnel on board the craft had survived the crash,
and was conscious, and apparently uninjured. The conscious alien was similar in
appearance, but not the same as, the others. 19 (Footnote)
None of the
other personnel present could communicate with the survivor, as the being did
not communicate verbally or by any recognizable signs. However, while I examined
the "patient" for injuries I immediately detected and understood that
the alien being was attempting to communicate with me by "mental
images", or "telepathic thought", 20 (Footnote) which projected
directly from the mind of the being.
I immediately
reported this phenomenon to Mr. Cavitt. As no other person present could
perceive these thoughts, and the alien seemed able and willing to communicate with
me, it was decided, after a brief consultation with a senior officer, that I
would accompany the surviving alien back to the base.
This was partly
due to the fact that I was a nurse, and could attend to the physical needs of
the alien, as well as serve as a non-threatening communicator and companion.
After all, I was the only woman at the site and the only one who was not armed.
I was thereafter assigned permanently to serve as a "companion" of
the alien at all times. 21 (Footnote)
My duty was to
communicate with and interview the alien and to make a complete report of all
that I discovered to command authorities. Subsequently, I was supplied with
specific lists of questions provided to me by military and non-military
personnel, which I was to "interpret" for the alien, and record the
responses to the questions provided.
I also
accompanied the alien at all times during medical testing and the many other
examinations to which the alien was subjected by staff from numerous government
I was given a
promotion in rank to Senior Master Sergeant to improve my security rating, and
to increase my pay grade from $54.00 a month to $138.00 a month, for this very
unusual assignment. I performed these duties from July 7th through
August,1947,at which time the alien "died" or departed the
"body", as you will read about in my notes.
Although I was
never left entirely alone with the alien, as there were always military
personnel, intelligence agency people and a variety of other officials present from
time to time, I did have uninterrupted access to and communication with the
alien being for nearly six weeks.
Hereinafter is
an overview and summary of my personal recollections of
"conversations" with the alien craft pilot, whom I came to know by
the identity of "Airl". I feel that it is my duty at this time, in
the best interest of the citizens of Earth, to reveal what I have learned from
my interaction with "Airl" during those six weeks, on the anniversary
of her "death" or departure sixty years ago.
Although I
served as a nurse in the Army Air Force, I am not a pilot or technician.
Further, I did not have any direct contact with the space craft or other
materials recovered from the crash site at that time, or thereafter. To that
degree it must be taken into consideration that my understanding of the
I had with " Airl" are based on my own subjective ability to
interpret the meaning of the thoughts and mental images I was able to perceive.
communication did not consist of "spoken language", in the
conventional sense. Indeed, the "body" of the alien had no "mouth"
through which to speak. Ourcommunication was by telepathy. At first, I could
not understand Airl very clearly. I could perceive images, emotions and
impressions, but it was difficult for me to express these verbally. Once Airl
learned the English language, she was able to focus her thoughts more precisely
using symbols and meanings of words I could understand. Learning the English
language was done as a
favor to me. It
was more for my own benefit than hers.
By the end of our interview sessions, and increasingly since then,
I have become more comfortable with telepathic communication. I have become
more adept at understanding Airl's thoughts as though they are my own.
Somehow, her
thoughts become my thoughts. Her emotions are my emotions. However, this is
limited by her willingness and intention to share her own, personal universe
with me. She is able to be selective about what communication I am allowed to
receive from her. Likewise, her experience, training, education, relationships
and purposes are uniquely her own.
This is the
symbol of "The Domain" The Domain is a race or civilization of which
Airl, the alien I interviewed, is an officer, pilot and engineer serving in The
Domain Expeditionary Force. The symbol represents the origin and unlimited
boundary of the known universe, united and integrated into a vast
under the control of The Domain.
Airl is
currently stationed at a base in the asteroid belt which she refers as a
"space station" in the solar system of Earth. First and foremost,
Airl is herself.
she voluntarily serves as an Officer, Pilot and Engineer in The Domain
Expeditionary Force. In that capacity she has duties and responsibilities, but
she is at leave to come and go as she pleases also.
Please accept this material and make it known to as many people as
possible. I repeat that it is not my intention to endanger your life with the
possession of
this material, nor do I really expect you to believe any of it either. However, I
do sense that you can appreciate the value that such knowledge may
have to
those who are willing and able to face the reality of it.
Mankind needs
to know the answers to questions which are contained in these documents. Who
are we? Where did we come from? What is our purpose on Earth? Is Mankind alone
in the universe? If there is intelligent life
elsewhere why
have they not contacted us?
It is vital
that people understand the devastating consequences to our spiritual and
physical survival if we fail to take effective action to undo the longstanding
and pervasive effects
of alien intervention on Earth.
Perhaps the
information in these documents will serve as a stepping stone to a better
future for Mankind. I hope that you can be more clever, creative and courageous
in the distribution of this information than I have been.
May The Gods Bless You and Keep You.
Mrs. Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy
Senior Master Sergeant
Women's Army Air Force Medical Corp, Retired
100 Troytown Heights
Navan, Meath
Co. Meath, Ireland
To be continued...
Footnotes of this Introduction:
Footnotes of this Introduction:
1 "..."War of the Worlds, and The Invasion from
"... the
day before Halloween, on Oct. 30, 1938, when millions of Americans tuned in to
a popular radio program that featured plays directed by, and often starring,
Orson Welles. The performance that evening was an adaptation of the science
fiction novel The War of the Worlds, about a Martian invasion of the Earth. But
in adapting the book for a radio play, Welles made an important change: under
his direction the play was written and performed so it would sound like a news
broadcast about an invasion from Mars, a technique that,
presumably, was
intended to heighten the dramatic effect.
As the play unfolded, dance music was interrupted a number of
times by fake news bulletins reporting that a "huge flaming object"
had dropped on a farm near Grovers Mill, New Jersey.
As members of
the audience sat on the edge of their collective seat, actors playing news announcers,
officials and other roles one would expect to hear in a news report, described the
landing of an invasion force from Mars and the destruction of the United
States. The broadcast also contained a number of explanations that it was all a
radio play, but if members of the audience missed a brief explanation at the
beginning, the next one didn't arrive until 40 minutes into the program.
At one point in
the broadcast, an actor in a studio, playing a newscaster in the field,described
the emergence of one of the aliens from its spacecraft. "Good heavens,something's
wriggling out of the shadow like a gray snake," he said, in an
appropriatelydramatic tone of voice. "Now it's another one, and another.
They look like tentacles to me.
There, I can
see the thing's body. It's large as a bear and it glistens like wet leather.
But that face.'s indescribable. I can hardly force myself to keep looking
at it. The eyes are black and gleam like a serpent. The mouth is V-shaped with
saliva dripping from its rimless lips that seem to quiver and pulsate....The
thing is raising up. The crowd falls back. They've seen enough. This is the
most extraordinary experience. I can't find words. I'm pulling this
microphone with
me as I talk. I'll have to stop the description until I've taken a new
Hold on, will
you please, I'll be back in a minute."
