Sunday, August 28, 2016

PORTUGUÊS -- Adamu Oferece Instruções Políticas Completas... Incluindo o Futuro Reinício Financeiro… E as Eleições Americanas!

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Adamu Oferece Instruções Políticas Completas...
Incluindo o Futuro Reinício Financeiro…
E as Eleições Americanas!

Saudações para vós, meus queridos amigos.

Eu sou Adamu da entidade monádica da civilização Pleidiana, chegando até vós através de Zingdad.

Nesta conversa de hoje vou oferecer informações sobre a situação política no mundo presente. O cerne desta informação é destinado a oferecer-vos uma compreensão abrangente acerca do próximo reinício financeiro. Vamos também, inetivavelmente, discutir as próximas eleições presidenciais na América.

Os tópicos em discussão são complexos e apesar de tentar ser breve, este comunicado será um pouco mais longo do que estão habituados a receber de mim. No entanto, acredito que vai valer a pena o tempo despendido a digerir o que tenho para vos oferecer. As informações que se vão seguir precisam de alguma concentração e atenção. E nem todas serão divertidas ou excitantes. Mas é crucial que compreendam o que vou partilhar convosco. O vosso futuro e mesmo o futuro da vossa civilização planetária pode bem depender disso!

Na conversa de hoje irei abordar certos pontos bem quentes. É vital que tenham percebam o contexto global àcerca do que vos vou dizer, por isso, tenho de começar por fazer um pedido muito firme – por favor assegurem-se de que leram as mensagens anteriores desta série. Sem esse conhecimento é provável que interpretem mal o conteúdo de hoje. Todas essas canalizações anteriores estão convenientemente organizadas em

E enquanto tratamos destas questões administrativas, gostaria igualmente de vos convidar a assinar o boletim informativo em, pois permitirá a Zingdad fazer uma actualização directa quando ele e eu publicamos novo material.

Agora vou mencionar os assuntos a tratar. E tão essenciais que são! Meus amigos, vocês encontram-se mesmo no olho da tempestade da mudança. A consciência planetária está na fase mais decisiva do seu desenvolvimento. Por isso considero importante fazer-vos compreender a situação para que encarem a tempestade que aí vem de forma corajosa… e, também é de crucial importância… para que, informados a nível global, possam fazer as escolhas, para vós, para a vossa vida e para os que dependem directamente de vós.

Para começar, sei que notaram que o sistema financeiro mundial está à beira do colapso. Todos sabem isso. E os que criaram este desastre estão muito atarefados, fingindo que não sabem como chegou a este ponto e como resolvê-lo. Ao mesmo tempo fazem EXACTAMENTE o que é preciso para o piorar! Enquanto se vão tornando cada vez mais ricos e tornando todos os outros, cada vez mais pobres.

Vêem, meus amigos, o sistema financeiro não está ocupado a desagregar-se. Isso é o que eles querem que vocês acreditem. Foi planeado assim. Está apenas a fazer aquilo para que foi criado. E foi criado para vos escravizar, para vos roubar o poder e para colocar o controlo de todo o mundo nas mãos dos criadores desse sistema.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

David Wilcock - Military Coup New 2016 (MUST WATCH)

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David Wilcock - Military Coup New 2016 (MUST WATCH)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

ADAMU THROUGH ZINGDAD -- An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families

An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families

Greetings my friends,

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.

Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as, the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, The Ruling Elite, The Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I shan’t mention.

To be clear: I am not now addressing the rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders, religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater power wielded by the ones I now speak of.

But, be that as it may. The bloodline family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today. Though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and Lightbringers take note of this communiqué.

So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families:

My dear friends,

I must begin by saying that you are seen, known, understood and loved. Just as you are, right here and right now, you are loved. Perhaps it will surprise you to hear me say this? There is so much judgement of you wherever one goes, is there not? You are labelled as “dark” and “evil” and all your actions are automatically assumed to be “vile” and “despicable” by those who know almost nothing of you or the long and winding tale of how things came to be as they are and you came to be who you are.

So allow me to begin by assuring you that I am not here to damn you or even decry you. I am here to offer you a perspective and a choice. But to do so from a place of loving understanding.

Before I might get to this, allow me to say that I know that your only real “sin” is to be born as you were into the family you were. Between the intense expectations that were placed upon you right from birth, the very specialised training you were subjected to and the derision that was heaped upon those of your line who did not “make the grade”, you were programmed right from the very beginning to be what you have become: a wielder of power over others.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Deutsch -- Adamu: Umfassende politische Lagebesprechung

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Adamu: Umfassende politische Lagebesprechung
Veröffentlicht am 22. August 2016

Vorwort von Zingdad (Arn Allingham):

Der heutige Newsletter wird sehr kurz sein, da ich nur eine neue Veröffentlichung mit euch zu teilen habe.

Aber was für eine Veröffentlichung das ist!

