Coast To Coast AM – February 25, 2015 Ancient ETs & Spiritual Evolution


David comes on at about the 39 minute mark…  Enjoy!!   

Coast To Coast AM – February 25, 2015 Ancient ETs & Spiritual Evolution
Published on Feb 26, 2015

Filmmaker, author and researcher, David Wilcock, discussed a variety of topics including ancient civilizations and ETs, the secret space program, Genesis & End Times, as well as spiritual information about soul growth, ascension, and the evolution of consciousness. According to his “insider” contacts, the secret space program has conducted missions not known by the public, including a visit to the rings of Saturn, which are a kind of ruins. What they found there were the remains of gigantic rooms made out of glass-like material that were designed for people 70-100 ft. tall, he revealed.

The aliens that built these rooms, along with a massive ring-like project around Saturn, were descendants of a prison colony that were banished to our solar system millions of years ago, he explained. Their enemies became concerned that the rings they were constructing could be used as a resonance-wave weapon to destroy any planet in the galaxy, so they ended up demolishing their project, Wilcock continued. Back on Earth, according to Wilcock’s contacts, there are many covered-up mound builder sites in Canada that contain secret research– including stasis bubbles with 24 ft. tall beings, some of whom have recently reawakened.

Further, Wilcock reported that around 100 enormous spherical ships around the size of Neptune have recently come into our solar system. It appears that four different types of beings from the ships have had contact with Earth’s cabal, most prominently the Blue Avians– who are 8 ft. tall, have bird-like heads, and bodies covered with bright feathers, he said. Yet, Wilcock reported that intelligent alien life is essentially human, with their DNA differing at most 4% from ours.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Brasileiro:TRANSMISSÕES DAS SEMENTES DAS ESTRELAS via Celia Fenn -- 24:02:2015


24 de Fevereiro de 2015

Fevereiro foi um mês mais intenso em termos de mudanças de Energia e transformações. Isto parece ser um novo padrão, pois Fevereiro de 2014 foi também intenso e poderoso. 2014 foi o ano em que a energia se intensificou através deste mês, culminando no dia 22 de Fevereiro de 2015. Este não foi um fenômeno solar apenas, embora o sol tenha estado no processo de ativação de uma nova estrutura do Corpo de Luz, também, mas a principal fonte destas transmissões é o sistema Estelar de Sirius.

Sirius tem sido uma parte da criação e evolução da Terra por muitos ciclos estelares. Há uma "parceria" entre o Conselho de Luz de Sírius e Os Conselhos da Terra, que foi renovada para permitir que os Mestres e Professores de Sírius continuem a fornecer os seus conhecimentos e orientações sobre questões da evolução e o projeto do Corpo de Luz. Os professores e mestres de Sírius, por intermédio das Escolas Sagradas da Atlantida e do Egito, transmitiram à Terra a compreensão da natureza das técnicas da criação, utilizadas pelo Elohim e e os Arcanjos, bem como o projeto e função do Corpo de Luz Angélico Humano e sua relação com o Tempo e Espaço dentro de diferentes estruturas dimensionais.

Nesta parceria mais recente, os Mestres Sirianos ajudaram a transmitir para as Grades Diamante da Nova Terra, os Códigos de Luz para a primeira e grande atualização do Corpo de Luz Diamante. Esta atualização destina-se a regular o Corpo de Luz a sua nova função como um Veículo de Luz Multi-Dimensional. Ondas de luz intensas estão sendo transmitidas a partir de Sirius, e estas carregam os padrões de ondas e frequências das novas calibrações do Corpo de Luz.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Divine Healing Codes And How To Use Them

Divine Healing Codes And How To Use Them

Good morning!

It is time for us to discuss the various healing codes and how to use them.  These codes are quantum healing tools that are safe to use on everything and everybody, and have no side effects.

Since they are quantum, the intent and the energy of the person using them has a little bit of 'effect' in how powerful they are going to be when they are used.

In the hands of someone with a powerful heart energy--which has more to do in your strength of purpose and your ability to be actively involved in your Life's Mission and connected to source than anything else--they will work.


For example, my son had an insect sting on his nose yesterday at a picnic. I gave the code for insect sting to my friend, the mother of another classmate, by text. She gave it him. And he wrote it in the air over the sting. Five minutes later, he was playing, pain free. And I couldn't see the mark of the sting when I picked him up from school twenty minutes later.