As it listened
to this simulation of a news broadcast the audience concluded that it was hearing
an actual news account of an invasion from Mars. People packed the roads, hid
in cellars, loaded guns, even wrapped their heads in wet towels as protection
from Martian poison gas, in an attempt to defend themselves against aliens,
oblivious to the fact that they were acting out the role of the panic-stricken
public that actually belonged in a radio play.
News of the
panic (which was conveyed via genuine news reports) quickly generated a
national scandal. There were calls, which never went anywhere, for government regulations
of broadcasting to ensure that a similar incident wouldn't happen again.
In a prescient
column, in the New York Tribune, Dorothy Thompson foresaw that the broadcast
revealed the way politicians could use the power of mass communications to
create theatrical illusions, to manipulate the public."
-- Reference:
2 "...Majestic-12 documents."
12" or "MJ-12". (NOTE: All of the following information and/or assertions
concerning the MJ-12 documents are those of the authors of the following
Majestic-12 was established by special classified presidential order on September
24, 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and Dr.
Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board. The goal
of the group was to exploit everything they could from recovered alien
Buried in a
super-secret "MAJIC EYES ONLY" classification that was above TOP
SECRET — long before the modern top secret code word special access programs of
today — Major General Leslie R. Groves (who commanded the Manhattan Project to
deliver the atomic bomb) kept just one copy of the details of crashed alien
technology in his safe in Washington, D.C.
elite scientists such as Vannevar Bush, Albert Einstein, and Robert
and career military people such as Hoyt Vandenberg, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Leslie
Groves, and George Marshall, along with a select cast of other experts,
feverishly and secretively labored to understand the alien agenda, technology,
and their implications.
Einstein and
Oppenheimer were called in to give their opinion, drafting a six-page paper titled
“Relationships With Inhabitants Of Celestial Bodies.” They provided prophetic
insight into our modern nuclear strategies and satellites, and expressed
agitated urgency that an agreement be reached with the President so that
scientists could proceed to study the alien technology.
extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico,
between July 4 – July 6, 1947, caused the Chief of Staff of the Army Air
Force’s Interplanetary Phenomena Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch,
Counterintelligence Directorate to initiate a thorough investigation. The
special unit was formed in 1942 in response to two crashes in the Los Angeles
area in late February 1942.
The draft
summary report begins “At 2332 MST, 3 July 47, radar stations in east Texas and
White Sands Proving Ground, N.M. tracked two unidentified aircraft until they
both dropped off radar. Two crash sites have been located close to the WSPG.
Site LZ-1 was located at a ranch near Corona, Approx. 75 miles northwest of the
town of Roswell. Site LZ-2 was located approx. 20 miles southeast of the town
of Socorro, at latitude 33-40-31 and longitude 106-28-29”.
first-ever-known UFO crash retrieval case occurred in 1941 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
This crash kicked off early reverse-engineering work, but it did not create a
unified intelligence effort to exploit possible technological gains apart from
the Manhattan Project uses.
The debris from
the primary field of the 1947 crash 20 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico
was called ULAT-1 (Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology), and it excited
metallurgists with its unheard-of tensile and shear strengths. The fusion
nuclear (called neutronic at that time) engine used heavy water and deuterium
with an oddly arranged series of coils, magnets, and electrodes — descriptions that
resemble the “cold fusion” studies of today.
Harry Truman
kept the technical briefing documents of September 24, 1947 for further
study, pondering the challenges of
creating and funding a secret organization before the CIA existed (although the
Central Intelligence Group or CIG did exist) and before there was a legal
procedure of funding non-war operations.
In April 1954,
a group of senior officers of the U.S. intelligence community and the Armed Forces
gathered for one of the most secret and sensational briefings in history. The
subject was Unidentified Flying Objects — not just a discussion of sightings,
but how to recover crashed UFOs, where to ship the parts, and how to deal with
the occupants. For example, in the “Special Operations Manual (SOM1-01)
Extraterrestrial Entities Technology Recovery
and Disposal,”
MAJESTIC–12 “red teams” mapped out UFO crash retrieval scenarios with special
attention given to press blackouts, body packaging, and live alien transport,
isolation, and custody.
Majestic is not another rehash of the famous Roswell story — it contains over
500 pages (and growing) of newly surfaced documents, many of which date years before
the Roswell crash. Unlike other websites, a central theme of validating
authenticity is woven throughout the site while telling the exciting story of
the U.S. government's work on retrieval and analysis of extraterrestrial
hardware and alien life forms from 1941 to present."
-- Reference:
3 "Like Ripley said..."
Robert LeRoy Ripley
(December 25, 1893 - May 27, 1949) was a cartoonist, entrepreneur, and amateur
anthropologist who created the world famous Ripley's Believe It or Not! newspaper
panel series, featuring odd but true facts from around the world. Subjects covered
in Ripley's cartoons and text ranged from sports feats to little known facts
about unusual and exotic sites, but what ensured the concept's popularity may
have been that Ripley also included items submitted by readers, who supplied
photographs of a wide variety of small town American trivia, ranging from
unusually shaped vegetables to oddly marked domestic animals, all documented by
photographs and then engagingly depicted by Ripley's prolific pen."
-- Reference:
4 "...Voltaire..."
Arouet (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778), better known by the pen name Voltaire,
was a French Enlightenment writer, essayist, deist and philosopher known for
his wit, philosophical sport, and defense of civil liberties, including freedom
of religion and the right to a fair trial. He was an outspoken supporter of
social reform despite strict censorship laws and harsh penalties for those who
broke them. A satirical polemicist, he frequently made use of his works to
criticize Christian Church dogma and the French institutions of his day. Many
of Voltaire's works and ideas would influence important thinkers of both the
American and French Revolutions."
-- Reference:
5 "...personal Hell..."
modern English word Hell is derived from Old English hel, helle (about 725 AD)
and ultimately from Proto-Germanic halja, meaning "one who covers up or
hides something".
-- Reference:
6 "...Top Secret"...
Secret is the highest acknowledged level of classified information in many countries,
where it is defined as material that would cause "exceptionally grave
damage" to national security if disclosed. The term top secret can be applied
to information, actions, organizations, projects, etc. of which any knowledge
is highly restricted."
-- Reference:
7 "... self-administered euthanasia...."
"The term
euthanasia comes from the greek words "eu" and "thanatos"
which combined means “well-death” or "dying well". Hippocrates
mentions euthanasia in the Hippocratic Oath, which was written between 400 and
300 B.C. The ancient Greeks and Romans generally did not believe that life
needed to be preserved at any cost and were, in consequence, tolerant of
suicide in cases where no relief could be offered to the dying or, in the case
of the Stoics and Epicureans, where a person no longer cared for his
-- Reference:
8 "...County Meath, Ireland..."
(the "middle") was formed from the eastern part of the province of
Midhe - see Kings of Mide - but now forms part of Leinster. Historically this
province of Meath included all of the current county as well as all of
Westmeath and parts of Cavan, Longford, Louth, Offaly, Dublin and Kildare. The
High King of Ireland sat at Tara in Meath. The archaeological complex of Brú na
Bóinne is 5,000 years old and includes the burial sites of Newgrange,
Knowth and
Dowth, in the northeast of the county."