Ich habe mit Adamu fast einen ganzen Monat gearbeitet, um das neueste Update von ihm zu erhalten. Wie Sie sehen werden, es ist nicht nur sein bisher längstes Update… sondern auch das am dichtesten mit Informationen vollgepackte. Darüber hinaus waren es auch für mich persönlich die herausforderndsten Informationen, die ich jemals vom Geist in die Schriftform transkribieren sollte. Doch dies ist nicht die Zeit, um lange über mich und meine Belange zu grübeln… Im Moment geht es nur um die neue Botschaft von Adamu.

Ich empfehle Ihnen nicht zu versuchen, sie flott durchzulesen. Nehmen Sie sich dafür Zeit. Warten Sie, bis Sie eine gute Stunde oder zwei dafür übrig haben. Holen Sie sich eine große dampfende Tasse Kaffee und dann geben Sie dem Text Ihre volle Aufmerksamkeit. Ich weiß, dass Sie sich reichlich belohnt fühlen, wenn Sie so verfahren.

Hier ist er:

Adamu’s Angebot einer umfassenden politischen Lagebesprechung
einschließlich des kommenden finanziellen Neustarts
und der Wahlen in Amerika!

Ich grüße euch, meine lieben Freunde,

ich bin Adamu aus der Monaden-Einheit der Plejaden-Zivilisation und komme zu euch durch Zingdad.

Im heutigen Gespräch möchte ich euch eine Lagebesprechung über die politische Situation in der gegenwärtigen Welt anbieten. Diese Unterrichtung konzentriert sich darauf, ein umfassendes Verständnis für den kommenden finanziellen Neustart anzubieten. Dabei lässt sich nicht vermeiden, dass wir auch auf die kommenden Präsidentschaftswahlen in Amerika zu sprechen kommen.

Die zu erörternden Themen sind komplex, und auch wenn ich versuche, mich kurz zu fassen, wird diese Abhandlung ein wenig länger als ihr von mir zu erhalten gewohnt seid. Ich bin jedoch überzeugt, dass es eure Zeit wert ist, die ihr euch einräumt, um das zu verdauen, was ich euch anzubieten habe. Die folgende Lagebesprechung wird euch einige Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit abverlangen. Und nicht alles, was ihr lest, wird lustig oder aufregend sein. Doch es ist elementar wichtig, dass ihr versteht, was ich jetzt mit euch teilen möchte. Eure Zukunft und tatsächlich die Zukunft eurer planetaren Zivilisation könnte sehr gut davon abhängen!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

ADAMU THROUGH ZINGDAD -- Adamu Offers a Full Political Briefing… Including the Coming Financial Reset… and the American Elections!

Adamu Offers a Full Political Briefing…
Including the Coming Financial Reset… 

and the American Elections!

Greetings to you my dear friends.

I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation coming to you through Zingdad.

In today’s conversation I will be offering you a briefing on the political situation in the world at present. The focus of this briefing is to offer you a comprehensive understanding of the coming financial reset. Unavoidably, we will also be discussing the coming presidential elections in America.

The topics under discussion are complex and though I will attempt to be brief, this communiqué will be a little longer than you are used to receiving from me. I do believe it will, however, be worth your while to set the time aside to digest what I have to offer. The briefing that will follow will take some focus and attention. And not all of it will be fun or exciting to read. But it is crucial that you understand what I am about to share with you. Your future, and indeed the future of your planetary civilisation, might very well depend upon it!

In today’s conversation I will be addressing a number of real hot-button issues. It is vital that you have the full context for what I am about to say so I must begin with a very firm request that you please make sure that you have read the previous items in this series. Without this background you are likely to misunderstand today’s content. These previous items are all conveniently collected for you at

And while we are addressing such administrative issues, I’d like to also invite you to sign up for our newsletter at This will allow Zingdad to update you directly whenever he and I release new material.

Now, on to the matters at hand. And what pivotal matters they are! My friends, you are right in the eye of the storm of change. Your planetary consciousness is at the most crucial stage of its development yet. And so I find it important to bring you to an understanding of the situation so that you can weather the coming storm with your courage in hand… and crucially too… so that you can make the correct, fully informed choices for yourself, your life and those who depend upon you.

To begin with, I know you have noticed that your world’s financial system is on the verge of collapse. Everyone knows that. And those who have created this disaster are very busy pretending as if they don’t know how it got that way or how to fix it. All the while proceeding to do EXACTLY what it takes to make it worse! While making themselves richer and all the rest of you poorer.

You see, my friends, the financial system is not busy breaking. That is what they want you to believe. It was built this way. It is doing what it was created to do. And what it was created to do is to enslave you, to steal your power and to place control of the whole world in the hands of this system’s creators.

But if you don’t have a clear understanding of the mechanics of your monetary system, this will take a little explaining. And so I wish to offer you, right now, the very barest boiled down facts. You can consider what I am about to tell you to be a synopsis, but I do suggest you use the resources on the Internet to do your own research in order to gain a deeper understanding.

