Monday, March 30, 2015

Anna Merkaba -- Blood Moon – FREEDOM PORTAL – Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Galactics

New Image2

Blood Moon  


  Urgent Message to Ground Crew


Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As many of you already know and have felt we have just experienced an opening of phenomenal portal of light, a portal of stabilization and a portal of progress and intuitive understanding of being. This portal was but one door into the new world which we are all walking towards. As many of you know another magnificent portal is about to open for all of us, this portal is going to take place on April 4th – The Blood Moon portal.

Before I talk about that though I would like to point out to all of you that the next few days leading up to this blood moon may see you incredibly conflicted. All of your old memories and RE-Actions are going to come back, you may feel as if all the work that you have done on yourself is slipping way from you and you are right back to square one.
However, that is absolutely NOT what is happening. Simply the last ounces of “dirty water” are being squeezed right out of you. Brought up for you to deal with finally, and use all that you have learnt up to this point to SHIFT your focus onto the POSITIVE. I know this as I have been experiencing all of this first hand. All of us are going to and already are going through this, no matter your level of enlightenment, the only way around it, is to remain stable and at peace with everything that is happening.  It will be very easy for you to get tangled up in the old drama, but at the same time you will find yourselves looking at everything from the distance with a new perspective in mind, armed with various tools to get you through. As the drama unfolds all around you, you will observe it from the still point of none-resistance. You will simply see the old you emerge and the new you balance everything out. You will do a little dance with your very own self, refusing to re-en-act everything that should stay in the past. You will make it through I know so, because you have been prepared very well for this week and the weeks to come.  

Pillar of Light in Japan after a Meditation

Resultado de imagem para picture of thin pillar of light

Pillar of Light in Japan after a Meditation

This video was taken at Yoyogi Park which is located just in the middle of the city of   Tokyo at around 16:15 about an hour before sunset.

We,  four guys including myself meditated beforehand so as to be able to encounter bigger space ships following Taki's inspiration to do this. 

Since the sun showed various color during the watch, I tried to pick up the color variations.In one of the videos, I found this pillar of light instead of space crafts. I felt intensive connection with cosmic beings be taking a look of such an impressive result.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015



Está prestes a acontecer um Eclipse Total do Sol e o Equinóxio, em 2015. Pedimos a vossa participação positiva neste evento e gostaríamos de vos convidar para um Evento de Emanação de Energia, como se segue:

Segundo uma mensagem das Entidades Celestiais Superiores,  a emanação de energia de um grupo será multiplicada um milhão de vezes pela Família da Luz. De acordo com a nossa experiência, esta multiplicação realmente ocorreu aquando da emanação de energia, no 4º aniversário do desastre de 11 de Março, referente ao grave terramoto de 2011, que totalizou mais de 20.000 mortes.

A nossa intenção é promover a Ascensão dimensional da Terra e do Cosmos. Este evento será realizado como estabelecido a seguir:

1 - Data e Hora
20 e 21 de Março de 2015, às 18 horas da vossa hora local, durante 15 minutos.

2 - Participantes
Todas as pessoas que desejem erguer a frequência da Terra e do Cosmos para cumprirem a Ascensão, pois todos os que tiverem tal intenção, podem emanar energia.

3 -  Método

Ter a intenção de emanar energia antes de começar a meditar, no horário descrito acima, agradecer a Deus e pedir: “Meu Deus, estamos a emanar a energia dada por Ti, o Senhor, através do nosso corpo, com o objectivo de conseguir a Ascensão dimensional da Terra e do Cosmos. Agradecemos a Tua ajuda.” Meditar sem pensar em nada, durante 15 minutos, às 18:00 h locais, nos dias 20 e 21 de Março de 2015.

Taki Chino no Japão

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Project Camelot -- SEGUNDA ENTREVISTA AO CPT. MARK RICHARDS -- CC in 3 languages


Para activar los subtítulos, haga clic en la rueda dentada en el menú del video - SP
Ative as Legendas na roda dentada do menu do vídeo - PT

Pour activer les sous-titres, cliquez sur la roue dentée dans le menu du vidéo . FR

Comentário de Kerry Cassidy:

Esta é a minha 2ª entrevista ao CPT. MARK RICHARDS. Contém o material que recordo de memória, apoiado pelas notas registadas na Prisão de Vacaville pela sua esposa, Jo Ann Richards.

