Thursday, June 30, 2016

Brasileiro -- Adamu sobre o BREXIT via Zingdad

Uma ocasião importante, meus amigos!
Saúdo-vos. Sou Adamu, uma Entidade Monádica da civilização Pleiadiana falando com você através de Zingdad.
Hoje eu gostaria de abordar o voto britânico de abandonar a União Europeia. Aqueles de vocês que me conhecem podem achar isso estranho, pois eu nunca antes senti a necessidade de abordar assuntos atuais ou questões políticas específicas. Mas o que ocorre agora é diferente e notável. Permitam-me explicar.
Meus amigos. Este grupo de pessoas que nós normalmente chamamos de "Illuminati". Este grupo, que controla, coletivamente, o sistema bancário do mundo e, portanto, coletivamente, controla a oferta de moeda do mundo e, portanto, são coletivamente donos dos recursos do mundo. Esse grupo. Não é o tipo de grupo que está acostumado a não conseguir o seu intento. Quando eles chegam a um acordo interno sobre algo, ISSO ACONTECE. Quando discordam internamente, há conflitos em todo o globo, a medida em que eles competem entre si pelo controle. Até que um grupo vença e prevaleça sobre o outro, haverá então mais uma vez um acordo interno e, em seguida ISSO ACONTECE.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hrvatski -- Ademu o Brexitu

Ademu o Brexitu

Značajna prigoda, prijatelji moji!

Pozdravljam vas. Ja sam Adamu iz Monadik entiteta plejađanske civilizacije koji vam govori kroz Zingdad.

Danas se želim pozabaviti britanskim glasovanjem da napusti EU. Oni od vas koji me znaju mogu se čuditi, jer nikad dosad nisam osjetio potrebu da se bavim specifičnim tekućim događajima ili političkim pitanjima. Ali ono što se sada događa je drugačije i značajnije. Dopustite mi da objasnim.

Moji prijatelji. Ovu grupu ljudi mi obično nazivamo "Iluminati". Ova grupa kolektivno posjeduje svjetski bankarski sustav i stoga kolektivno posjeduje svjetske zalihe novca i stoga kolektivno posjeduje svjetske resurse. Ova grupa. Ovo nije grupa koja nema običaj da ne ide svojim putem. Kad dođu do internog dogovora o nečemu, TO SE DOGAĐA. Kad se ne slažu na međunarodnoj razini nastaje razdor u cijelom svijetu dok se oni međusobno natječu za kontrolu. Dok jedna grupa ne pobijedi drugu, tu je opet interni dogovor i onda se TO DOGODI.

Ono što vam pokušavam reći je da je ova grupa, kolektivno, poput imperatora ovog svijeta. Kada donesu neku odluku, TO SE DOGAĐA.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Message from Your Guides -- June 27, 2016

 Asako Eguchi:

   A Message from Your Guides -- June 27, 2016

Dearest Beloved Ones,

 We bring you great love and good tidings on this auspicious day. Much has been happening to liberate you from your bonds of powerlessness through lack and misinformation. More and more information will be revealed that will allow you to understand, perhaps for the first time, that you are sovereign. There are those in your world who have gone to great lengths to hide this fact from you and have done their best to keep you small, disempowered, in lack, and doubting yourselves and your abilities. These ones largely control your media and all the advertising that is designed to allow you to feel as though something is wrong with you - you are not as well as you could be, you are not as beautiful as you could be, you are not as wealthy as you could be, you are not the right size, you don't exercise enough, you don't have the right job, the right ways of spending your down time, the right friends/social lives/communities, the right clothes, the right car, and on and on until you feel lack in many areas of your lives instead of being grateful for all of your blessings, your loved ones, and all you do have. 

For this reason, those who watch television tend to feel greater lack than those who do not. For those of you who are thinking 'There are people who do not watch television?!' we are talking to you. Consider the people you know at work, in your family or community, wherever you know people. Aren't there those who do not care one whit about the latest fashion trends, diet and exercise fads, having a late model car, wearing heels that over time are injurious to one's well-being, having their hair done at this or that salon, wearing the best suits or dresses, and so many other things that many of you spend a great deal of time and money on. They recognize that 'keeping up' in these ways is a never ending cycle, a game one cannot win. They understand that what is important is not material and does not go in and out of fashion. They understand that staying connected to the things that help them feel authentic is important for their well-being and trying to keep up with standards that are commercially manufactured is not good for their well-being. These ones have traditionally been on the fringes of society but they are becoming more and more numerous and now are part of all walks of life and society. They know that they are becoming more empowered through their choices to detach from societal expectations and be more authentically themselves. They feel empowered to choose those things that make them feel good about themselves and their lives -  wether it is 'greener' living in general, tiny houses, giving up a gym membership to exercise outdoors for free, selling their SUVs and buying more fuel efficient cars, letting go of seasonal clothes shopping in favor of buying truly high quality clothes of natural fabrics that will last decades, wearing comfortable shoes that help keep them grounded on the Earth instead of high heels that inhibit them being grounded, and on and on, they are doing what feels right and feeling good about it. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Barbara Marciniak -- Familie des Lichts ~ 15 Juni 2016