With lower energies they still are effective, but perhaps not as dramatic in their results. <3

Know that they will improve with practice in their use.

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT--be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work.

There are three ways to use the codes:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Causes Of Illness According To Edgar Cayce

In5D February 23, 2015 Health

The Causes Of Illness According To Edgar Cayce

The greatest surprise of Edgar Cayce’s health readings were the apparent causes given for various illnesses. The Source, speaking through the sleeping Cayce, cited reasons for illness that ranged from what now might be considered old-fashioned, like getting one’s feet wet or exposure to the elements, to more unusual reasons, like washing one’s food down with a drink without chewing it properly. The Source veered furthest from accepted medical philosophy when he offered more cosmic-related reasons—such as the karmic repercussions of choices made in a previous life. Perhaps just as unusual in his time, Cayce frequently connected illness to the mental and emotional states of the patients. In one reading he was quoted as saying, “Thus you can …[suffer] a bad cold from getting mad…[or] from…[cursing out] someone.”

For some physical disturbances Cayce also described primary causes which then, as now, remain unrecognized by the medical profession. These included conditions such as psoriasis which Cayce said was caused by the thinning of intestinal walls and the resulting leakage of toxins back into the system. The body then attempts to throw off those toxins through another system of elimination—the skin; migraine headaches, which he said were frequently the result of congestion in the colon; and morning sickness in pregnant women, which he attributed to the lack of certain minerals which were being taken from the mother to build the baby’s body. He said that the causes and symptoms were similar to those of a teething infant. And the treatment was the same for both. He also said that spinal injuries could cause problems as diverse as asthma, stuttering and even violent behavior.

Cayce’s Four Basic Elements of Good Health

When studying the readings, doctors working with Cayce were forced to expand their understanding of the role that four basic processes played in governing the health of the body. These four processes, which Cayce said affected our cells’ ability to reproduce and function properly were:
  1. Assimilation
  2. Elimination
  3. Circulation and
  4. Relaxation.

Hellenic -- Το Χρυσό Βιβλίο – Μηνύματα για την Ανθρωπότητα – ‘Το Ρολόι Δείχνει 12’

Το Χρυσό Βιβλίο – Μηνύματα για την Ανθρωπότητα – ‘Το Ρολόι Δείχνει 12’

Στις 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Λίγο μετά τα μεσάνυχτα, καθώς ξύπναγα και μάζευα τις σκέψεις μου, άκουσα τη φωνή του ΕΙΜΑΙ.

ΕΙΜΑΙ: “Είναι ώρα για ένα καινούργιο μήνυμα.”

Άλφρετ: “Πατέρα-Μητέρα, ποιος είναι ο τίτλος του μηνύματος αυτού;”

ΕΙΜΑΙ: “Το Ρολόι Δείχνει 12″. Ανάσανε βαθιά και ήρεμα και γράψε τα παρακάτω λόγια:”

“Παιδιά μου, έρχεται η ώρα που οι δείκτες του ρολογιού φτάνουν στον προορισμό τους.

Υπάρχει ένας βρυχηθμός, μια καταιγίδα, που σας κάνει να πετάγεστε από τον ύπνο σας. Κι έχει σκοπό να τραβήξει την προσοχή σας σ’ αυτό που έρχεται, στο ρήγμα του χρόνου, που τον σταματάει.
Μη φοβόσαστε, σύντομα όλα θα τελειώσουν και θα σταθώ πίσω σας, να σας ενδυναμώνω. Έχετε πίστη σε μένα, στην παντοδυναμία μου, που σας εξυψώνει στα όρια μιας νέας εποχής.

Να είσαστε γενναίοι σ’ αυτά που κάνετε.

Να εμπιστεύεστε την εσωτερική σας καθοδήγηση σε τούτη τη μεγάλη στιγμή, που πρότερη δεν υπήρξε.

Σας περιμένω κι όλες οι στρατιές από τις σφαίρες των αγγέλων, αγάλλονται.

Πλησιάζει η ώρα που το θαύμα θα γίνει πραγματικότητα για εσάς.