-- Reference:
9 "...The Great Mound" at Knowth, and Dowth, the
"Fairy Mound of Darkness".
These are
sacred "cairns" or massive stone structures that were erected about
3,700 BCE and engraved with indecipherable hieroglyphs..."
astronomical significance of Kerbstone 51, the "Stone of the Seven
Suns", at Dowth:
If moonlight
were to shine on the back stone of the eastern passage at Knowth, it would illuminate
a map of the moon itself, the world's oldest known depiction of the lunar
The carvings
are about 4800 years old. The next oldest depiction of the maria known to science
is that by Leonardo da Vinci in about 1505 AD.
* Lunar maria
(singular: mare, two syllables) are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon,
formed by ancient volcanic eruptions. They were dubbed maria, Latin for
"seas", by early astronomers who mistook them for actual seas. They
are less reflective than the "highlands" as a result of their
iron-rich compositions, and hence appear dark to the naked eye. The maria cover
about 16% of the lunar surface, mostly on the near-side visible from Earth. The
few maria on the far-side are much smaller, residing mostly in very large
craters where only a small amount of flooding occurred. -- Reference: Wikipedia
The mythology
about Dowth speaks of a bull and seven cows, it seems likely that the site has
some connection with the constellation of Taurus, the Bull, which contains the
open cluster the Pleiades, otherwise known as "The Seven Sisters".
This constellation was very important around the year 3000BC, when the Boyne
Valley mounds were being constructed, as it contained the Sun on the Spring Equinox,
that very important moment of the year when the Sun's path along the ecliptic
crossed the celestial equator heading northwards. It is the Sun's position
among the zodiac stars at this time which determines the current 'age' – i.e. the
"Age of Taurus".
interesting phenomenon which occurs at this time is what is known to
astronomers as a 'heliacal rising' of the Pleiades. This happens when the stars
in question rise at the eastern horizon but are quickly lost in the glare of
the rising sun. It is interesting to note that the Egyptians, and the Dogon
tribe in Africa, (See: The Oz Factors) among others, used the same Dowth-like
'sun-wheel' symbols to signify a heliacal rising.
If these
'sun-wheel' symbols do represent the heliacal rising of the Pleiades, it tells
us something very significant about the Neolithic people – they were aware of
the great cycle of precession, the slow wobble of the Earth's axis which causes
the celestial pole to shift over time, resulting in the Vernal Equinox point,
that place where the Sun crosses the celestial equator, moving backwards, or
westwards, through the Zodiac over a huge 25,800-year
period. This
Vernal point moves just one degree (about two widths of the full moon) every 72
years, and spends on average 2,150 years in each of the twelve constellations
of the Zodiac."
10 "...In ancient Irish religion and mythology this (Tara)
was the sacred place of dwelling for the "gods"..."
" Sitting
on top of the King's Seat (Forradh) of Temair is the most famous of Tara's monuments
- Ireland's ancient coronation stone - the Lia Fail or "Stone of
Destiny", which was brought here according to mythology by the godlike people,
the Tuatha Dé Danann, as one of their sacred objects. It was said to roar when
touched by the rightful king of Tara.
A new theory
suggests Tara was the ancient capital of the lost kingdom of Atlantis. The mythical
land of Atlantis was Ireland, according to a new book. There are a large number
of monuments and earthen structures on the Hill of Tara. The earliest
settlement at the site was in the Neolithic, and the Mound of the Hostages was
constructed in or around 2500BC."
-- Reference:
11 "...the Military - Industrial Complex that President
Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address..."
military-industrial complex (MIC) is composed of a nation's armed forces, its
suppliers of weapons systems, supplies and services, and its civil government.
The term
"MIC" is most often used in reference to the United States, where it
gained popularity after its use in the farewell address of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower. In the penultimate draft of the address, Eisenhower initially used
the term military-industrialcongressional complex, and thus indicated the
essential role that the United States Congress plays in the propagation of the
military industry. But, it is said, that the president chose to strike the word
congressional in order to placate members of the legislative branchof the
federal government.
It is sometimes
used more broadly to include the entire network of contracts and flows of money
and resources among individuals as well as institutions of the defense
contractors,The Pentagon, and the Congress and Executive branch. This sector is
intrinsically prone to Principal-agent problem, moral hazard, and rent seeking.
Cases of political corruption have also surfaced with regularity.
President of
the United States (and former General of the Army) Dwight D. Eisenhower later
used the term in his Farewell Address to the Nation on January 17, 1961:
"A vital
element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty,
ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk
his own destruction...
conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is
new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even
spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal
government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must
not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and
livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils
of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential
for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never
let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.
We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can
compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of
defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may
prosper together."
-- Reference:
12 "... Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF)..."
"In May
1946, the Army Air Forces (AAF) gave SAC the responsibility of delivering the atomic
bomb. Only one of the command’s bombardment units, the 509th at Walker Air
Force Base (then Roswell Field) in New Mexico, was trained and ready for the
atomic bomb mission. The 509th Wing, training on the B-29 aircraft, dropped the
first atomic bomb on Japan."
13 "...July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) issued a
press release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Bomb Group had
recovered a crashed "flying disc" from a ranch near Roswell, New
Testimonial, Signed Affidavits, Photos And Other Resource Materials About The Incident
Can Be Viewed At The Following Website:
©2001 by David Rudiak. E-Mail: )
"When we
look at the contents of the message in conjunction with witness testimony, the evidence
clearly points to an actual flying saucer crash, as astonishing as this
conclusion may seem to many.
This testimony
is gone into in much greater detail elsewhere in this Website. It consists primarily
of numerous and consistent descriptions of highly anomalous debris and to a lesser
extent of alien bodies. Here are a few key witnesses:
Major Jesse
Marcel: Then the intelligence chief at Roswell and the first to investigate sheep
rancher Mack Brazel's find, Marcel confirmed in a number of interviews 30 years
later that the crash debris had highly anomalous properties and was "not
of this Earth." Marcel also spoke of Ramey's weather balloon cover-up at
Fort Worth. Note particularly highly laudatory post-Roswell evaluations by base
commander Col. William Blanchard, Gen. Ramey, and future USAF Chief of Staff
Col. John Ryan.
Lt. Walter
Haut: Former Roswell base public information officer who issued the base press release.
Haut's "deathbed" sealed affidavit has just been published. In it he
confesses to seeing the spacecraft and bodies in base Hangar 84/P-3 and tells
us the mysterious press release was General Ramey's idea to divert press and
public attention away from the closer
and more
important craft/body site.
Sgt Frederick
Benthal: Army photographer flown in from Washington D.C., said he photographed
alien bodies in a tent at crash site and saw large quantities of crash debris being
hauled away in trucks.
PFC Elias
Benjamin: Roswell MP, said he escorted the alien bodies from the heavily guarded
base Hangar P-3 to the base hospital, and saw a live one being worked on by doctors;
was threatened afterwards if he didn't keep quiet.
