Friday, July 31, 2020

31st July 2020. Mike Quinsey.

Dear Ones can you now see that the Coronavirus has caused you to appraise the way you have been working and see that changes are literally being forced upon you. The realisation has come to you through what you are now experiencing, and it is obvious that beneficial changes have been taking place and should not only be made permanent but extended upon your resumption of “normal” working.

You are being guided to take up a path that will lead to even more changes, all with the intent of preparing you for greater changes that are coming. As progress is made you will truly be raising your vibrations and a point will be reached where you will have discarded your ties to the old energies. New abilities will come your way and you will have the makings of a Galactic Being. The dark Ones will use whatever means they can to delay progress and prevent you from ascending. However, greater powers than theirs are behind those who are ready to ascend, and they will not allow the end times to be altered in any way whatsoever. You have well-earned the opportunity that presents itself to you and will be helped to ascend.


Queridos, agora podem ver que o Coronavírus fez com que avaliassem o modo como estavam agindo e que as mudanças estão literalmente a ser-vos impostas. A realização chegou até vós através do que estais a experimentar agora e é óbvio que mudanças benéficas estão a ocorrer e não devem ser apenas permanentes, mas continuadas após o recomeço do trabalho "normal". 

Estão a ser guiados a seguir um caminho que levará ainda a mais mudanças, tudo com a intenção de vos preparar para maiores mudanças que estão por vir. À medida que o progresso for feito, vocês verdadeiramente elevarão as vossas vibrações e chegarão a um ponto em que descartarão os vossos laços com as velhas energias. Novas habilidades aparecerão no vosso caminho e terão as características de um Ser Galáctico. Os Escuros usarão todos os meios para retardar o progresso e impedir que vocês subam. No entanto, maiores poderes do que os deles estão por trás daqueles que estão prontos para ascender e não permitirão que o fim dos tempos seja alterado de forma alguma. Vocês mereceram a oportunidade que se vos apresenta e serão ajudados a subir.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

26th July by Blossom GoodchildThe Federation of Light

Hello, Divinely Delightful Do-Gooders! Last week, I asked a question after you had said that this is the end of the dark days on Planet Earth and we digressed, which we often do. Yet, I think it is one that would clarify some things, so I will put it to you again if I may? It was:

It can all get so confusing. Is it not then that those who choose to move into a Higher Vibration will do so … yet, still be on Planet Earth and those who choose not to, will remain in the lower Vibration until they are ready to ‘cross the bridge’ yet, still be on Planet Earth?

This is so.

So then, it isn’t the end of the dark days on Planet Earth, if you see what I mean?

Monday, July 20, 2020

19th July by Blossom GoodchildThe Federation of Light

Welcome once again to our chatting space! Jumping right in … Am I of the correct understanding that we have not yet had the HUGE announcement that will take us into Phase 2, wherein the 2nd lockdown will take place? People are getting a little confused by different information given out by many.

Firstly, we connect with Each One who participates in these conversations of ours. We send you Light and we send you Love through to the core of your Being. Into the depth of your hearts, we enter in with your permission, to offer you Peace and comfort of mind and disposition.

Thank You. I am sure many are more than happy to receive a bit of that!

Friday, July 17, 2020

11th July by Blossom GoodchildThe Federation of Light

Hello there. Me here, still amongst the thick of it all on Planet Earth. It seems the Mantra I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM is still being used widely and it is helping. Yet many are REALLY struggling it seems. Quite a few want to get the bus home. I am certainly feeling better than I was, thanks to so much Love, support and encouragement from so many. I am indeed Blessed.

Welcome to you all. You … Each one … that agreed to be upon your beautiful Planet at this time.

You who are far greater in Being than you can possibly imagine yourselves to be.

We tell you this …

17th July 2020. Mike Quinsey.

Matters are building up so much so that something has to eventually break out. It is at long last realised that it would be better now that some secret projects are brought into the open to gain public support. They need to know what is being carried out in their name and be allowed to benefit from them. Free energy is at the top of that list and it would help remove many problems that presently exist. It would free up immense amounts of money that could be better spent reviving economies all around the world.

SP - Canalizado por Mike Quinsey, 17 de Julio, 2020

Las cosas se están acumulando tanto que algo tiene que estallar eventualmente. Por fin se ha reconocido que sería mejor que algunos proyectos secretos salieran ya a la luz para ganar el apoyo del público. Necesitan saber lo que se está llevando a cabo en su nombre y que se les permita beneficiarse de ello. La energía libre es la primera en la lista y ayudaría a eliminar muchos de los problemas que existen actualmente. Liberaría inmensas cantidades de dinero que podrían ser mejor empleadas en recuperar las economías de todo el mundo.


As questões estão a acumular-se tanto, que eventualmente algo acaba surgindo. Finalmente, percebeu-se que seria melhor que agora alguns projetos secretos fossem divulgados para obter apoio público. O povo precisa saber o que está a ser realizado em seu nome para se poder beneficiar deles. A energia livre está no topo dessa lista e ajudaria a remover muitos problemas que atualmente existem. Isso liberaria imensas quantias de dinheiro que poderiam ser melhor gastas revivendo economias em todo o mundo.