Passei 4 horas a  entrevistá-lo, e registei cuidadosamente o seu testemunho por ordem cronológica, da melhor maneira possível, dadas as crcunstâncias.

A matéria da mesma refere o Programa Espacial Secreto e as nossas relações com várias raças de Extraterrestres no planeta e fora dele. O nosso nível actual de tecnologia e a ligação  Extraterrestre com os governos do mundo e as autoridades militares.

No site do Project Camelot está postada uma carta recente do Cpt. M. Richards, com informação detalhada dos CENTROS ESPACIAIS INTERESTELARES, no Planeta Terra e também as listas das perguntas juntamente com a cópia das  notas tomadas durante a entrevista.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot

Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Arrogância Perante o Desconhecido -- por Francisco Mourão Corrêa (Exopolítica Portugal)


Pouca gente conhece, ou se deu sequer ao trabalho de ler os vários estudos feitos sobre o fenómeno ovni, no entanto, uma grande parte das pessoas tem uma opinião negativa e de descrença.

Texto de Francisco Mourão Corrêa • 12/03/2015 - 15:04

O ser humano tem uma tendência inegável para a arrogância, bem espelhada em diversas reacções do dia-a-dia, seja porque "eu sou o melhor...", "a minha equipa de futebol é a melhor...", "a minha religião é a verdadeira...", entre muitos outros exemplos que todos conhecemos.

Mas se quisermos acreditar que este tipo de comportamento está mais presente no comum dos mortais, estamos enganados. Também no meio científico, a arrogância por vezes impera, principalmente no surgimento de novas teorias/descobertas que venham desafiar o paradigma corrente.

Assim foi com a teoria do heliocentrismo de Nicolau Copérnico, seguida por Giordano Bruno e Galileu Galilei. Todos sofreram de alguma forma com o cepticismo da comunidade científica e religiosa da altura.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Portugês -- A Inevitável REvolução Pacífica por Lance Schuttler

A Inevitável Revolução Pacífica

Domingo, 8 de Março de 2015

Os tambores da vitória, sintonizados com o "Bolero" de Maurice Ravel, estão agora a começar com o crescendo, enquanto este texto vai para imprensa. Por toda a parte no nosso mundo, estamos a ver o despertar da Humanidade a acelerar. Estamos a ver comícios maciços contra a corrupção e assembleias para a propagação da paz.
Estamos a ver a exposição da tirania, dos encobrimentos e das operações de ‘bandeira falsa’. E mais importante ainda, estamos a ver movimentos convergentes que oferecem soluções para esses problemas que o mundo enfrenta.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Croatian -- Hitna poruka zemaljskom osoblju - Totalna pomrčina Sunca - 20. ožujak - galaktičari

Hitna poruka zemaljskom osoblju - Totalna pomrčina Sunca - 20. ožujak - galaktičari

4. ožujka 2015


HITNA OBAVIJEST SVOM ZEMALJSKOM OSOBLJU. Skup događaja koji su pokrenuti rezultirao je u odluci da će promijeniti svijet kakav poznajemo. Prije nekoliko dana sam primila prijenos koji je vrlo važan, da ga svi pročitate. U njemu naši Galaktički Zvjezdani Savezi govore o tome što se dogodilo i što će se uskoro dogoditi oko 20. ožujka, na "tamni mjesec" kako ga nazivaju, što je pomrčina Sunca.