Με γαλήνη και για πάντα

Εγώ Είμαι


The Golden Book - Messages for Humanity - “Forgiveness”

Golden Book - Page 24

The Golden Book - Messages for Humanity - “Forgiveness”

On February 23, 2015
"Marah" received this morning another message of the I AM, which is very urgent.

„I, the creator of All Beings, am willing to forgive all souls who have denied and ignored me.

I AM the beginning and the end, there is no way past me.

The Prince of Light, my son Jesus, has already gone through fire for you. He has freed you from the Dark Forces, you need only acknowledge. That is the way of it.

I, the creator of All Beings, say to you:

Go in peace in this new era. Do not be afraid. Forgive yourself and everyone who has supposedly inflicted suffering. The time has come, the time of forgiveness is now.

I respect you and your free will. But now the era has passed, when you were able to do what you wanted without feeling the consequences.

This means that the time of "Let's see if...", "I think..." is finished.

From now on you shall be aware that Love is the only way.

Make use of the coming interlude.

I love you.

The increasing clarity of the words of I AM conveys to "Marah" and I that the "time" is fast approaching.

The Golden Book - Messages for Humanity - “Joy”

Golden Book - Page 24

The Golden Book - Messages for Humanity - “Joy”

On February 21, 2015


When I published the final message of Chapter 3, I was convinced that there would be no further gifts through I AM for the Golden Book.

The more I was surprised by an e-mail, which arrived at the same time when I published "The Last Time" on the website of the Golden Book.

The e-mail was sent from "Marah" to me. In the e-mail, "Marah" - still overwhelmed by her contact that had happened minutes before - received a message from I AM.

She was told, “You have now been given the task to fill a new chapter of the Golden Book with messages of I AM, as well as from other light beings.

Deep in my heart I immediately felt more, I knew that her statement was true.

We agreed that the next day we would coordinate our phone call for this surprising change for both of us.

Of course, I was very curious to find out more and I asked I AM to give me more information about this wonderful news.

I AM confirmed that "Marah" would now provide the next chapter of the Golden Book and told me the title of this new Chapter 4. It is "The Goal".

"Marah" and I called as arranged on the next day and talked about the content of her first message.

We both felt a very special energy in what I AM now began to convey.

The style of the message has changed. It is now clear, direct, and thus provides a growing urgency.

When I looked back at the previous message "The Last Time" after the phone call, my eyes stopped on the first sentence of the message given by I AM:

"It is now the last time that I will prepare you for the new epoch you see on the horizon".

Only now is the meaning of this sentence is really clear!

I AM has completed our preparations!

A new phase has begun!

Here is the first message of the I AM of the new chapter, obtained from "Marah". The message is addressed to all people:
„Whoever believes in me, in the light of universal Unity and for those who still need guidance, it will be provided.

I AM, today and forever.

The creator of All-Beings tells you today that the dark side has been contained.

Joy will reach Earth.

The light of the world blossoms more and more.

There will be a time of material deprivation, but only for a short time.

Be in joy and serve"
Over the past few weeks, I realized that the individual messages of the Golden Book go deeper than it may appear at first glance.

It is not until the second or third reading, that you will discover hidden details and directions to many destinations.

When I inquired, I was told that the symbolism of the messages is by design.

Although the meaning of individual messages cannot be realized initially, they display deeper meanings when they are viewed in the context of other religious texts and prophecies.

I now understand why a few years ago, I received one of my first messages I have since never forgotten:

"The prophecies are now true!"

The sender was John...

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Brasileiro -- O Livro de Ouro -- Mensagens para a Humanidade --"A ÚLTIMA VEZ"

O Livro de Ouro
Mensagens para a Humanidade

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2015

Na parte da tarde, recebi a seguinte,
e muito profunda mensagem do EU SOU.
É intitulada "A Última Vez ":


"Agora é a última vez que vou prepará-lo para a nova época que você vê no horizonte.

Tenha confiança quando a tempestade se desencadear sobre você. É uma limpeza, que é importante.

Este período não irá interromper o seu dia por muito mais tempo. Tenha fé em mim, eu vou te proteger.

O destino agora oferece a sua transição, e novas flores da vida na eternidade do amor que EU SOU.

Assim seja, meus filhos

Para sempre, para sempre
Amém. "

Esta mensagem ressoou dentro de mim
e tocou no meu coração ...

Alfred: "Pai-Mãe, você disse que eu não receberei mais mensagens?"