Botschaft der Plejader durch Barbara Marciniak

Familie des Lichts ~ 15 Juni 2016

Als Mitglieder der Familie des Lichts seid ihr auf diesem Planeten wieder geboren, um euch auf eure Arbeit vorzubereiten. Was ist eure Arbeit? Eure Arbeit ist ganz einfach: Ihr bringt höhere Schwingungen in Systeme (Zusammenstellungen von Aufgabenträgern), die eine begrenzte Licht-Schwingung haben, denn Licht ist Information. Dies ist keine kalte Computerdaten-Information, sondern Information, die biologisch durch eine elektromagnetische Sendung von Bewusstsein geschieht. Darin seid ihr Meister. Wenn jeder von euch eine Visitenkarte tragen würde, die erstellt wurde, während ihr gerade in vollem Bewusstsein eurer Selbst seid, stünde dort so etwas wie: "Abtrünniges Mitglied der Familie des Lichts. Auflöser von Systemen. Verfügbar für Bewusstseins-Systeme innerhalb des Universums des freien Willens. In Bereitschaft."

Viele von euch werden das Gefühl haben, dass sie dieses schon früher getan haben. Das habt ihr. Es liegt an eurer vielschichtigen Erinnerung daran, dass ihr zu anderen Systemen gegangen seid und dasselbe getan habt. Es ist ein sehr vertrauter Vorgang, denn, im wesentlichen, als Mitglieder der Familie des Lichts ist es das, womit ihr euch beschäftigt. Ihr informiert Systeme. (Ihr versorgt die Träger von Aufgaben mit – neuen – Ideen und Anweisungen.)  Ihr geht hinein und verwandelt Wirklichkeiten, und darin seid ihr Meister. Ihr habt eure Erinnerung an diesen Vorgang verloren, denn ihr kamt hierher, um unter denselben Gesetzen zu handeln wie alle anderen auch. Deswegen kamt ihr her als Menschen mit einer vollkommen gelöschten Erinnerung. Ihr wusstet bevor ihr ankamt, dass der Verlust der Erinnerung ein Teil des Vorganges sein würde, und ihr suchtet den besonderen zeitlichen Augenblick und die Eltern, die euch den besten Zugang ermöglichten, um mit voller Kraft und aufgrund ererbter Ideen eure Sache voran zu bringen. 

Pleiadian Message by Barbara Marciniak ~ June 15, 2016

Pleiadian Message by Barbara Marciniak 
June 15, 2016

Family of Light,

As members of the Family of Light, you have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do your work. What is your work? Your work is quite simple: you carry frequency into systems that have limited light frequency, because light is information. This in not cold, computer-data information; it is information that is transmitted biologically through an electromagnetic send-out of consciousness. This is what you are experts in. If you were to have a business card printed up for yourselves when you are in full memory of your identity, it would say something like: "Renegade Member of Family of Light. Systems Buster. Available for altering systems of consciousness within the free-will universe. On call."

Many of you may have the feeling that you have done this before. You have. This is your multidimensional memory of when you have gone to other systems and done the same thing. It is a very familiar process because, characteristically, as members of the Family of Light, this is what you do. You inform systems. You go in and reconstruct realities, and you are experts at it. You lost your memory of the process because you came here to operate under the same laws as everyone else. Therefore, you came in as human with your memory completely erased. You knew before you arrived that losing your memory was part of the process, and you specifically picked the moment of time and the parentage that would give you the best connection to energetically and genetically bring about your purpose.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

SALENA MIGEOT -- A Message for Your Soul June 9, 2016

A Message for Your Soul      
June 9, 2016

Dearest Beloved Ones,

It is with great love that we greet you today. You are rapidly spiraling into a higher manifestation of yourselves. This process will continue for some time and while it transpires, you will feel that you are on a roller coaster - sometimes experiencing ease, flow, and oneness seemingly effortlessly, and for brief periods of time, you will experience the exact opposite. There is no 'cure' for these symptoms. We have said before that you will have some odd physical sensations which many of you will interpret as symptoms of something. Know they are not something that can be cured, but something that must be endured in this process. They include everything from minor to not so minor aches and pains, tingling, dizziness/vertigo, visual strangeness with light and color, greater awareness of movement in your peripheral vision, headaches, digestive rumblings, greater awareness of movement or energy in certain parts of your body, and many other odd sensations. These are not things that need or can be addressed through medical attention. They are merely side effects of the recalibration you are going through that is by no means only physical. 

As far as your emotional and mental bodies, you are not having an emotional breakdown, a psychotic lapse, or anything other than transitional surges in your energy field. These will be different for each person but some common manifestations are the feeling that you are very vulnerable in a way you might not have felt since you were a small child or a teenager. This may cause you to be defensive, blame others, or want to avoid others for fear of what you will say or do that is a departure from your normal balanced dealings with them. We are talking about those closest to you whom you love and adore. At times they will feel like the enemy as though they have become different or are acting differently towards you when they are actually the same people that you know and love and who know and love you dearly. It is your perception colored by the emotional residue that you are releasing on this journey to a higher version of yourself.