Friday, July 10, 2020


Podeis especular sobre como isto foi alcançado, mas o Coronavírus foi espalhado principalmente por drones. Os seus efeitos não durarão muito mais tempo, mas os seus receptáculos tenderão a mantê-lo. Um remédio para ele está prestes a ser descoberto e isso claramente ajudará a reduzir o seu potencial de se espalhar ainda mais. Entendam que onde algumas almas tiveram uma experiência ruim por causa do vírus, é como sempre uma situação cármica e como exemplos anteriores dessa natureza, estão a limpar tudo.

SP - Canalizado por Mike Quinsey, 10 de Julio, 2020

Puede que especuléis sobre cómo se logró, pero el Coronavirus fue propagado principalmente por drones. Sus efectos no durarán mucho más, pero las brotes del virus tenderán a mantenerlo en marcha. Un remedio para él está a punto de ser descubierto y eso ayudará claramente a reducir su potencial de propagación. Entended que cuando algunas almas hayan tenido una mala experiencia debido al virus es, como siempre, una situación mayormente kármica, y como en los casos anteriores de esta naturaleza se está disolviendo...

10th July 2020. Mike Quinsey.

You may speculate on how it was achieved but the Coronavirus was mainly spread by drones. Its affects will not last much longer but pockets of the virus will tend to keep it going. A remedy for it is on the verge of being discovered and that will clearly help to reduce its potential to spread further. Understand that where some souls have had a bad experience because of the virus, it is as always largely a karmic situation and like earlier instances of this nature is clearing it away..

Monday, July 6, 2020

5th July by Blossom GoodchildThe Federation of Light

At the time of channelling these two communications, I was struggling with the ‘State of play’ (As you will assess!) I am feeling much Brighter now. You may find the channelling reads fine, yet, for me, ‘I’ was totally getting in the way and in the end decided to stop and post it anyway, for reasons of assisting others feeling the same way. I ask that my ‘indulgence’ is forgiven … from one who knows better, yet doesn’t always feel it! Thank you.

(Thursday 25th June)

Saturday, July 4, 2020

SP - Canalizado por Mike Quinsey, 3 de Julio, 2020

Se está produciendo un cambio en los niveles de conciencia como resultado del Coronavirus, y el más importante será la creación de oportunidades para que las personas reflexionen sobre su futuro y lo que quieren de la vida. Sucederá en todos los diferentes niveles, siendo el más importante vuestra comprensión espiritual, relacionada con vuestra vida cotidiana y con la forma en que os comportáis y veis a otras personas. Si ya aceptáis que Todos sois Uno y que las supuestas divisiones son hechas por el hombre, y en gran parte basadas en el color y la religión, no debería haber ninguna división entre los diferentes grupos. Sin embargo, se debe tener en cuenta y conceder libertad a cada grupo para practicar sus creencias sin interferencias. Un grupo no es superior a otro, cada uno tiene un papel que desempeñar para que sus seguidores puedan evolucionar hacia una mayor comprensión de la verdad, que finalmente los llevará a todos de vuelta a la Divinidad de donde vinieron.

Friday, July 3, 2020


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Especially when you are inundated with media reports of turmoil around the world, it is important for your health in mind, body and spirit to frequently breathe deeply, then exhale slowly to release stress so it doesn’t accumulate and cause imbalance. Please, dear family, take a moment now and do that for yourselves. Thank you! 

Now then, two global situations are keeping Earth’s energy field of potential in fervent activity. Let us speak first about the protests against racism and excessive police force that started in the United States and quickly erupted in many other countries. Essential change doesn’t start with leaders, but with demands of the peoples.

3rd July 2020. Mike Quinsey.

There is a change in consciousness levels taking place as a result of Coronavirus, and the most important one will be the creation of opportunities for people to reflect upon their future and what they want from life. It will happen on all different levels the most important one being your spiritual understanding, related to your everyday life and the way you conduct yourself and view other people. If you already accept that All is One and the supposed divisions are man-made and largely based upon colour and religion, there should not be any division between the different groups. However, due allowance must be made and freedom granted for each group to practise its beliefs without interference. One group is not superior to another and each have a role to play so that their followers can evolve to a greater understanding of the truth, that will eventually lead them all back to the Godhead from whence they came.


Há uma mudança nos níveis de consciência como resultado do coronavírus e o mais importante será a criação de oportunidades para as pessoas refletirem sobre o seu futuro e o que desejam da vida. Isso acontecerá em todos os níveis diferentes, sendo o mais importante o vosso entendimento espiritual, relacionado à vossa vida cotidiana e à maneira como se comportam e vêm as outras pessoas. Se já aceitam que Tudo é Um e as supostas divisões são feitas pelo homem e amplamente baseadas em cores e religião, não deve haver divisão entre os diferentes grupos. No entanto, deve ser concedida a devida autorização e deve ser concedida liberdade para cada grupo praticar as suas crenças sem interferência. Um grupo não é superior a outro e cada um tem um papel a desempenhar, para que os seus seguidores possam evoluir para uma compreensão maior da verdade, que acabará por levá-los todos de volta à Deidade de onde vieram.