1st Lt. Chester
P. Barton: A crypto specialist and assigned to an MP unit, Barton said he was
ordered to the crash site 45 minutes north of town to check on the cleanup, saw
a football-field-size burn impact area heavily guarded by MPs, scattered metal
debris, was told radiation was at the site, heard archeologists had first discovered
it, and also heard bodies were taken to base hospital and then to Fort Worth.
Because of what he saw, he knew that the balloon explanation was ridiculous and
there had been a cover-up. However, Barton was unusual in being a flying saucer
crash skeptic, instead thinking that it was maybe a B-29 crash and nuclear
Bill Brazel
Jr.: Rancher Mack Brazel's son, Bill Brazel independently corroborated many details
of Marcel's testimony, including the strange debris, the large, elongated
debris field, and his father's story of an explosion in the middle of a violent
electrical storm.
Louis Rickett:
One of the regular Army CIC agents in Marcel's office, Rickett confirmed the anomalous
quality of the debris, a major cleanup operation at Brazel's ranch, high
secrecy, and being involved in a subsequent investigation to determine the
trajectory of the craft. He was also told by others about the shape of the main
craft. Like Chester Barton, he placed the main impact site a 45 minute drive
north of Roswell.
Brig. Gen.
Arthur Exon: Though not a direct participant, Exon was stationed at Wright Field
at the time, over flew the area soon afterwards, and was later commanding
officer of Wright-Patterson AFB. Exon when first interviewed flatly stated,
"Roswell was the recovery of a craft from space." Among other things,
he confirmed the existence of two main crash sites. Exon also said he heard
that bodies were recovered and confirmed the debris was highly anomalous based
on testing done by labs at Wright-Patterson. Exon added that he was aware of
other crash-recoveries that occurred while he was C/O at Wright-Patterson.
Steven Lovekin
(served in the White House Army Signal Corp during Eisenhower and Kennedy
administrations, 1959-1961) Although like Exon not a direct participant,
Lovekin said he received 1959 Pentagon briefings and being shown a metallic
beam with symbols from a 1947 N.M. crash (presumably Roswell) plus being told
of either 3 or 5 aliens being recovered, one initially alive. He also said he
was shown very compelling photographic and radar evidence of UFOs. He also
testified of the threats against military personnel given this information if
they were to publicly reveal it. Finally, he told of Eisenhower's concern over
losing control of the situation with power falling into the hands of private
corporations given access to the materials.
Brig. Gen.
Thomas Dubose: Gen. Ramey's Chief of Staff in 1947, Dubose handled the high-level
phone communications between Roswell, Fort Worth, and Washington. Dubose went
on record many times about the high secrecy involved (including the matter
going directly to the White House), receiving direct orders from Washington to
instigate a cover-up, Gen. Ramey's weather balloon cover story, and a highly
secret shipment of debris from Roswell to Fort Worth, Washington, and Wright
Field. Dubose's damning testimony made
him a complete
nonentity in the Air Force's 1995 Roswell report, which didn't even bother to identify
him in the photos taken of Gen. Ramey with his weather balloon. (Visit the
website to view Dubose's Air Force biography, his sworn affidavit, and a more
detailed discussion of his testimony which the Air Force was so eager to
Sgt. Robert Slusher
and PFC Lloyd Thompson: Crew members on a mysterious B-29 flight from Roswell
to Fort Worth on July 9, 1947, transporting a large wooden crate in the bomb
bay surrounded by an armed guard. Upon arrival, the plane was met by high brassand
a mortician. This is probably the flight referred to in the Ramey memo that would
ship whatever was "in the 'disc'" to Fort Worth by a B-29 Special
Transport plane. New witnesses to the flight, including daughter of the head
security guard, saying that alien bodies were inside the crate.
Frank Kaufmann:
A highly controversial witness claiming to be one of the exclusive members of a
special CIC-team (Army Counter-Intelligence Corp) in charge of the Roswell recovery
operation. Nonetheless, some of Kaufmann's claims seem to be corroborated by the
Ramey message, including the existence of such a team, the recovery of an
intact "disk" with bodies inside about 35 miles north of Roswell base,
and the special team being responsible for the initial Roswell base press
release. Kaufmann also testified to knowing of a wooden crate guarded in a
hangar with the bodies packed inside awaiting shipment, perhaps the same crate
independently described by Slusher and Thompson.
Glenn Dennis: A
Roswell mortician and another highly controversial witness, Dennis spoke of
receiving strange calls from the base about preservation techniques and
child-sized coffins. Dennis also claimed to be at the Roswell base hospital,
seeing unusual debris in the back of an ambulance including a pod-like object
perhaps alluded to in the Ramey message, and being threatened. He also claimed
to know a Roswell nurse who assisted in a preliminary autopsy at the base
hospital and who described the aliens to him.
The nurse
subsequently disappeared. However, attempts to identify the mystery nurse have proven
to be a complete failure after Dennis provided a false name. However, also see some
corroborative evidence immediately following Dennis' affidavit, such as David Wagnon,
a medical technician, who remembered the nurse fitting Dennis' description, as
did Pete Anaya, who said the pretty nurse he knew and encountered at the base
hangar telling him of the bodies there subsequently disappeared.
Roswell police
chief L. M. Hall stated that Dennis was telling him of calls from the base
about small coffins for the aliens only a few days after the crashed saucer
story broke in the Roswell papers. Similarly, S/Sgt. Milton Sprouse also said he
heard of the coffin call from Dennis and a medic friend told him of the alien
bodies and autopsy at the hospital.
The medic and
doctors and nurses involved in the autopsy all immediately were transferred and
their fate remained unknown. In addition, other independent witnesses have
provided first and second-hand testimony about small bodies being found with
details very similar to those provided by Dennis, including Walter Haut,
Frederick Benthal, Eli Benjamin, and relatives of "Pappy" Henderson.
Family and
friends of Oliver "Pappy" Henderson: Henderson was one of the senior
pilots at Roswell. When the first public stories of a Roswell saucer crash
began circulating in 1981, Henderson confided to family and friends of being the
pilot who flew bodies of the aliens and crash wreckage to Wright Field. He also
claimed to have seen the craft and bodies, and provided a description of the
Sgt. Robert E.
Smith: A member of an air transport unit at Roswell, Smith said he helpedload
crates filled with debris for transport by C-54's, including one flown by
Henderson and his crew. Smith was also among the witnesses to describe the
mysterious "memory foil" which he said was in the crates. He further described
strangers to the base dressed in plainclothes and flashing ID cards for some
unknown project, perhaps part of the special CIC-team mentioned in the Ramey
memo and by Frank Kaufmann. Finally he claimed that distant cousin of his was
with the Secret Service and was there at the base representing President
Truman. (The same name was also provided by Kaufmann.) S/Sgt. Earl V. Fulford:
In the engineering squadron, Fulford said he participated in the large debris
field cleanup guarded by MPs, handled the mysterious "memory foil,"
saw what may have been the tarped crash object on a flatbed truck being towed
to Hangar 84, and in the middle of the night was made to load a large wooden
crate into an idling C-54.