EU SOU: "Você vai receber novas mensagens que o levarão a um mundo que é tão diferente do que todos têm experimentado. Um novo capítulo está sendo escrito, que irei revelar a você em breve. Preste atenção para as maravilhas que esperam por você. "

Canal: Alfred Steinecker

Tradutor: Adriano Pereira
Blog Luz e Vida

Nederlands -- Het Gouden Boek – Boodschappen voor de Mensheid – “De Laatste Keer”.

Het Gouden Boek 
Boodschappen voor de Mensheid 
“De Laatste Keer”

Op 21 februari 2015,

 kreeg ik in de middag de volgende, zeer intense boodschap van IK BEN. Deze heet “De Laatste Keer”.

IK BEN: Het is nu de laatste keer dat ik jullie voorbereid voor de nieuwe epoch/tijd die je aan de horizon ziet.

Heb vertrouwen als de storm over je losbarst. Het is een reinigende(storm), die belangrijk is.

Deze periode zal jullie dag niet veel langer ontwrichten. Heb vertrouwen in mij, ik zal jullie beschermen.
Het lot zal nu jullie overgang verzorgen en nieuw leven bloesemt/ontpopt zich/ in de eeuwigheid van liefde die IK BEN.

Zo zij het, mijn kinderen
Voor altijd, voor altijd


Deze boodschap resoneerde diep in me en raakte me in mijn hart …

Alfred:  “Vader-Moeder, zegt u nu dat ik niet langer meer boodschappen krijg?”

IK BEN: “Je zult nieuwe boodschappen krijgen die naar een wereld voeren die zo anders is dan wat iedereen heeft ervaren. Een nieuw hoofdstuk is geschreven, dat ik spoedig aan je zal onthullen. Geef aandacht aan de wonderen die jullie opwachten.”

Source:   klik op de vlaggetjes bovenaan voor de talen.w. 
Translator: Winny 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Golden Book - Messages for Humanity - “The Last Time” via Alfred Steinecker

Golden Book - Page 23

The Golden Book 
Messages for Humanity 
“The Last Time”

On February 21, 2015

In the afternoon, I received the following, very profound, message from I AM. It is titled "The Last Time":


„It is now the last time that I will prepare you for the new epoch you see on the horizon.

Have confidence when the storm unleashes over you. It is a cleansing, which is important.

This period will not disrupt your day for much longer. Have faith in me, I will protect you.

Fate now provides your transition and new life blossoms in the eternity of love that I AM.

So be it, my children

Forever, forever

This message resonated deep within me and touched me in my heart...

Alfred: "Father-Mother, did you say I will no longer receive messages?"

I AM: „You will receive new messages that will lead to a world that is so different from what all have experienced. A new chapter is being written, which I will reveal to you soon. Pay attention to the wonders that await you."

Channel: Alfred Steinecker

Friday, February 20, 2015

Nederlands -- Het Gouden Boek – “De Maan valt/tuimelt om” Boodschappen voor de Mensheid.

Het Gouden Boek
“De Maan valt/tuimelt om”
Boodschappen voor de Mensheid.

Op 20 februari 2015: Ik ben nog gebiologeerd door de boodschap van de IK BEN die ik net heb ontvangen.  De boodschap voor de volgende pagina van Het Gouden Boek heet “De Maan Valt om”.


“Mijn kinderen, “De Maan Valt om” betekent dat de dag van waarheid eraan komt.
In vele eonen van tijd werden jullie ervan overtuigd dat de wieg van jullie oorsprong hier op Aarde was.

Wees niet verrast en luister als de winden van waarheid jullie oren bereiken.

Diep in jullie hart weten en begrijpen jullie dat jullie, die mijn kinderen zijn, kinderen van het Universum zijn.

Laat de waarheid in jullie stromen en geniet van het weten van wie jullie echt zijn.
Er zal veel vreugde en wonder zijn, als de deken van duisternis en onwetendheid wordt verwijderd.

Dus dit is wat verwacht wordt op het volgende moment, en dat zal Waarheid voortbrengen.
In eeuwigheid


Channeller: Alfred Steinecker

Vertaling: Winny

Mandarin -- 黄金书--给人类的信息--月亮翻转


时间2015 02 20











 翻译者: Shan-Athana