Molim vas da budete svjesni onoga što dopuštate u svojoj psihi. Vremena koja dolaze su nevjerojatno povoljna, sve što želite da se dogodi će se dogoditi, stoga budite oprezni što želite, i sve što pokrenete će se vrlo brzo očitovati u vašoj stvarnosti. Ovo je vrijeme za stvaranje lijepog novog svijeta, odnosno njegovo vraćanje u netaknuto stanje koje je nekad bilo. Mnogi učeni shvaćaju važnost tih veličanstvenih energija koje ulaze u Gaju i tako će pokušati povući vašu energiju u njih. Fokusirajte se na vaš sada trenutak, bez obzira s čim će vas mediji pokušati nahraniti, kako bi odvukli vaš fokus od onoga što vi doista ovdje radite i pokušavate postići. Vrijeme između sada i rujna je izuzetno važno. Što više ostanete pozitivni, tim više svjetla možete usidriti, sve će ići na bolje kako se budemo približavali rujnu.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

J. Allen Hynek - The Hynek UFO Report (1977) PDF

Dr. Josef Allen Hynek (May 1, 1910 – April 27, 1986) was a United States astronomerprofessor, and ufologist.[1] He is perhaps best remembered for his UFO research. Hynek acted as scientific adviser to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive projects:
  1. Project Sign (1947–1949),
  2. Project Grudge (1949–1952), and
  3. Project Blue Book (1952 to 1969).
For decades afterwards, he conducted his own independent UFO research, developing the Close Encounter classification system, and is widely considered the father of the concept of scientific analysis of both reports and, especially, trace evidence purportedly left by UFOs.[2]


Friday, March 6, 2015




Een serie gebeurtenissen die in beweging werd gezet resulteerde in een besluit die de wereld zoals wij die kennen zal veranderen. Enkele dagen geleden heb ik een transmissie ontvangen die zeer belangrijk is om te lezen voor jullie. Daarin praten onze Galactische Sterren-Allianties over wat er is gebeurd en wat er gaat gebeuren rond 20 maart, de “duistere maan”, zoals zij dat noemen, en dat is de zonne eclips.

Wees voorzichtig met wat je in je psyche binnenlaat. De tijden die komen zijn ongelooflijk veelbelovend, alles dat je wilt laten gebeuren zal gebeuren, wees daarom zorgvuldig voor wat je wenst, en wat je ook in beweging zet zal zich nu zeer snel manifesteren in je werkelijkheid. Dit is de tijd om een prachtige nieuwe wereld te scheppen, of liever om die te herstellen in de oorspronkelijke staat die er eens was. Velen die weten begrijpen het belang van die magnifieke energieën die GAIA binnenkomen en probeer daarom je energie naar hen toe te trekken. Focus je alsjeblieft op jullie nu-moment, en acht niet waar de media je mee wil voeden, en trek je focus af ervan omdat waar je werkelijk voor hier bent en probeert te doen. De tijden tussen nu en september zijn ongelooflijk belangrijk. Hoe positiever je blijft hoe meer licht je kunt verankeren, hoe beter alles zal zijn als we dichter en dichter bij september komen.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Urgent Message To Ground Crew – Total Solar Eclipse – March 20 – Galactics by ANNA MERKABA on MARCH 4, 2015

URGENT NOTICE TO ALL OF GROUND CREW. A set of events that were set into motion resulted in a decision that will change the world as we know it. A few days ago I have received a transmission which is highly important for all of you to read. In it our Galactic Star Aliances talk about what has occurred and what is about to happen around March 20th, the “dark moon” as they call it, which is the solar eclipse.

Please be mindful of what you allow into your psyche. The times ahead are incredibly auspicious, everything that you want to happen will, therefore be careful what you wish for, and whatever you put into motion now will manifest very quickly into your reality. This is the time to create a beautiful new world, or rather restore it to the pristine state that it once were. Many in know understand the importance of these magnificent energies entering GAIA and so will try to pull your energy to them. Please focus on your now moment, disregarding whatever the media will try to feed you, in order to move your focus away from what you are truly here to do and are trying to achieve. The times between now and September are incredibly important. The more positive you stay the more light you can anchor, the better everything will be once we move closer and closer to September.

This is a VERY long message, so I thank you in advance for your time!

A few days ago I was visited, it was a very interesting visitation, for those of you who have experienced what I am about to describe you will chuckle at this as you will understand perfectly well how strange these experiences are. I was sitting as always at my computer when all of a sudden I felt a presence, and through my third eye I saw various galactic visitors standing around me. I began to converse with these visitors in galactic, light language.