Earl Zimmerman:
Formerly with AFOSI (AF counterintelligence). While in officers' club heard
many rumors about flying saucer crash and of it being investigated under the
guise of an airplane crash. Several times observed Gen. Ramey and Charles
Lindbergh being at base unannounced in connection with this. Like Robert Smith,
spoke of seeing an unknown CIC man being at base. Col. Blanchard told him it
was OK. Later worked with astronomer Dr. Lincoln LaPaz and corroborated story
of Roswell CIC man Lewis Rickett that LaPaz investigated Roswell afterwards
with the help of the CIC to try to determine objects trajectory. Again an
airplane crash was the cover story.
Lt. Robert
Shirkey: Then the assistant operations officer, Shirkey witnessed the loading
of the B-29 that took Major Marcel to Fort Worth to see Gen. Ramey. He said he
saw boxes of debris being carried on board, including an I-beam with raised
markings and a large piece of metal, brushed stainless steel in color,
obviously not part of a tinfoil radar target. He was told it was from a flying
saucer. Along with witness Robert Porter, he also stated that the
plane's pilot
was Deputy Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Payne Jennings, who was now the Acting
C/O with Col. Blanchard officially on leave. Nine days later, Shirkey was
abruptly transferred to the Philippines to a post that didn't exist. Jennings
personally flew him to his next assignment.
Sgt. Robert
Porter: Was on Marcel's flight to Fort Worth and was handed wrapped packages of
debris samples. Said that flight was piloted by Deputy base commander Jennings.
He was told on board that the crash material was from a flying saucer. Later,
they told him it was a weather balloon. Said debris was loaded onto another
Art McQuiddy:
Former editor of the Roswell Morning Dispatch. Said base commander Col. Blanchard
admitted to authorizing base press release and of strange material being found
by his men.
Judd Roberts:
Co-owner of Roswell radio station KGFL owner. Spoke of how they wire recorded an
interview with rancher Mack Brazel for later airing, then withdrew it about receiving
warnings from Washington about losing their license. Testified to seeing a
military cordon around Brazel crash site.
William Woody:
Another witness to a military cordon thrown up up north of town along the main
highway, blocking access to the west.
Lydia Sleppy:
Albuquerque teletype operator and one of earliest witnesses. Stated that the story
phoned in from field by Roswell radio reporter Johnny McBoyle about seeing the crashed
saucer and hearing of bodies was intercepted and cut-off on the teletype wire
by the FBI.
Proctor: Neighbor of rancher Mack Brazel. Brazel told her and her husband of finding
strange material before going to Roswell, and showing them a wood-like piece
that couldn't be cut or burned. They advised him to go to Roswell and report
it. Brazel was detained at the base and complained bitterly of his treatment
when he returned.
Sally Strickland
Tadolini: Another neighbor of Brazel's. Although only 9 years old at the time,
remembered Mack Brazel's grown son Bill Brazel bringing over a piece of
metalliclooking debris with memory properties to show to her family (incident
corroborated by her mother). Described it as tough, resembled a smooth
"fabric" like silk or satin, and, of course, unfolded itself to its
original shape after being crumpled up. Independently corroborated Bill Brazel's
story of finding material and also Marcel's of a metallic fabric material with
which he could blow through (therefore not balloon material). Also remembered the
adults talking about Mack Brazel's bad treatment at hands of military.
Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr.:
11-year old son of Major Marcel in 1947, recounts how his father woke up his
mother and himself in the middle of the night when he returned from the debris field,
showing them the pieces of a "flying saucer." Among other material,
he distinctly remembers a small metallic "I-beam" with purplish
14 "... the
Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force..."
Roger M. Ramey was a major player in the Roswell Incident, but information on him
is hard to come by. Even though he became a fairly important Air Force general
in the early 1950s, for some reason the Air Force biographical Web page on
their generals doesn't list him.
Ramey was
born in 1903 in Sulphur Springs, Texas, but grew up in Denton, Texas, about 40 miles
north of Fort Worth. He graduated from North Texas State Teachers College in Denton
and wanted to study medicine. But he won a rodeo competition and
"preferred working on a ranch to books."
He was the
mess sergeant in a local National Guard unit, and the captain insisted young "Cowboy"
Ramey take the competitive examination for entrance to the U.S. Military Academy,
winning the West Point appointment. He entered West Point in 1924.
July 26,1946:
Ramey wrote Roswell intelligence chief Major Jesse Marcel a commendation for
his work during Crossroads, citing his important contributions to security, his
handling of complex intelligence matters, and the perfection of his staff briefings.
A year later, Marcel was to handle the initial investigation into the strange
crash debris found by rancher Mac Brazel near Roswell and fly the debris to Fort
Worth for examination by Gen. Ramey.
June 30, 1947: Ramey and his intelligence chief were giving
press interviews and debunking the new flying saucer phenomenon.
July 6, 1947:
Ramey spent all day attending an air show in his home town of Denton, TX (and
probably visiting relatives). Meanwhile, back in Fort Worth with Ramey away
from the base, his chief of staff, Brig. Gen. Thomas Dubose, said he first
learned of the find at Roswell by phone from SAC acting chief of staff Gen.
McMullen. According to Dubose, McMullen ordered debris samples flown immediately
to Washington by "colonel courier," first stopping in Fort Worth. The
whole operation was carried out under the strictest secrecy, said Dubose.
McMullen ordered him not to tell anyone, not even Ramey.
July 8, 1947: The infamous Roswell base flying disk press
release and Ramey's subsequent debunking of it as a weather balloon. According
to Dubose, McMullen ordered the cover-up in another phone call to Dubose from
Washington. Both Dubose and Roswell intelligence chief Jesse Marcel said the
weather balloon was not what Marcel brought from Roswell, being nothing but a
cover story to get rid of the press.
-- Reference:
15 "... U.S. Women's Army Air Force..."
Women's Army Corps (WAC) was the women's branch of the US Army. It was created as
an auxiliary unit, the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps in 1942, and converted to
full status as the WAC in 1943. About 150,000 American women served in the WAAC
and WAC during World War II. They were the first women other than nurses to
serve with the Army."
-- Reference:
16 "...Flight Nurse"...
Flight Nurse Badge is issued in two different versions, one for the Navy and
the other for the Air Force. To be awarded the Flight Nurse Badge, a service
member must be a commissioned officer and a Registered Nurse and must also
complete training normally befitting the award of the Aircrew Badge. The Flight
Nurse Badge is then presented after a probationary period of in-flight
instruction and observation."
-- Reference:
17 ..."Sheridan Cavitt
of the Counter Intelligence Officer"...
(Please see the following Footnote)
18 "...
I was asked to accompany Mr. Cavitt, the Counter Intelligence officer, to the crash
site as the driver of his vehicle ... "Most of the testimony in this (the
following) document is from the 1992 book “Crash at Corona” by Stanton Friedman
and Don Berliner, published in the United States by Paragon House. That book
contains lots of other interesting material, including material regarding another
crash site in New Mexico.
