Sunday, February 2, 2014

UFO spotted above Mounts Bay, UK

Mount's Bay is a large, sweeping bay on the English Channel coast of Cornwall in the United Kingdom, stretching from the Lizard Point to Gwennap Head on the eastern side of the Land's End peninsula.
Photo Credit Michael Potter

On the left side of this picture, highlighted by the dark cloud but with its detail obscured, is a bright triangular shape streaking across the sky.

Close up of Mount Bays UFO

Could it be visitor from space or perhaps an experimental delta-wing aircraft from Culdrose or beyond?

It was snapped by accident and only discovered when Michael Potter reviewed his photographs of Mounts Bay on his computer.

He said:
 “I uploaded it to my laptop and decided to delete it because of the apparent sunspot over part of the image.
“Then I noticed on the left hand side of the image something that had not been apparent when I took the photo.
“The photo has not been tampered with or photo-shopped so what is it?”

Perhaps the correct answer is in itself as incredible as the idea of UFOs.

It is most probably a large lump of 4.3-billion-year-old rock which has slammed into the Earth’s atmosphere at a terrific speed, perhaps as much as 45 miles a second. Heated by friction to a fireball of around 1,500 degrees centigrade, it is just one of an endless cascade of meteors that rain down on us day and night.

The Cornwall UFO Triangle - county has most sightings in UK

The Cornwall Triangle

The truth is out there – and it’s apparently in Cornwall.

Researchers into the paranormal claim a Cornwall UFO Triangle exists in the county.

The triangle shows the area that has the most reported UFO and paranormal activity, according to the Cornwall UFO Research Group.

The triangle of apparent alien activity runs from Land's End to Falmouth bay to St Ives Bay.

Cornwall has the highest number of sightings of UFOs in the country according to the latest research.

Lionel Fanthorpe from the Cornwall UFO Research Group said: “It’s extremely difficult – nearly impossible – to obtain rigorously balanced, objective data for paranormal and anomalous events.”

Mr Fanthorpe said calculations were based on first-hand experiences, on-site investigations, case studies and discussions with other researchers.

He said: “When the many different types of reported psychic, paranormal and anomalous phenomena are brought together and given the same statistical weighting, three localities seem to stand out: Cornwall, Norfolk and an area bounded by Harrogate, Leeds and York.”

The figures show more than 60 reported sightings of UFOs in Cornwall compared to a national average of 40 sightings for comparable areas.

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