So here we go:

The first fact is that what you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not money, it is fiat currency. Money is something with real, intrinsic value. Like a gold or silver coin. That is money. The worth of the coin is right there in the coin. The value of such a coin does not change. One ounce of gold is one ounce of gold. That IS its value. Other things might change value in relation to an ounce of gold but the gold is what it is. It is possible to create paper money. This is what is called a promissory note. I could create a piece of paper which promises that I will give the bearer of that paper, say, an ounce of gold. Then that paper is a proxy for the coin. The paper is worth one ounce of gold. As long as you believe me, and as long as I don’t create more paper than I actually have gold to back it with, then that paper is also money.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

SALENA MIGEOT -- A Message for Your Soul -- August 10, 2016


Beloved Ones, 

It is with great joy that we greet you today! In the midst of what some of you are experiencing as a time of great despair, uncertainty, and even doubt about your collective future, we would like to inform you that you will see a vast change for the better. Remember that things are always darkest before the dawn and the Age of Aquarius is in the midst of dawning. As such, there will be pockets of darkness around your globe that the dawn will expose to increase your awareness. Allow that to simply inform you of what is receding, not what is proliferating. As we said in our last transmission, things will look very different within a few short months. We remind you that you always have more options than most of you consider in any situation. This is true of your personal lives as well as on a much larger scale. Your awareness will shift from what seems to be to what actually is. This shift has been taking place for some time, but will crystalize more and more as so much that does not serve you recedes and the truth of who you are becomes more and more apparent. A part of this very significant shift is that you will become more heart-centered or as we like to say, heart-wise. 

When you make heart-based choices, they are inherently wiser than mental configurations that cause you to arrive at some conclusion based on circumstantial evidence and incomplete information. Your heart is the most powerful organ of your system and has much more to do with your consciousness than you know. If it were otherwise, would not the intelligentsia of the world be advanced in consciousness? The heart is a complicated organ that can and does inform you of what is in your highest good if you let it. Most of you have been trained in a way that suppresses your hearts ability to guide you in this way. Many of you have been successful in reversing your training enough to become heart-centered again. Being truly heart-centered involves allowing your intuition to develop to the point that you totally and completely trust it to guide you to what is in your highest good. If you have a flash of fear regarding any situation, that is not intuition. Intuition is love based and has nothing to do with fear. If fear comes up for you, it is not coming from the heart. That is impossible. The heart knows no fear. So rejoice in the knowing that you will be coming more and more into your heart-centeredness and moving further and further away from fear. Those of you who are fearful of the state of the world right now, fear not! Change is coming rapidly that will give you great evidence that fear is an illusion. All those involved with supporting this illusion are losing power to the greater consciousness that is growing more and more powerful every day. So fear not that the current dramas will lead to anything but ultimate freedom for all of humanity. We have said many times that things will get worse before they get better. You are currently witnessing that happening. If you give support to those things that you fear through your time, your attention, your conversation, you are feeding the fear. It is as simple as that. 

We remind you at this time to cultivate the garden of your heart. Focus your time and attention on those things that bring you joy. Spend time with loved ones or stay in communication with loved ones if you cannot be with them physically. We mean this both for those who are physically distant as well as for those who have crossed to another realm but very well may be in the same room with you. If you loved them, the energy of your love can draw them near to you. We ask you to know that like fear, any lower emotions can keep you from your heart-centeredness. Therefore, if you want to communicate with your departed loved ones, or simply feel their presence and know they are with you, do your best to think of them with joy. Remember the good times and let go of the bad. If you want to express anything that you were not able to say in person while they were alive, tell them now. It does not matter if you say it out loud or in your mind, as a deep share, or as a prayer, to them personally, or to the universe. If you feel you need to justify something, clarify something, forgive something, whatever it is, just do it. And then do your best to let it go and know they are in a place to receive the truth of what you have to say much more so than they were in life. In most cases, it will be easier for you to connect with departed loved ones from this time forward than it has ever been before. There will be changes taking place that allow you to experience that which you have only wished for regarding your departed loved ones. We could say there will be easier access to them. As you become more and more heart-centered and less fear based, you will have the experience of knowing so much more than you currently allow yourself to know. 

We also remind you to spend more and more time in nature as that is an excellent way to embrace your heart-centeredness. You are able to connect with your heart wisdom much easier in nature than out of nature. Think of it as: nature connects you more deeply with your true essential nature. The more time you spend in nature, the better. When you connect with the natural world, it is so much easier for you to connect with your own heart-wisdom and be in the flow of what is in your own highest good. Outside of nature there are so many things that take you out of your heart-centeredness. Gratitude, loved ones, nature, the absence of technology, singing, dancing, playing, moving your body in ways that increase your energy, and breathing deeply are all excellent ways of becoming more heart centered and closer to your divine potential.   

There is nothing throughout the universes that can keep you from your divine potential once this great shift is complete. There is no one that can limit you. You are sovereign beings, Beloveds, and we greatly anticipate your increasing awareness of your sovereignty. We are loving you powerfully.

And so it is.

The Collective of Guides
Channeller: Salena Migeot