Sequence of
On July 2,
1947, during the evening, a flying saucer crashed on the Foster Ranch near Corona,
New Mexico. The crash occurred during a severe thunderstorm. (The military base
nearest the crash site is in Roswell, New Mexico; hence, Roswell is more
closely associated with this event than Corona, even though Corona is closer to
the crash site.)
On July 3,
1947, William “Mac” Brazel (rhymes with “frazzle”) and his 7-year-old neighbor Dee
Proctor found the remains of the crashed flying saucer. Brazel was foreman of the
Foster Ranch. The pieces were spread out over a large area, perhaps more than
half a mile long. When Brazel drove Dee back home, he showed a piece of the
wreckage to Dee’s parents, Floyd and Loretta Proctor. They all agreed the piece
was unlike anything they had ever seen.
On July 6,
1947, Brazel showed pieces of the wreckage to Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox.
Wilcox called Roswell Army Air Field (AAF) and talked to Major Jesse Marcel,
the intelligence officer. Marcel drove to the sheriff’s office and inspected
the wreckage. Marcel reported to his commanding officer, Colonel William “Butch”
Blanchard. Blanchard ordered Marcel to get someone from the Counter
Intelligence Corps, and to proceed to the ranch
with Brazel,
and to collect as much of the wreckage as they could load into their two vehicles.
Soon after
this, military police arrived at the sheriff’s office, collected the wreckage
Brazel had left there, and delivered the wreckage to Blanchard’s office. The
wreckage was then flown to Eighth Air Force headquarters in Fort Worth, and
from there to Washington.
Marcel and Sheridan Cavitt of the Counter Intelligence Corps drove to the ranch
with Mac Brazel. They arrived late in the evening. They spent the night in sleeping
bags in a small out-building on the ranch, and in the morning proceeded to the
crash site.
On July 7, 1947, Marcel and Cavitt collected wreckage from the
crash site. After filling Cavitt’s vehicle with wreckage, Marcel told Cavitt to
go on ahead, that Marcel would collect more wreckage, and they would meet later
back at Roswell AAF. Marcel filled his vehicle with wreckage. On the way back
to the air field, Marcel stopped at home to show his wife and son the strange
material he had found.
On July 7,
1947, around 4:00 pm, Lydia Sleppy at Roswell radio station KSWS began transmitting
a story on the teletype machine regarding a crashed flying saucer out on the
Foster Ranch. Transmission was interrupted, seemingly by the FBI.
On July 8,
1947, in the morning, Marcel and Cavitt arrived back at Roswell AAF with two carloads
of wreckage. Marcel accompanied this wreckage, or most it, on a flight to Fort Worth
On July 8,
1947, around noon, Colonel Blanchard at Roswell AAF ordered Second Lieutenant
Walter Haut to issue a press release telling the country that the Army had
found the remains of a crashed a flying saucer. Haut was the public information
officer for the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell AAF. Haut delivered the press release
to Frank Joyce at radio station KGFL. Joyce waited long enough for Haut to
return to the base, then called Haut there to confirm the story. Joyce then
sent the story on the Western Union wire to the
United Press
On July 8,
1947, in the afternoon, General Clemence McMullen in Washington spoke by telephone
with Colonel (later Brigadier General) Thomas DuBose in Fort Worth, chief of staff
to Eighth Air Force Commander General Roger Ramey. McMullen ordered DuBose to tell
Ramey to quash the flying saucer story by creating a cover story, and to send
some of the crash material immediately to Washington.
On July 8,
1947, in the afternoon, General Roger Ramey held a press conference at Eighth Air
Force headquarters in Fort Worth in which he announced that what had crashed at
Corona was a weather balloon, not a flying saucer. To make this story
convincing, he showed the press the remains of a damaged weather balloon that
he claimed was the actual wreckage from the crash site. (Apparently, the
obliging press did not ask why the Army hurriedly transported weather balloon
wreckage to Fort Worth, Texas, site of the press conference, from the crash
site in a remote area of New Mexico.)
The only newspapers that carried the initial flying saucer version
of the story were evening papers from the Midwest to the West, including the
Chicago Daily News, the Los Angeles Herald Express, the San Francisco Examiner,
and the Roswell Daily Record. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the
Chicago Tribune were morning papers and so carried only the cover-up story the
next morning.
At some
point, a large group of soldiers were sent to the debris field on the Foster
Ranch, including a lot of MPs whose job was to limit access to the field. A
wide search was launched well beyond the limits of the debris field. Within a
day or two, a few miles from the debris field, the main body of the flying
saucer was found, and a mile or two from that several bodies of small humanoids
were found.
The military
took Mac Brazel into custody for about a week, during which time he was seen on
the streets of Roswell with a military escort. His behavior aroused the
curiosity of friends when he passed them without any sign of recognition.
Following this period of detention, Brazel repudiated his initial story."
19 "...I discovered
that one of the personnel on board the craft had survived the crash... "
The following is a verbatim copy of the signed Affidavit
submitted on 8-7-1991 by Glenn Dennis, a mortician, in Roswell, N.M. at the
time of the incident described in the letter from Mrs. MacElroy: (PLEASE NOTE:
Mrs. MacElroy is NOT the same nurse that Mr. Dennis mentions in his Affidavit.
Although no official identification has been made, several witnesses have
identified "Nurse X" as 1st Lt. Adeline "Eileen" Fanton.)
(1) My name is Glenn Dennis
(2) My address is: XXXXXXXXXX
(3) I am ( ) employed as: __________________________________ ( )
(4) In July
1947, I was a mortician, working for the Ballard Funeral Home in Roswell, which
had a contract to provide mortuary services for the Roswell Army Air Field. One
afternoon, around 1:15 or 1:30, I received a call from the base mortuary
officer who asked what was the smallest size hermetically sealed casket that we
had in stock. He said, "We need to know this in case something comes up in
the future." He asked how long it would take to get one, and I assured him
I could get one for him the following day. He said he would call back if they
needed one.
(5) About 45
minutes to an hour later, he called back and asked me to describe the preparation
for bodies that had been lying out on the desert for a period of time. Before I
could answer, he said he specifically wanted to know what effect the
preparation procedures would have on the body's chemical compounds, blood and
tissues. I explained that our chemicals were mainly strong solutions of
formaldehyde and water, and that the procedure would probably alter the body's
chemical composition. I offered to come out to the base to assist with any
problem he might have, but he reiterated that the information was for future use.
I suggested that if he had such a situation that I would try to freeze the body
in dry ice for storage and transportation.
Approximately a hour or an hour and 15 minutes later, I got a call to transport
a serviceman who had a laceration on his head and perhaps a fractured nose. I
gave him first aid and drove him out to the base. I got there around 5:00 PM.
(7) Although
I was a civilian, I usually had free access on the base because they knew me. I
drove the ambulance around to the back of the base infirmary and parked it next
to another ambulance. The door was open and inside I saw some wreckage. There
were several pieces which looked like the bottom of a canoe, about three feet
in length. It resembled stainless steel with a purple hue, as if it had been
exposed to high temperature. There was some strange-looking writing on the
material resembling Egyptian hieroglyphics. Also there
were two MPs
(8) I checked
the airman in and went to the staff lounge to have a Coke. I intended to look for
a nurse, a 2nd Lieutenant, who had been commissioned about three months earlier
right out of college. She was 23 years of age at the time (I was 22). I saw her
coming out of one of the examining rooms with a cloth over her mouth. She said,
"My gosh, get out of here or you're going to be in a lot of trouble."
She went into another door where a Captain stood.
He asked me who I was and what I was doing here. I told him, and
he instructed me to stay there. I said, "It looks like you've got a crash;
would you like me to get ready?" He told me to stay right there. Then two
MPs came up and began to escort me out of the infirmary.
They said they had orders to follow me out to the funeral home.
(9) We got
about 10 or 15 feet when I heard a voice say, "We're not through with that
SOB. Bring him back." There was another Captain, a redhead with the
meanest-looking eyes I had ever seen, who said, "You did not see anything,
there was no crash here, and if you say anything you could get into a lot of
trouble." I said, "Hey look mister, I'm a civilian and you can't do a
damn thing to me." He said, "Yes we can; somebody will be picking
your bones out of the sand." There was a black Sergeant with a pad in his
hand who said, "He would make good dog food for our dogs." The
Captain said, "Get the SOB out." The MPs followed me back to the
funeral home.
(10) The next
day, I tried to call the nurse to see what was going on. About 11:00 AM, she
called the funeral home and said, "I need to talk to you." We agreed
to meet at the officers club. She was very upset. She said, "Before I talk
to you, you have to give me a sacred oath that you will never mention my name,
because I could get into a lot of trouble." I agreed.
(11) She said
she had gone to get supplies in a room where two doctors were performing a prelimary
autopsy. The doctors said they needed her to take notes during the procedure.
She said she
had never smelled anything so horrible in her life, and the sight was the most gruesome
she had ever seen. She said, "This was something no one has ever
seen." As she spoke, I was concerned that she might go into shock.
(12) She drew
me a diagram of the bodies, including an arm with a hand that had only four fingers;
the doctors noted that on the end of the fingers were little pads resembling
suction cups. She said the head was disproportionately large for the body; the
eyes were deeply set; the skulls were flexible; the nose was concave with only
two orifices; the mouth was a fine slit, and the doctors said there was heavy
cartilage instead of teeth. The ears were only small orifices with flaps. They
had no hair, and the skin was black--perhaps due to exposure in the sun. She
gave me the drawings.
(13) There
were three bodies; two were very mangled and dismembered, as if destroyed by predators;
one was fairly intact. They were three-and-a-half to four feet tall. She told
me the doctors said: "This isn't anything we've ever see before; there's
nothing in the medical textbooks like this." She said she and the doctors
became ill. They had to turn off the air conditioning and were afraid the smell
would go through the hospital. They had to move the operation to an airplane
(14) I drove
her back to the officers' barracks. The next day I called the hospital to see
how she was, and they said she wasn't available. I tried to get her for several
days, and finally got one of the nurses who said the Lieutenant had been transferred
out with some other personnel. About 10 days to two weeks later, I got a letter
from her with an APO number.
She indicated
we could discuss the incident by letter in the future. I wrote back to her and about
two weeks later the letter came back marked "Return to
Sender--DECEASED." Later, one of the nurses at the base said the rumor was
that she and five other nurses had been on a training mission and had been
killed in a plane crash.
(15) Sheriff
George Wilcox and my father were very close friends. The Sheriff went to my folks'
house the morning after the events at the base and said to my father, "I
don't know what kind of trouble Glenn's in, but you tell your son that he
doesn't know anything and hasn't seen anything at the base." He added,
"They want you and your wife's name, and they want your and your
children's addresses." My father immediately drove to the funeral home and
asked me what kind of trouble I was in. He related the conversation with
Sheriff Wilcox, and so I told him about the events of the previous day. He is
the only person to whom I have told this story until recently.
(16) I had filed away the sketches the nurse gave me that day.
Recently, at the request of a researcher, I tried to locate my personal files
at the funeral home, but they had all been destroyed.
(17) I have not been paid or given anything of value to make
this statement, which is the truth to the best of my recollection.
Signed: Glenn Dennis
Date: 8-7-91"
-- Reference:
(Copyright ©2001 by David Rudiak. E-Mail: )
20 "...telepathic thought..."
from the Greek τελε, tele meaning "remote" and πάθεια, patheia
meaning "to be affected by", describes the purported transfer of
information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the
five classical senses. The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar
Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research, specifically
to replace the earlier expression thought-transference. A person who is able to
make use of
telepathy is said to be able to read the minds of others.
along with psychokinesis forms the main branches of parapsychological research,
and many studies seeking to detect and understand telepathy have been done
within the field.
Telepathy is
a common theme in fiction and science fiction, with many superheroes and supervillains
having telepathic abilities. Such abilities include both sensing the thoughts
of others, and controlling the minds of other people. Transhumanists believe
that technologically enabled telepathy, called "techlepathy", will be
the inevitable future of humanity, and seek to develop practical, safe devices
for directly connecting human nervous systems."
-- Reference:
21 "...I was the
only women at the site..."
story about the alien bodies and a vanishing nurse came from Pete and Ruben Anaya,
who said they picked up N.M. Lt. Governor Joseph Montoya outside the large base
hangar. Besides the hangar being heavily guarded by MPs, they said there was a
base nurse (or maybe two different nurses) who came outside the hangar and
spoke briefly with them. Ruben said she told him that the bodies were "not
from this world" and then noticed one of them moving. Ruben said he then
went to take a look and also glimpsed two small bodies from a distance under
sheets inside the hangar and one of them moving. He described the nurse he
spoke to as blondish and heavyset. [Note: Of the five nurses that are pictured
in the base yearbook from around June/July 1947, none of them appear blondish
In contrast,
Pete Anaya said he knew the nurse he spoke to from the Officer's Club (his brother
Ruben worked there as a cook), had danced with her once the previous Halloween at
a party, said she resembled his wife Mary, and was a beautiful women with
beautiful hair.
He wanted to
go inside the hangar to see what was going on, and she told him he didn't want
to see anything. After that, he said he never saw her again. (Source: Tim
The Roswell
File, 1997)
Roswell police chief L.M. Hall remembered Dennis telling him only a few days
after the newspaper stories of the crashed flying saucer, about strange calls
from the base for child-size caskets "to ship or bury those aliens."
witness that recently came forth to corroborate parts of Dennis' story was
S/Sgt. Milton Sprouse, then a B-29 crew chief with the 830th Bomb Squadron.
Sprouse said he spoke to Dennis several years later while Dennis handled a funeral
for a friend. Dennis told him he had received a call from the base for five
children's caskets for a crash that had happened 2 or 3 days before. Thus it
seems that Dennis' story of the child casket call is not of recent origin but
dates back to the original event itself.
Sprouse said
the bodies were taken to a hangar heavily guarded by MPs with machine guns. He
also said he knew something about the autopsy initially described by Dennis. A fellow
staff sergeant in his barracks, who worked as an emergency room medic at the
base hospital, was called out there. When he came back he related that an
autopsy on one or two of the "humanoid bodies" had been carried out
by two doctors and two nurses. His friend said he had seen the bodies. Similar
to Dennis' nurse, the sergeant was transferred the following day and nobody
ever found out what became of him.
Sprouse also
heard that the doctors and nurses involved with the autopsy were also transferred
and nobody found out what became of them either. Five members of his ground crew
were also sent to the ranch to help clean up the debris field. They told him
the material was "out of this world," including foil that when
crumpled returned to its original shape."
-- Reference:
(San Diego Union-Tribune story, 10/26/2007; North County Times story, 9/30/2007
--San Diego, Riverside)
22 "...prehensile..."
word is derived from the Latin term prehendere, meaning "to grasp."
It is the quality of an organ that has adapted for grasping or holding. Examples
of prehensile body parts include the tails of New World monkeys and opossums,
the trunks of elephants, the tongues of giraffes, the lips of horses and the
proboscides of tapir. The hands of primates are all prehensile to varying
degrees, and many species (even a few humans) have prehensile feet as well. The
claws of cats are also prehensile. Many extant lizards have prehensile tails (geckos,
chameleons, and a species of skink). The fossil record shows prehensile tails
in lizards (Simiosauria) going back many million years to the Triassic period.
Prehensility is an evolutionary adaptation that has afforded
species a great natural advantage in manipulating their environment for
feeding, digging, and defense. It enables many animals, such as primates, to
use tools in order to complete tasks that would otherwise be impossible without
highly specialized anatomy. For example, chimpanzees have the ability to use
sticks to fish for termites and grubs. However, not all prehensile organs are
applied to tool use- the giraffe tongue, for instance, is instead used in
feeding and self-cleaning behaviors."
-- Reference:
23 "... able to
detect waves or particles beyond the visual spectrum of light."
The visible spectrum (or sometimes called the optical spectrum)
is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to (can be
detected by) the human eye.
Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is called
visible light or simply light.
A typical
human eye will respond to wavelengths in air from about 380 to 750 nm. The corresponding
wavelengths in water and other media are reduced by a factor equal to the refractive
index. In terms of frequency, this corresponds to a band in the vicinity of
400-790 terahertz. A light-adapted eye generally has its maximum sensitivity at
around 555 nm (540 THz), in the green region of the optical spectrum. The spectrum
does not, however, contain all the corlors that the human eyes and brain can
distinguish. Brown, pink, and magenta are absent, for example, because they
need a mix of multiple wavelengths, preferably shades of red.
visible to the eye also pass through the "optical window", the region
of the electromagnetic spectrum which passes largely unattenuated through the
Earth's atmosphere (although blue light is scattered more than red light, which
is the reason the sky is blue). The response of the human eye is defined by
subjective testing, but the atmospheric windows are defined by physical
measurement. The "visible window" is so called because it overlaps
the human visible response spectrum; the near infrared windows lie just out of
human response window, and the Medium Wavelength and Long Wavelength
or Far
Infrared are far beyond the human response region.
The eyes of
many species perceive wavelengths different from the spectrum visible to the human
eye. For example, many insects, such as bees, can see light in the ultraviolet,
which is useful for finding nectar in flowers. For this reason, plant species
whose life cycles are linked to insect pollination may owe their reproductive
success to their appearance in ultraviolet light, rather than how colorful they
appear to our eyes."
-- Reference:
24 "... this may have included the full range of the
electromagnetic spectrum..."
electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible electromagnetic
radiation. The"electromagnetic spectrum" (usually just spectrum) of an
object is the characteristicdistribution of electromagnetic radiation from that
electromagnetic spectrum extends from below the frequencies used for modern
radio (at the long-wavelength end) through gamma radiation (at the short-wavelength
end), covering wavelengths from thousands of kilometres down to a fraction the
size of an atom. It's thought that the short wavelength limit is the vicinity
of the Planck length, and the long wavelength limit is the size of the universe
itself, although in principle the spectrum is infinite and
-- Reference:
25 "... her gaze
seemed to penetrate right through me, as though she had "x-ray vision".
fictional stories, X-ray vision has generally been portrayed as the ability to
see through layers of objects at the discretion of the holder of this superpower.
People often pretend to have this ability through the use of X-ray glasses,
which are a special type of "joke-around"or prank-gag toys with the
secret of its "x-ray properties" being unknown. The goal is usually to
see through clothing, usually to determine if someone is carrying a concealed
weapon, but sometimes for purpose of seeing a person's private parts. In the
non-fictional realm, X-rays have many practical uses in the fields of science
and medicine. While there are devices currently extant which can
"see" through clothing (using terahertz waves), most are quite bulky.
However, there are night vision equipped video cameras that can be modified to
clothing at a frequency just below visible light."
-- Source Reference:
26 ..."Technically, from a medical standpoint, I would say
that Airl's body could not even be called "alive". "
word "organism" may broadly be defined as an assembly of molecules
that function as a more or less stable whole and has the properties of life.
However, many sources, lexical and scientific, add conditions that are
problematic to defining the word.
The Oxford
English Dictionary defines an organism as "[an] individual animal, plant,
or single-celled life form". This definition problematically excludes non-animal
and plant multicellular life forms such as some fungi and protista. Less controversially,
perhaps, it excludes viruses and theoretically-possible man-made non-organic
life forms.
Chambers Online Reference provides a much broader definition:
"any living structure, such as a plant, animal, fungus or bacterium,
capable of growth and reproduction". The definition "any life form
capable of independent reproduction, organic or otherwise" would encompass
all cellular life, as well as the possibility of synthetic life capable of
independent reproduction,
but would exclude viruses, which are dependent on the biochemical
machinery of a host cell for reproduction. Some may use a definition that would
also include viruses."
-- Source Reference:
27 " space there is not gravity..."
terms gravitation and gravity are mostly interchangeable in everyday use, but
in scientific usage a distinction may be made. "Gravitation" is a
general term describing the attractive influence that all objects with mass
exert on each other, while "gravity" specifically refers to a force
that is supposed in some theories (such as Newton's) to be the cause of this attraction.
By contrast, in general relativity gravitation is due to space-time curvatures
that cause inertially moving objects to accelerate towards each other.
Newton's theory of universal gravitation is a physical law describing the
attraction between bodies with mass. It is a part of classical mechanics and
was first formulated in Newton's work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica, published in 1687. In modern language it states the following:
Every point
mass attracts every other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting
both points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses:
• F is the
magnitude of the gravitational force between the two point masses,
• G is the
gravitational constant,
• m1 is the
mass of the first point mass,
• m2 is the
mass of the second point mass,
• r is the
distance between the two point masses."
-- Reference:
To continue ...
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